THE GARDEN OF THE SOUL: A MANUAL OF Spiritual Exercises and Enstructions FOR CHRISTIANS WHO, LIVING IN THE WORLD, ASPIRE TO DEVOTION. BY BISHOP CHALLONER. A New Edition, CONTAINING THE WAY OF THE CROSS, VISITS TO THE BLESSED LONDON: BURNS AND LAMBERT, 17 PORTMAN STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE. 125 18.5h186 PREFACE. THE present reprint of the Garden of the Soul retains all that is in general use in the original editions, and nearly in the same order; while it contains in addition several devotions which now form a necessary part of every Catholic prayer-book, such as the "Stations of the Cross," "Visits to the Blessed Sacrament," "Devotions to the Sacred Heart, &c. ;" with a number of Prayers to which Indulgences are attached. It has also been thought well to include the daily prayers, &c. from the Key of Heaven, thus combining in one volume the advantages of both. An alphabetical index is appended, which will obviate the difficulty hitherto felt of finding a particular devotion at the moment it is wanted. |