(II) 120 Or pours profufe on Earth; one Nature feeds The young dismiss'd to wander Earth or Air, 130 135 From A From private Sparkles raise the gen'ral Flame, 140 And bid Self-Love and Social be the fame. Thus as one Brood, and as another rose, These nat'ral Love maintain'd, habitual those; Saw helpless Him from whom their Life began: 145 That pointed back to Youth, this on to Age; While Pleasure, Gratitude and Hope, combin'd, Still spread the Int'reft, and preserv'd the Kind. Nor think in Nature's State they blindly trod; 150 The State of NATURE was the Reign of GOD: Self-Love and Social at her Birth began, UNION, the Bond of all Things, and of Man. Pride then was not; nor Arts, that Pride to aid; Man walk'd with Beast, joint Tenant of the Shade; 155 The fame his Table, and the same his Bed, No Murder cloath'd him, and no Murder fed. In the fame Temple, the refounding Wood, All Vocal Beings hymn'd their equal God: The Shrine with Gore unstain'd, with Gold undrest, 169 Unbrib'd, unbloody, stood the blameless Prieft : Heav'ns (13) Heav'ns Attribute was Universal Care, " Learn of the Mole to plow, the Worm to weave; " Spread the thin Oar, and catch the driving Gale. D 170 180 "Here * Vide Oppian Halieut. Lib. I. " Here too all Forms of social Union find, " And Anarchy without Confufion know, " And these for ever, tho' a Monarch reign, 185 190 " Their Sep'rate Cells and Properties maintain. " Mark what unvary'd Laws preserve their State, " Laws wife as Nature, and as fix'd as Fate. " In vain thy Reason finer Webs shall draw, " Entangle Justice in her Net of Law, 195 " And Right too rigid harden into Wrong, " Still for the Strong too weak, the Weak too strong. " Yet Go! and thus d'er all the Creatures Sway, " Thus let the Wifer make the rest obey, " Who for those Arts they learn'd of Brutes before, 200 " As Kings shall crown them, or as Gods adore." Great Nature spoke; observant Men obey'd ; Cities were built, Societies were made : Here 4 (15) Here rofe one little State; Another near And there the Streams in purer Rills descend ? : 215 "Till then, by Nature crown'd, each Patriarch fate, King, Prieft, and Parent of his growing State : On him, their second Providence, they hung, Their Law, his Eye; their Oracle, his Tongue. He, from the wondring Furrow call'd their Food, 220 Taught to command the Fire, controul the Flood, Draw forth the Monsters of th' Abyss profound, Or fetch th' Aerial Eagle to the Ground. Till drooping, sick'ning, dying, they began Whom they rever'd as God, to mourn as Man. 225 Then |