: Then, looking up from Sire to Sire, explor'd: 201 i 235 E're Wit oblique had broke that steady Light, Man, like his Maker, faw, that all was right, To Virtue in the Paths of Pleasure trod, And own'd a Father when he own'd a God. Love all the Faith, and all th' Allegiance then; For Nature knew no Right Divine in Men,A No Ill could fear in God; and understood A Sovereign Being but a Sovereign Good. True Faith, true Policy, united ran, 240 That was but Love of God, and this of Man. Th'enormous Faith of Many made for one? T'invert the World, and counter-work its Cause? 245 Then (17) Then shar'd the Tyranny, and lent it Aid, She taught the Weak to bend, the Proud to pray, 255 260 Then sacred seem'd th' Ætherial Vault no more; Altars grew Marble then, and reek'd with Gore: 265 Then first the Flamen tasted living Food; Next his grim Idol smear'd with human Blood; With Heav'ns own Thunders fhook the World below, And play'd the God an Engine on his Foe. 4 275 So drives Self-Love, thro' Just, and thro' Unjust, 270 To One man's Pow'r, Ambition, Lucre, Luft: The fame Self-Love, in All, becomes the Caufe Of what restrains him, Government and Laws. For what one likes, if others like as well, What ferves one Will when many Wills rebel? How shall he keep, what fleeping or awake A weaker may furprize, a stronger take? His Safety must his I iberty restrain; All join to guard what each defires to gain. Forc'd into Virtue thus by Self-Defence, Ev'n Kings learn'd Justice and Benevolence ; Self-Love forsook the Path it first purfu'd, And found the private in the publick Good. 'Twas then, the studious Head or gen'rous Mind, Follow'r of God, or Friend of Humankind, Poet or Patriot, rose, but to restore The Faith and Moral, Nature gave before; Re-lum'd her ancient Light, not kindled new ; If not God's Image, yet his Shadow drew; ; 280 285 Taught 1 فر (19) Taught Pow'rs due Ufe to People and to Kings, 290 Taught, not to flack, nor strain, its tender strings; The Lefs, and Greater, set so justly true, And jarring Int'refts of themselves create The according Musick of a well-mix'd State. 295 Such is the WORLD's great Harmony, that springs Where Small and Great, where Weak and Mighty, made More pow'rful each, as needful to the reft, 300 305 310 On On their own Axis as the Planets run, Yet make at once their Circle round the Sun: So two consistent Motions act the Soul, And one regards Itself, and one the Whole. Thus God and Nature link'd the gen'ral Frame, And bade Self-Love and Social be the fame. 320 N. B. The Rest of this Work will be published the next ...Winter. L |