Nor think, in Nature's state they blindly trod; The state of Nature was the reign of God: Self-love and social at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of man. An Essay on Man: Epistle III - Page 12by Alexander Pope - 1733 - 20 lehteFull view - About this book
| 1739 - 480 lehte
...they blindly trod, " The State of Nature was the Reign of God. ** Self-love and focial at herBirth began, *' Union, the Bond of all Things, and of Man...." Man walk'd with Beaft joint Tenant of the Shade, fcfr. Now let us hear Mr. de Croufaz, who knew no more of the Courfe of the Argument that led Mr. Pope... | |
| 1733 - 750 lehte
...nature' J »«e they blindly trod ; The fate of nature was the reign oj God '. Self-love and focial at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of man. Pride, then was net ; nor arts, that pride ti aid; anw,. The fame bis table, and the fame bis bed, No murder cloath'd... | |
| William Warburton - 1742 - 220 lehte
...Nature's State they blindly trod, The State of Nature was the Reign of God. Self-love, and focial, at her Birth began, Union, the Bond of all Things,...Man walk'd with Beaft, joint Tenant of the Shade. Now let us hear Mr. De Croufaz, who tells us, he had redoubled his Attention upon this Epijlle*. —... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 lehte
...Nor think, in NATURE's STATE they blindly trod ; The ftate of Nature was the reign of God : Self-love and Social at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of Man. 150 Pride then was not ; nor Arts, that Pride to aid ; Man walk'd with beaft, joint tenant of the fhade... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 274 lehte
...Nor think, in NATURE'S STATE they blindly trod ; The ftate of Nature was the reign of God : Self-love and Social at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of Man. 150 Pride then was not ; nor Arts, that Pride to aid ; Man walk'd with beaft, joint tenant cf the fhade... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 370 lehte
...Nor think, in NATURE'S STATE they blindly trod; The flate of Nature was the reign of God ; Self-love and Social at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of Man. 150 Pride then was not ; nor Arts, that Pride to aid -t Man walk'd with beaft, joint tenant of the... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 lehte
...Nor think, in NATURE'S STATE they blindly trod ; The ftate of Nature was the reign of God : Self-love and Social at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of Man. 150 Pride then was not ; nor Arts, that Pride to aid ; Man walk'd with beaft, joint tenant of the fliade... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1754 - 236 lehte
...preferv'd the kind. IV. Nor think, in NATURE'S STATE they blindly trod; 42 ESS 'AY ON MAN. EP. III. Pride then was not; nor Arts, that Pride to aid ; Man walk'd with beafl, joint tenant of the fhade j The fame his table, and the fame his bed; No murder cloath'd him,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 234 lehte
...Nor think, in NATURE'S STATE they blindly trod; The ftate of Nature was the reign of God : Sell-love and Social at her birth began, Union the bond of all things, and of Man. 150 Pride then was not ; nor Arts, that Pride to aid ; Man walk's! with beaft, joint tenant of the... | |
| 1733 - 748 lehte
...rrerfj The Jlate of nature TO«» tbe reign if God : Self-love and focial at her birth began, Union tbe bond of all things, and of man. Pride, then was not ; nor arts, that pride to aid; Manwalk'd with keajl,\om\. tenant oftbejbadu The hmehistakle, and tbe feme bis bed, No murder cloath'd... | |
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