NAMES OF CASES AND TABLE OF TITLES NOTED AND DIGESTED IN VOL. XLVIII. 517 REPORTED, NOTED, AND DIGESTED IN VOLUME XLVIII. 518 TABLE OF TITLES OF CASES REPORTED, NOTED, AND DIGESTED IN VOL. XLVIII. Examination of witnesses, 84, 271, 292 Executor, 8, 17, 211 False representation, 20 Fines and Recoveries' Act, 55, 132, 150 Foreclosure, 15, 251, 290 Frauds, Statute of, 212 Friendly society, 51 Habeas corpus, 39, 110 Husband and wife, 35, 109, 351 Inclosure of manor, 132 Income tax, 35 Indemnity, 211 Indictment, 112, 352 Injunction, 53, 166, 167, 179, 452 Interlocutory application, 51 Joint-stock company, 392 Jurisdiction, 51, 85 Laches, 35, 39, 51 Larceny, 112 Lease, 171 Legacy, 172, 210, 291 Legatee, 31, 231 Letters missive, 289 Letters patent, 109 Lighting and Watching Act, 37 Magistrate, 169 Maintenance, 17, 69 Malice, 150 Mandamus, 18, 38, 87, 126, 167 Manor, 172 Married woman, 31, 55, 129, 148, 187, 190, 211, Time bargains, 54 Title, 50, 52 Transfer of cause, 229 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XLVIII. ABOLISHED Courts of Request, 247 Admiralty Court amendment, 236 Advice to young lawyers, 427 Common Law procedure amendments, 63, 430 Costs, Law of, 8, 32, 50, 65, 66, 80, 125, 126, 223, Aggregate Meeting of Attorneys at Leeds, 465, 493 County Courts' extension, 4 Alien, purchase. of, 33 Arresting debtors going abroad, 430 Articled Clerks' queries, 32, 66, 410, 504 service under agreement, 64 service of Graduate with Special attending County Courts and Ma- Atkinson on Sheriff Law, 278 solicitor of married woman, 187 liability for insufficient security, 30 liability of separate estate of married woman, 483 Bill, 188, 195, 248 costs, taxation of, 239 Bar, how to get on at, 367 education of, 388 Barristers called, 145 County Court statistics, analysis of business, 108, statistics of, 29 further extension, 473 expense of administering, 104 Denman, Lord, memoir of, 453 Examinations at the Inns of Court, 82, 346 Bills of Exchange Registration Bill, 121, 159, 173, Fees of Courts of Law, 224 Fitz-James, Chief Justice, and Bishop Fitz-James, Forfeiture of leaseholds for non-insurance, &c., 341 Fusion of Law and Equity, 83 Grand jurors, non-attendance of, 349 Hamel's Laws of the Customs reviewed, 27 Husband and wife, leaseholds of, 469 Husack's Rights of British and Neutral Commerce, 520 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XLVIII. Incorporated Law Society, opposition of, to Joint | Parliament, returns, Common Law trials, 283 Stock Trust Bill, 73, 89, 113 annnal meeting, 161 Report of Council, 285, 303, 325 Partnerships dissolved, 68, 146, 248, 330, 431, 512 limited liability, 193, 393 Patents, report of Commissioners, 463 Inns of Court and Chancery Commission, 34, 52, Pauper suit, costs in, 125 153, 270, 421, 433 Insolvency, rent under, 33 Insurance against fire, 66 Langdale, Lord, character of, 349 appointments, 52, 69, 84, 109, 168, 209, 228, Fire Insurance Society, 104 Lawyers in parliament, 571 and Personal Acts, list of, 450, 470, 487, 509 London, city of, recommendations of Commissioners, 49 Commissioners to administer oaths in Lunacy, new orders, 299 Pedigree evidence, 366 Perpetual Commissioners, 68, 147, 247, 330, 431 Postponed law bills, 273 Pratt's Prize Courts, 123 Privileges of solicitors as to serving office, 187 Real estates charges, 237 Remuneration of solicitors, graduated percentage, 45, 133, 253, 287, 333 Rivalry of superior and inferior Courts, 150 Saturday half-holiday, 267, 282, 348, 430, 446, 469 Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, 391 costs, nonpayment of, 348 arrangements and regulation of their business, 373 plan of accounts, 313 Stamp Duties, 76, 136, 228, 455 on agreement, 391 Statutes, new, see Contents. construction of, 9, 31, 51, 80, 161, 262, 282, 304, 343, 390 Law Commission, 258, 350 revision and consolidation of, 413 Story on the Common Law, 371 Stowe, Mrs., on English Law and Lawyers, 390 Taxation of solicitors' costs, 169, 225, 239, 258, 280, 304, 345, 447, 502 And see Costs. Taxes on administration of Justice, see Administra▪ tion of Justice. Testamentary Jurisdiction Bill, 77 73, 89, 113 speech of counsel against, 89 Tudor on Partnership, 137 Tudor's Charitable Trusts' Act, 255 United Law Clerks' Society: annual report of, 164 Usury Laws repeal, 175 Vacation business, 305 Vendor and purchaser, 408, 429 Viva voce examination in Chancery, 104 Voluntary and incomplete settlements, 48 Warwick Assizes Bill, 137 Wife's equity to settlement, 309 Witnesses' Bill, 25 PRINTED BY G. J. PALMER, SAVOY STREET, STRAND. |