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238 Attaiment of Debts under the Common Law Procedure Act, 1855.-Correspondence.

73. What acts without personal violence trouble, although A. B. requires no re-assignconstitute the offence of assault? What are ment and is content with the delivery up of the the remedies to which the party assaulted is title-deeds, intending to cancel the mortgageintitled? and state the course of proceeding deed. Is the solicitor justified, under the cirand tribunals to which he may resort for re- cumstances, in making the demand, and could dress. not the mortgagor recover back the money or the principal part of it? AMICUS.

74. May any, and what, crimes be compounded or compromised without subjecting the parties to prosecution, and would any, and what, precautions protect them against such a consequence?

75. Define the offences of simony and its penal consequences to the patron and clerk severally.

76. In case of a witness in a criminal prosecution, to whom does the privilege of confidential communication extend?

77. State the different modes by which a parochial settlement may now be obtained, and in what respects the law on that subject has been altered within the last 25 years.

78. What is the ordinary tribunal for ascertaining the disputed settlement of a pauper, and is there any appeal to any other, and what tribunal, and state the course of proceeding both originally and on appeal.

79. What is the general rule as to the place of settlement of a bastard child, and what are the exceptions, if any, to the general rule?



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Referring to the letter of "Omicron," in a recent Number, I cannot resist expressing a wish that the Council of the Duchy would be consistent. The steward promulgated, in 1848, a tabular statement defining the fines to be demanded on the admission of new tenants to premises let on building leases. This land let at 57. a year ground-rent where the improved annual value is 50l., and where the lease has 30 years to run, a fine of 30l. 16s. 7d. would be taken on admission, being more than six years' ground-rent, and this notwithstanding a licence to demise. This is quite enough, in all conscience,-an attribute rarely flourishing, if existing at all, in public bodies.

Some offers have recently been made to enfranchise, and, rather inconsistently, the consideration for such enfranchisement is not in accordance with the above tabular statement, but, on the contrary, five years' rack-rent is demanded, being 2504., whereas other lords of manors are content, and very properly so, to enfranchise on receiving a compensation of five years on a ground-rent of 51., being 251. Is this fair, equitable, and just? I hope that the Council will see the propriety and necessity vidual the lord of the manor, and that in future of setting an example worthy the exalted indithey will abstain from holding forth that noble character as a solitary exception to the rule.


Correspondence.-Public Examination at the Inns of Court.-Attorneys to be Admitted. 239


Considering the well-known objections taken



by underwriters on marine policies, might it STUDENTS OF THE INNS OF COURT. not be desirable to enact a law or to insert a clause in each policy enabling a ship to deviate from its direct course, with a view to relieve another vessel in distress, without avoiding the policy.

There are instances where a captain has been deterred, under the most appalling circumstances, from aiding a sinking vessel, under an apprehension that the deviation might affect the policy.

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At the Examination held at Lincoln's Inn Hall on the 8th, 9th, and 10th days of Jan., 1855, the Council of Legal Education awarded to

Thomas Dundar Ingram, Esq., Student of Lincoln's Inn, a Studentship of Fifty Guineas per Annum, to continue for a period of Three Years.

John Simmonds, Esq., Student of the Inner Temple, a Certificate of Honour of the First Class.

J. W. Branson, Esq., Student of the Middle Temple; Boyd Kinnear, Esq., Student of the Inner Temple; R. A. Pritchard, Esq., Student of the Inner Temple; Robert Mackenzie, Esq., Student of the Middle Temple; Adolphus J. D'Allain, Esq., Student of Gray's Inn; Edwd. Henry Lovell, Esq., Student of the Middle Temple; and Joseph Park, Esq., Student of the Middle Temple, Certificates that they have satisfactorily passed a Public Examination. By Order of the Council, (Signed) RICHARD BETHELL, Chairman. Council Chamber, Lincoln's Inn, 15th January, 1855.

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6. Bennett, Francis Grey, Glossop 7. Booth, John the Younger, 5, Arthur-street, Old Kent-road; and Sherburn Grange 8. Borough, John, New-street, Spring-gardens

9. Boughton, John, 11, Chapel-street, Bedfordrow; Grenville-street; and Ross.

10. Boydell, Charles Field, 41, Queen-square, Bloomsbury.

11. Burnett, Rob. F., M,A., 23, Upper Woburnplace

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12. Clapham, Alfred Henry, 47, Baker-street, Lloyd-square; and Great Baddow

13. Clarke, John Osmund, 23, New Ormondstreet, Queen-square

14. Clarkson, Richard, Bewdley

15. Clegg, Charles, Bradford; and Whitby 16. Clifton, George Henry, 13, Waverley-place, St. John's-wood

17. Clifton, John Henry, Bedminster; and 2, Brunswick-place, Shepherd's-bush

18. Coham, Arscott Bickford, 27, Tysoe-street, Wilmington-square; and Parkstone

19. Cooke, Richard, 12, Surrey-terrace, Lorrimore-road; and Stamford

20. Croome, Thomas Myers, 73, Park-street, Grosvenor-square; and Cainscross

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W. Anderson, Liverpool

R. Ascroft, Preston

W. C. Venning, Token-house-yard; and J. J. Atwood, Aberystwith

W. B. Freeland, Saffron Walden

W. Bennett, Chapel-en-le-Frith

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R. W. Lumley, and F. J. Nicholl, Carey-street

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E. T. Clarkson, Calne

F. Smedley, Jermyn-street

J. J. Gutch, York; H. W. Ravenscroft, Gray'sinn-square; and J. B. Girling, Bristol

W. J. F. Marshall, Kettering; and W. Parr, Poole R. N. Thompson, Stamford; and G. L. P. Eyre, Montague-place

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23. Dobson, James Metcalfe, 22, Doughty-street,

24. Fairer, Christopher, Appleby
25. Ford, Gerard, Lincoln's-inn-fields
26. Foster, Wm. Chambers, 13, York-pl., Bromp-
ton; High Holborn; and Doctors' Commons
27. Fox, John, the Younger, 118, Great Russell-
street, Bloomsbury; and Saint Bees
28. Freer, Edward Hickman, 13, Acton-street,
Gray's-inn-road; and Stourbridge
29. Fulcher, Edmund Tyer, 7, Bloomsbury-place,
Bloomsbury-square; and Stanhope-street

30. Gale, George, Kingston-upon-Hull.
31. Glanvill, Samuel, 7 and 9, Vincent-terrace,
Pullen's-row, Islington

32. Godden, William, 8, Stanhope-place, Morn-
ington-crescent; and Woburn-place

33. Greaves, Albert, 11, Mornington place, Camberwell-new-road.

34. Grece, Clair James, 22, Hampton-terrace, Hampstead-road; and Brighton.

35. Grenfell, George Pascoe, 12, Albion-terrace, Islington; and Penzance

36. Griffith, John Robert, Llanrwst

37. Hansell, Peter Edward, 13, Southwood

terrace, Highgate

38. Harris, Charles Rice, Tredegar

39. Hardisty, Robert Richard, 6, Sussex-terrace,

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45. Hughes, William Hastings, 7, Boltons, West
Brompton; and St. Neots

46. Hurry, Henry, 215, Upper Thames-street
47. Jackson, Frederick, 18, Percy-circus, Penton-
ville; Camden-town; and Boston

48. Jennings, Thomas Amas, 25, Gloucester-gar

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To whom Articled, Assigned, &c.

R. Hart, Austin-friars

T. Brown, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; and W. C.
Bousfield, Gray's-inn-square

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J.G. H. Owen, Pontypool

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dens, Paddington; and Stockton-upon-Tees. J. R. Wilson, Stockton-upon-Tees 49. Jones, John Hughes, 5, New Ormond-street;

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61. Marrott, Thomas, 6, River-terrace, City-road. T. Lewis, Clement's-lane

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76. Sharp, Henry, Kingston-upon-Hull

77. Smith, Henry Shawe, 72, Arlington-street, Camden-town; and Broughton

78. Smith, Joseph, 76, Albert-street, Regent's park; and Albany-street

79. Smith, William Williams, 8, Rutland-street, Hampstead-road; and Cardigan

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A. Van Saudau, King-street

J. Sewell, Chatteris; G. Clark, New Brentford

A. Sharman, Bedford; T. W. Turnley, Bedford

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J. England, Kingston-upon-Hull

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J. Smith, Cardigan

80. Smith, William, Cambridge-st., Featherstone-
buildings; Vine-ball; Argyle-sq.; Maidstone E. Hoar, Maidstone

81. Tomlin, William, jun., 21, Great Percy-street,
Pentonville; and Northampton

82. Tucker, Robert Coard, 4, Cecil-street; and


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83. Waddington, W. Oakley, 4, Middle Bruns. wick-terrace, Barnsbury-road

84. Walker, Leasowe, Scarcroft

85. Walker, William John, 25, Stockbridge-ter.,
Pimlico; and Pontefract

36. Warren, John, Highbury-house, Islington
87. Watson, Peregrine, 29, Tavistock-place, Ta-
vistock-square; and Bedford-row.

88. Welch, John Bunn Kemp, 8, Store-street,


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89. Wharton, George Frederick, Manchester
90. Wheeler, Frederick George, Stroud; 67, Stan.
hope-st., Hampstead-road; and Rutland-st.
91. Whitaker, George, 16, Mount-st., Grosvenor-
square; and Kingston-upon-Hull.

92. Whitter, Tristram, 14, Soley-ter., Islington;
Bouverie-street; and Tiverton

57, Wharton-st., 93. Wilson, Edmund Law Isaac, 37, Lloyd-square; and Kendal .

94. Wood, Henry, 52, Great Coram-street; Grenville-st.; and Manchester

95. Wyman, George, 12, Binfield-road, Stockwell; and Fletton, near Peterborough

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C. Britten, Northampton

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Admission of Solicitors.-London Comrs. to Administer Oaths.-Professional Lists. ADMISSION OF SOLICITORS.

THE Master of the Rolls has appointed Wednesday the 31st of January instant, at the Rolls Court, Chancery Lane, at four in the afternoon, for swearing in Solicitors.

Every person desirous of being sworn on the above day must leave his Common Law Admission or his Certificate of Practice for the current year, at the Secretary's Office, Rolls Yard, Chancery Lane, on or before Tuesday, the 30th instant.

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Glyde, John the Younger, and William Glyde, Yeovil, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan.


Hilder, Edward Augustus, and George Matthews Arnold, Milton, next Gravesend, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 12.

Janson, Frederick Halsey, and Charles Cooper, 4, Basinghall Street, City, Attorneys

and Solicitors. Dec. 29.

Kingsford, Henry, Henry Coare Kingsford, and Thomas Norman Wightwick, Canterbury, Attorneys, Solicitors, and Conveyancers, so far as regards the said Henry Kingsford. Jan. 2.

Miller, James, and Anthony Carve, 24, Eastcheap, City, Attorneys and Solicitors.

Jan. 2.

Parker, Thomas James, Thomas Smith the Younger, and Arnold Parker, Sheffield, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 9.

Pemberton, Edward Leigh, and George Abraham Crawley, 20, Whitehall Place, Solicitors. Jan. 5.

Philipps, Henry and Edward Augustus Marsden, 4, Sise Lane, Bucklersbury, Attorneys and Solicitors. Dec. 29.

Rhodes, Charles Henry, James Lane, and Charles Henry Rownson Rhodes, 63, Chancery Lane, and 61, Gracechurch Street, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 19.

Riches, Thomas Hurry, Charles Woodbridge, and Charles Woodbridge the Younger, Uxbridge, Attorneys and Solicitors, so far as regards the said Thomas Hurry Riches. Jan. 5.

Robins, George and John Warry, 7, New Inn, Strand, Attorneys and Solicitors, Jan. 2.

Roy, Richard, and William Gascoigne Roy, 4, Lothbury, City, and 28, Great George Street, Westminster, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 16.

Staniland, Samuel, and Edward Atkinson, 30, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 2.

Sturney, Herbert, Henry Simpson, and Walter Stanton Bousfield, s, Wellington Street, London Bridge, and 14a, Philpot Lane, City, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 16.

Wright, Richard Seaton, George Frederick Smith, and John Shepherd, 15, Golden Square, Attorneys, Solicitors, and Parliamentary Agents. Jan. 2.


THIS Court will, on Tuesday the 6th day of

Barlow, John and John Partington, Aston, Manchester, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 2. Cooper, John Martin and Douglas Cooper, February next, and the two following days, Sunderland, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 9. hold Sittings, and will then proceed with the Finch, John and Charles Shepheard, 24, cases remaining unheard at the end of the Moorgate Street, City, Attorneys and Solici-Term, in the Special, Crown, and New Trial Foster, Ebenezer and Edmond Foster, 17, Papers, beginning with the New Trial Paper. Green Street, Cambridge, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 5.

tors. Jan. 2.

Gabell, Arthur Richard and William Lewis, Crickhowell, Attorneys and Solicitors. Jan. 16.

The Court will also hold a Sitting on Thursday, the 22nd day of Feb. next, for the purpose of giving Judgments only.

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