278 Unclaimed Dividends in Chancery-Causes undealt with for Fifteen Years. Hoyland v. Fardell. To answer the legacy to Francis Heartley Haring v. Gist Haslewood v. Green Haly v. Goodson Harvey v. Harvey. The real estate Jolly v. De Tastet Johnson v. Fothergill. Johnson Forster's account Jenner v. Hills Jones v. Hutcheson Johnston v. Johnston. An account to answer costs Jones v. Lowe Inglis v. Phillips Jones v. Stott Jenner v. Earl of Winchelsea Isdell v. Wynn. The account of the personal estate of Ann Isdell Jessopp v. Worseley. The Old South Sea Annuities reported due to Fountain Elwin as Harding v. Harding. The account of the executor of Phillippa Herbert, deceased defendant Samuel Harding, the infant Harmer v. Harris. The account of Eliza Hooper v. Jewell. In Master Pratt's Office Harrington v. Lawrence. The defendant Dodd v. Wynne Groves v. Evans, and Groves v. Evans and others. The separate account of the defendant James Evans, an infant In the matter of Sir John Honeywood, Bart. Higginson v. Gilby. St. Dunstan's Charity School Harrison v. Read Harris v. Rich Ilett v. Bryant Keen v. Aston. In Master Ord's office Knot v. Allen. The account of the infant plaintiffs William Knox Allen and Ann Knox Allen King v. Granger. John Granger's account Harrison v. Mansel. The account of Mar- in Master Graves's office garet Phillips King v. Granger. The contingent account Harrison v. Mansel. The account of George in Master Graves's office Cooch Kilvington v. Harrison. Hickes v. Nott. The account of John Mott Catherine Kettlewell's account Howard, Mary, deceased. The account of Heyden v. Owen. The account of the seamen belonging to his Majesty's ships Decade and Argonaut Hardy v. Oyston Hamby v. Puckeridge Horton v. Pulley. John Proctor's legacy account Horton v. Pulley. Matthew Pugh's legacy account Harding v. Quin Kennion v. Parke Knapp v. Pollock The defendant Hodgson v. Rigby. The defendant Thomas county of Westmoreland Unclaimed Dividends in Chancery.-Correspondence.-Circuits of the Judges. Lawson, otherwise Marriott v. Forman William Henderson and his children, their ac count Mawby, exparte Sir Joseph Stephen Hough, and Ann Wright Macclesfield Canal, exparte the Company of Proprietors of. The purchase from G. A. Ackers 279 be sufficient to entitle him to such admission, or would it be necessary for him to produce his Common Law admission in England on the 251. stamp? W. [We think that the original stamped admission should be produced; but if an admission has not taken place, then the articles of clerkship, with the Examiners' certificate, may, perhaps, entitle the applicant to admission in the Colonial Court.-ED. L. O.] COSTS OF MORTGAGEE. Referring to your last Number, page 262, I beg to say, in reply to "P. S.," that I am unable to refer to my former letter as to the mistake. The facts, however, were, that the mortgagor took the principal and interest to the mortgagee, who referred him to his solicitor, who insisted, before he would deliver over the deeds, on payment of nearly 41. for costs, which the mortgagor considers had not been incurred. That sum was not owing from the mortgagor, I consider the demand an iniquitous one, and or, as "P. S." erroneously states, mortgagee. consider that a fee of 6s. 8d. would have amply remunerated the mortgagee's solicitor for any trouble he had in receiving the money and handing over the deeds. AMICUS. ENFRANCHISEMENT OF COPYHOLDS. DUCHY OF CORNWALL. I have been informed that the officers of the Montague v. Garrett. The account of John duchy have lately thought fit to demand five Garrett Bussell, Mary Yates Bussell, Frances years' purchase for the enfranchisement of Louisa Bussell, William Marchant Bussell, copyholds situate close to Kennington ComLenox Bussell, and Charles Bussell, the chil-mon, and that estimated at rack-rents, although dren of William Marchant Bussell. Montague v. Garrett. The account of Elizabeth Mallock, Mary Fletcher, Harriett Fletcher, Jane Fletcher, Richard John Fletcher, and Charles Orlando Fletcher, the children of Elizabeth Fletcher Montague v. Garrett. The account of Louisa Jacune Bussell, William Bussell, Mary Bussell, Ellen Bussell, Agnes Bussell, and John Garrett Bussell Millsom v. Awdry. The account of the personal representative or representatives of Hannah Coe Mayo v. Barbor [To be continued.] SELECTIONS FROM CORRE- ADMISSION OF ATTORNEYS IN COLONIAL In the case of an attorney, articled in England, being desirous of admission on the Roll of Attorneys for New South Wales, would the production merely of the Examiners' certificate the houses are let on building leases, the copyholder being only entitled to the ground-rents, perhaps a twelfth or fifteenth part of the rackrents. I have no hesitation in saying that the amount demanded is about the value of the customary fee, and, of course, quite out of the question. will instruct our useful members for Lambeth I hope that some public spirited individual convene a meeting of the copyholders to peto bring the grievance before Parliament, or to tition her Majesty and the two Houses of Parliament on the subject. CIVIS. SPRING CIRCUITS OF THE JUDGES. (Jervis, L. C. J., will remain in Town.) OXFORD. Lord Campbell, C. J. and Martin, B. Wednesday, March 7, Worcester and City. 280 Spring Circuits of the Judges.-Proceedings in Parliament.-Legal Obituary. Wednesday, March 28, Monmouth. Saturday, March 31, Gloucester and City. NORFOLK. Pollock, L. C. B. and Wightman, J. Monday, March 5, Aylesbury. NORTHERN. Parke, B. and Cresswell, J. Friday, Feb. 16, Lancaster. Saturday, Feb. 24, Newcastle and Town. Wednesday, March 7, York and City. Wednesday, March 21, Liverpool. MIDLAND. Alderson, B. and Coleridge, J. Tuesday, Feb. 27, Northampton. HOME. Maule, J. and Platt, B. Tuesday, Feb. 27, Hertford. Monday, March 5, Chelmsford. Monday, March 12, Maidstone. Tuesday, March 20, Lewes. Monday, March 26, Kingston. WESTERN. Erle and Crowder, JJ. Wednesday, Feb. 28, Winchester. Wednesday, March 7, Salisbury. Monday, March 12, Dorchester. Thursday, March 15, Exeter and City. Thursday, March 22, Bodmin. Wednesday, March 28, Taunton. NORTH WALES. Tuesday, March 13, Welchpool. Thursday, March 22, Beaumaris. SOUTH WALES. Crompton, J. Thursday, March 1, Cardigan. Public Health-Sir B. Hall. For 2nd reading, Feb. 12. Common Law Procedure (Ireland). In Committee. reading, Feb. 21. Episcopal and Capitular Estates. For 2nd To Amend the Law of Partnership—Mr. Cardwell, Feb. 5. Bills of Exchange and Promissory NotesMr. Keating. For 2nd reading, Feb. 14. Bills of Exchange Registration. For 2nd reading. Judgments' Execution. For 2nd reading. Feb. 15. Law of Mortmain Amendment-Mr. Atherton. Feb. 13. Passengers by Sea Regulation-Mr. Peel. For 2nd reading. Metropolitan Local Management-Sir B. Hall, Feb. 9. Education-Sir J. Pakington, Feb. 15. LEGAL OBITUARY. THIS List comprises the names of Barristers and Solicitors, who have died since our former Obituary, vol. 48, pp. 484, 504. The names marked thus (*) were Members of the Incorporated Law Society. *Allen, William Henry, Solicitor, of 1, Clifford's Inn and Brook House, Lewisham, aged 71. He was principal of the Honourable Society of Clifford's Inn, and was admitted on the Roll Easter Term, 1826. Died October 20, 1854. Austen, Henry E., of 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. He was called Legal Obituary. to the Bar at the Inner Temple, November 18, | Berkshire, aged 65. 281 Admitted on the Roll Died September 28, Barrs, Edward, Solicitor, of Edgbaston, near Birmingham, aged 45. Admitted on the Hall, Frederick James, of Brighton, Sussex, Roll Trinity Term, 1842. Died December 29, Barrister-at-Law. He was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, June 29, 1827. Died October 19, 1854. 1854. Bernal, Ralph, Barrister-at-Law. He was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, February 8, 1810, and was first returned to Parliament in 1818, for Lincoln. He was elected for Rochester in 1820, for Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in 1841, and again for Rochester in 1847. He received the appointment of Chairman of Committees of the whole House in 1830, and held the office for 20 years. Died August 26, 1854. Berrey, John Alexander, one of the Clerks of Records and Writs. Died January 3, 1855. Briscoe, William, Solicitor, of Bath. Admitted on the Roll Easter Term, 1832. Died January 31, 1855. Brodie, Peter Bellinger, of 49, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Barrister-at-Law, aged 76. He was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple May 5, 1815. Died September 8, 1854. Croft, John, Solicitor, of 3, Basinghall Street, City (firm Stenning and Croft). Admitted on the Roll Michaelmas Term, 1846. Died September 24, 1854. Cuninghame, John, late one of the Lords of the Court of Sessions, aged 72. He was called to the Scottish Bar in 1807, was appointed Solicitor-General in 1837, and a Judge of the Supreme Court in 1837, and resigned his seat in May, 1853. Died November, 1854. Eden, Thomas, Solicitor, of 3, Salisbury Street Strand, and Alpha Cottage, Chiswick and Turnham Green. Admitted on the Roll Easter Term, 1832. Died September 18, 1854. Faircloth, William Wickham, Solicitor, of St. Albans. Admitted on the Roll Trinity Term 1829. Died September 27, 1854. Fox, Henry Burton, Solicitor, of Bridport, Dorsetshire, aged 33. Clerk to Guardians of the Union and the County Court. Admitted on the Roll Trinity Term, 1844. Died September 22, 1854. Fuller, Henry, late Attorney-General of the Island of Trinidad, aged 73. Died September 23, 1854. Goold, Wyndham, Barrister-at-Law, aged 39. He was called to the Irish Bar in 1837, and was returned to Parliament for Limerick in December, 1850. Died November 27, 1854. Gosset, Montague, Solicitor, of 4, Coleman Street, City, aged 62. Admitted on the Roll Hilary Term, 1840. Died October 21, 1854. Greenway, Kelygne, Solicitor, of Warwick, aged 80. He was admitted on the Roll in 1795, and retired from practice in 1833. He was High Sheriff of the county in 1841, and twice Mayor of Warwick. Died October 8, 1854. Griffith, William, Barrister-at-Law. He was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, May 12, 1820. Died September 30, 1854. Haines, James, Solicitor, of Faringdon, Herring, Oliver, of Heybridge Hall, Essex, Barrister-at-Law, aged 86. He was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, January 29, 1791. Died November 5, 1854. Hinde, Henry, Solicitor, of Woodend, near Sheffield, aged 45 (firm Smith & Hinde). Admitted on the Roll Trinity Term, 1831. Died September 27, 1854. Holmes, Henry, Solicitor, of Romsey, aged 70. For many years Town Clerk. Admitted on the Roll Michaelmas Term, 1805. Died September 22, 1854. Jee, Joseph, of 3, Churchyard Court, Temple, and Hartshill, Warwickshire, Barrister-at-Law, aged 33. He was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, November 20, 1846. Died November 9, 1854. Knox, Vicesimus, of 8, Stratford Place, Oxford Street, Barrister-at-Law, Bencher of the Inner Temple, and Recorder of Saffron Walden. He was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, February 3, 1804. Died Jan. 25, 1855. Lewis, William Stone, of Wood Hall, Shenley, Hertfordshire, Barrister-at-Law, and late Actuary of the Rock Life Assurance Company. Called to the Bar at Gray's Inn, April 26, 1815. Died September 18, 1854. Mears, John, Solicitor, of Bagshot, Surrey, aged 67. Clerk to the Magistrates. Admitted on the Roll Michaelmas Term, 1812. Died November 14, 1854. *Middleton, James, Solicitor, of 7, Furnival's Inn, Holborn, aged 51. Admitted on the Roll Easter Term, 1827. Died November 10, 1854. Mills, Austen Treffry, Solicitor, of Gosport, aged 36. Admitted on the Roll Michaelmas Term, 1842. Died December 25, 1854. Musgrave, William, First Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court at the Cape of Good Hope. Called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, June 23, 1814. Died October 6, 1854. Parkinson, John, Solicitor, of 66, Lincoln's Inn Fields (firm Farrer & Co.), aged 75. Admitted on the Roll Hilary Term, 1802. Died January 30, 1855. Phillimore, Joseph, D.C.L., Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Oxford, and Chancellor of the Dioceses of Worcester, Oxford, and Bristol, aged 77. He was also Commissary to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's and to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, Judge of the Cinque Ports, her Majesty's Advocate in her office of Admiralty, and Judge of the Consistory Court of Gloucester. Admitted to the College of Doctors of Law, November 21, 1804. Died February 1, 1855. Robertson, Hon. Patrick, one of the Judges of the Court of Session, aged 60. He was called to the Scottish Bar in 1815, was elected 282 Legal Obituary.-Insolvent Debtor's Court.-Notes of the Week. dean of the faculty in 1842, and a Lord of of Exchange, has passed the House of Lords Session in November, 1843. Died January 10, 1855. Rutherford, Right Hon. Andrew, one of the Judges of the Court of Session and a Privy Councillor, aged 62. He was called to the Scottish Bar in 1812, was appointed SolicitorGeneral in 1837 and Lord Advocate in 1839, and was elevated to the Bench in 1851. Died December 13, 1854. Shepherd, Charles, Solicitor, of Tenterden, Kent. Clerk to the Union. Admitted on the Roll Trinity Term, 1828. Died September 10, 1854. Stevenson, Anthony, Solicitor, of 1, Victoria Street, Holborn Bridge (firm Stevenson and Ley). Admitted on the Roll Michaelmas Term, 1848. Died February, 1855. Tayler, John Hutton, of Woburn Square, Barrister-at-Law, aged 27. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, May 1, 1854. Died December 15, 1854. Townson, Richard, Solicitor, of Moorgate Street Chambers, and 6, Wellclose Square, aged 66. For many years Vestry Clerk of St. George's in the East, Middlesex (firm, Morris, Stone, Townson, and Morris). Admitted on the Roll Trinity Term, 1838. Died November 13, 1854. INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. and been read a first time in the Commons. Mr. Keating has brought in his Bill "to facilitate the Remedies on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes by the prevention of frivolous or fictitious Defences to Actions thereon." The defendant, it is proposed, shall, in actions commenced according to the special form of writ given in the Bill, obtain leave of the Court or a Judge to appear and plead ;-without which permission, the plaintiff may sign final judgment in eight days. UNOPPOSED PETITIONS IN CHANCERY. Vice-Chancellor Kindersley, at the rising of the Court, on the 30th January, said, that a practice had existed, and which had been considered a convenient one, of allowing a certain number of unopposed petitions to be placed in the paper any morning, the papers having been left one clear day previously; but it was found that, although such a course did tend in some measure to relieve the general paper, yet that it caused so much inconvenience in other ways that for the future it would not be continued. LAW APPOINTMENTS. THE Queen has been pleased to grant the place of one of the Lords of Session in Scotland to Thomas Mackenzie, Esq., her Majesty's Solicitor-General for Scotland, in the room of NEW RULE ON COMMITMENTS BY COUNTY Patrick Robertson, Esq., deceased. Her Majesty has also been pleased to appoint Valentine Fleming, Esq., to be Chief Justice of the colony of Van Diemen's Land. Mr. William Stephen Daglish, Solicitor, of missioner to administer Oaths in the High Newcastle-on-Tyne, has been appointed a ComCourt of Admiralty. Mr. John Twist Taylor, of Windermere, has been appointed Clerk to the Burial Board of Bowness. The Recorder of Newcastle-on-Tyne has apprinted Mr. William Lockey Harle, Solicitor, to be Deputy Recorder. Mr. Thomas Henry Field has been appointed Clerk to the Burial Board of Alverstoke, Hants. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Sydney Smith Bell, Esq., to be first Puisne Judge, and John Watts Ebden, Esq.. to be the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope; James second Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Lushington Wildman, Esq., to be Secretary Registrar, and Clerk of the Council for the Island of Grenada; and Francis Smith, jun., Esq., to be Attorney-General for the Colony of Van Diemen's Land. Her Majesty has also been pleased to appoint Arthur Brigge, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, to be a Police Magistrate and Justice of the Peace for the borough of Brighton. Mr. Edward Lawton Hannam was on the 7th February admitted a Proctor of the Arches' Court by virtue of a rescript from his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. |