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THE author of this humble attempt to restore belief in the Scriptural Deluge, accidentally picked up (in the year 1810) some chalk fossils, which then gave him the impression that the upheaved chalk Downs must be part of the "garment" of the earth renewed at the Deluge.

The original impression constantly increased, and he now offers the result of his researches on this subject during a period of more than half a century, much regretting that they militate against the recorded opinions of many eminent men he respects; but he is himself upheld by conscious rectitude of purpose, feeling that he has closely followed Scriptural narration in the description of the great Flood; to him at least firm belief in the Deluge of Noah is requisite for belief in the Bible.

The reader is particularly requested, before perusal of this brochure, to turn to page 39, and correct the mistakes of the eleventh line from the top, so that it may read as follows:-" times, cognizant of the Metonic cycle; THAT of six;" a few less important misprints may be corrected when observed; such as slags, printed instead of snags; "mastricating" instead of masticating; "metaphoric" (at page 116) should have been metamorphic; and No. 8, plate vii., the word "carbonate" should have been sulphate; at page 30, (second line) "fifth" should be sixth; and at page 163, Baron Cuvier has his name unintentionally misspelt. The third (concluding) volume will be reserved for replies to those who persist in advocating a partial Deluge, and for further proofs and specimens tending to support the Biblical Deluge in its integrity.

"The Flint Cores allued to, were described and deline"ated in vol. III, No. x., of the Geological Magazine for "October, 1866, page 423."

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