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helped us, O God!" Dear Lord, in the work we are doing in thy name we grow discouraged: the raising of money, the winning of girls, the entering into new places, the breaking down of prejudice, the holding fast to thy name as our basis of inspiration, all tax our utmost strength-and we would have it so, for only thus may we attain the fulness of thy presence. But let us see thy face with increasing clearness. Withdraw not thyself from us, but lead us, guide us, cheer us, O Thou who livest and lovest us.


HAT Thou hast graciously hearkened to the de


building wherein to labor with unfaltering devotion for the welfare of thy children, that Thou hast set it as a beacon and a promise to all women who stretch out their hands in longing for thy greater gifts, we bless and magnify thy holy Name, Father eternal.

That Thou in thine infinite goodness hast been pleased to entrust us with a large task, hast bidden us lift up our eyes from afar and behold this land, which may be our heritage will we but enter in and possess it; that Thou hast thus shared with us thy vision of the young women of our country fulfilling all thy glorious laws in fullest radiance of life, we bless and magnify thy holy Name, Father eternal. Amen.

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GOD, the Father of all mankind, we pray for

all the nations of the earth; more especially for thy servant the President of the United States, for the Congress, and for all the people of this Republic; that all things may be so ordered and settled that truth and justice, piety and peace may be established among us to all generations. Amen.

ORD of Hosts, help us to do our small part toward the closing of the chasm between the strong and the weak, the rich and the poor; to cast into it all pride, and prejudice; luxury and lust; envy, and covetousness; the insolence of riches, and the rancor of poverty; that we may fill it full and make a highway for our Leader to pass over, and for all the people to walk in together. So may we establish the Republic and build in America the Holy City. This we ask in the name of Him who maketh men to be of one mind in an house; who giveth integrity to states; who confoundeth the tongues of foolish counsellors; Brother of man and Desire of the nations, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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THOU Holy One,

forgive, we pray Thee, our sins against the spirit of peace and brotherhood, by thought or word or deed. Forgive the sins of the nations. Forgive the sin of Christendom against the spirit and temper of its Divine Master; for his sake, who loved us and taught us to love one another. Amen.

HOU who art the God of all Comfort, draw near


to us to-day. We hear Thee bid us lift up our hearts, and we would lift them up unto Thee, O Lord. Thou dost know us altogether, and we are unafraid as Thy loving eye reads our secret thoughts. As a father pitieth his children, so dost Thou pity us; and as one whom his Mother comforteth so dost Thou comfort us. We are at rest because Thou knowest us; we are at peace because Thou forgivest us; we are made strong because Thou abideth with us. In this confidence in Thee help us to live. By this faith help us to endure whatever may threaten to destroy our peace. Whom have we, O Lord, but Thee? Into Thy hands we commit ourselves for life, and for that which lies beyond our mortal vision, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

DEAR Lord and Father of Mankind, wilt thou

bless this building to Thy use? Bless the women who will work here. May they realize the privileges and the responsibility that are theirs. Lighten their burden and show them their opportunity. Bless the mothers and the fathers. Show them how they can so co-operate with their daughters that the home and the Association may be an unbroken influence for the moral and physical welfare of the girl. But especially we crave Thy blessing for the girls themselves. May they be just and fair in their work and in their play. May the love of kindness fill their hearts and may they have

that humility which denotes modesty and purity of mind. Let love and happiness reign here, we beseech Thee, O Lord. Amen.

FATHER of light and God of all truth, purge the whole world from all errors, abuses, corruptions and sins. Beat down the standard of Satan, and set up everywhere the standard of Christ. Abolish the reign of sin, and establish the kingdom of grace in all hearts. Let humility triumph over pride and ambition; charity over hatred, envy, and malice; purity and temperance over lust and excess; meekness over passion; and disinterest and poverty of spirit over covetousness and the love of this perishing world. Let the Gospel of Christ, in faith and practice, prevail throughout the world. Amen.

men, and who has called them, by thy Prince of Peace, into a kingdom not of this world; send forth his spirit speedily into the dark places of our guilt and woe, and arm it with the piercing power of thy grace. May it reach the heart of every oppression, and make arrogancy dumb before Thee. Let it still the noise of our strife and the tumult of the people; put to shame the false idols of every mind; carry faith to the doubting, hope to the fearful, strength to the weak, light to the mourners, and more and more increase the pure in heart who see their God. Commit

thy word, O Lord, to the lips of faithful men, or to the free minds of thine invisible Providence; that soon the knowledge of Thee may cover the earth as the waters cover the channel of the deep. And so let thy kingdom come through Christ, thy Son.

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GOD who hast made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son to preach peace to them that are far off and to them that are nigh; grant that all men everywhere may seek after Thee and find Thee. Bring the nations into thy fold, and add the heathen to thine inheritance. And we pray Thee shortly to accomplish the number of thine elect, and to hasten thy kingdom; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

E thank Thee for our inheritance in the nation


love; for the calling and privileges of the Republic, for the enrichment of mutual interest and service, for exchange of thought, for brotherly emulation, for mutual aid. We thank Thee for the gifts of the past and the hope of the future; for the noble traditions and high ideals committed to our charge; for civil and religious liberty; for the open Bible, and the inviolable conscience; for the gospel of thy grace; for the awakening sense of brotherhood and social obligation; and for the hope of the coming of thy kingdom. Amen.

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