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1847,-10° & 11° VICTORIÆ,




I. An Act to enlarge the powers of the Trinity House of Montreal, in certain cases where
the public health of the City may be endangered,



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XIV. An Act for taking the Census of this Province, and obtaining Statistical Infor-
mation therein,


XV. An Act to amend the Law of Imprisonment for Debt, in Upper Canada,

XVI. An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the ninth year of Her Majesty's
Reign, intituled, An Act to consolidate and amend the Registry Laws of that part of
this Province which was formerly Upper Canada,




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XVII. An Act to exempt the property of the Crown from Local Rates and Taxes in
Lower Canada,

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XVIII. An Act to extend the Provisions of the Marriage Act of Upper Canada to Mi-
nisters of all denominations of Christians,

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XIX. An Act for amending the Common School Act of Upper Canada,
XX. An Act to amend, explain and continue an Act passed in the Seventh year of the
Reign of Her Majesty, intituled, An Act to prevent Obstructions in Rivers and Riru-
lets in Upper Canada,

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XXI. An Act for the organization of the Notarial Profession in that part of this Province
called Lower Canada,

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XXII. An Act to remove all doubts as to the validity of certain Instruments and Docu-
ments executed before Notaries in Lower Canada,

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XXVI. An Act to incorporate the Members of the Medical Profession in Lower Canada,
and to regulate the Study and Practice of Physic and Surgery therein,

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XXVII. An Act to amend the Act to authorize the Quebec Trinity House to License as

Pilots a certain class of persons therein mentioned,




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XXXV. An Act to amend an Act for granting relief to the sufferers by the Fires at

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LIII. An Act to define and establish the Boundary between the Fourth Concession of Mon-

tague and North Elmsley,

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LVIII. An Act to authorize the payment of School Money to the Teachers in the Bathurst
District, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, notwithstanding that
there was no Assessment for Schools in that District in the said year,

LIX. An Act to authorize the Commissioners for the Dundas and Waterloo Macadamized
Road to borrow Money to enable them to complete the said Road, and for other pur-

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LXIV. An Act to incorporate the St. Lawrence and Industry Village Rail-road Com-

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Company, and to extend the powers of the said Company,

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LXXXVI. An Act to revive and extend the Act incorporating the Humber Harbour and

LXXXVII. An Act to amend the Act incorporating The Cobourg and Rice Lake Plank


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