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assign them some importance. These very leaders may, no long time hence, be called on to hold office, and to bear sway, among other things, over an Ireland disappointed of Home Rule. What will be the consequences in Ireland if Home Rule is uncompromisingly put aside? Have we not, in that case, another organised rebellion to fear, and that, not from one-fourth, but from three-fourths of the population? And with what arguments will the Conservative leaders, who have sanctioned the rebellion of Ulster, meet the rebellion of the rest of Ireland? We do not mean to imply that a rebellion of Ulster against Home Rule and a rebellion of Ireland against the Act of Union would be on all fours; nor need we here emphasise the differences. But, whatever defence may be made for the suppression of a rebellion in the second case, it will be hard to convince the man in the street that Ministers who engaged in such a task, after sanctioning rebellion in Ulster, were men of consistency and honour. In any case, we must venture to doubt whether, from this point of view-not to mention the more serious objections raised above-they were right in committing themselves, still more in committing their party.

However, wise or not, the thing has been done; and armed rebellion against the authority of the Imperial Parliament is in plain prospect. It is a grievous and a hazardous situation. What, then, is the upshot of all this? We hope, on every ground, that the Home Rule Bill will be defeated; but the defeat of the Bill will not settle the Irish question. Steady, continuous and benevolent government of Ireland for twenty years, according to the late Lord Salisbury's recipe, would do much, no doubt, to attain that end; but what chance is there of twenty, or even ten years of such government? And even after it, would the Irish question be really settled? Would the demand for self-government-in some respects a thoroughly intelligible, even admirable sentiment-be appeased? We do not think so. A compromise of some sort must eventually be found. Surely such a problem is not insoluble by the combined wisdom of British legislators, or of the English-speaking race, which has solved more difficult problems in Australia, in South Africa, in Canada, in the United States, and has slowly built up in these islands a political system till lately the most just, the most firm,

and at the same time the most flexible and the most capable of continuous development, which the world has ever seen. If the country has found it insoluble so far, it is because the party system, carried to the lengths which it has now reached, has made the solution of such questions by common action, by common consent, in short by compromise, impossible.

It is obvious that at least one form of compromise is open, on the most dangerous point of all, that of Ulster. The four counties, at least, should be omitted from the operation of the Bill; and the Imperial Exchequer should boldly and generously face the question of supplying the deficiency which such an omission would cause in the Irish Exchequer. That is the least that we can do; and we could not employ our enormous wealth better than in thus supplementing the needs of a poorer country. Mr Dillon and other fanatics might object; but, if the British Parliament were united on the point, their objections, which would thenceforth have no material basis, might safely be ignored. If this suggestion turn out to be impracticable, some other solution must and doubtless can be discovered. Things cannot be allowed to go on as they are, or to grow worse. The present situation is the most difficult and dangerous in which the country has found itself for the last two hundred and fifty years. Is it too late to hope that, even now, these accursed party feuds may for a little space be laid aside, and that, by conference and common deliberation, some solution of the difficulty, some way of avoiding the impending danger, may be found?


P. 368, line 20, delete 'living.'





[Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type. The names of authors of
articles are printed in italics.]



Abbott, G. F., The Tripolitan War,'
Acton, Lord, on the belief of Catho-
lics, 17.

Aeroplanes and Airships, 220-
invention of the aeroplane, 226—
wing-control for balance, 227-ir-
regularity of the velocity of the
wind, ib. dividing planes, 228-
problem of flight, 229-analogy of
the imp, 230, 232-the wings and
propeller, 230-size of wings in
racing aeroplanes, 231-the shape,
ib.-wide span of the lifting sur-
face, 232-the 'aspect ratio,' 233—
a biplane, 234-solution of the
principle of balancing, 234-237-
adoption of the inward-sloping
position, 237-tendency to centri-
fugal movement, 238-effect of
rudder-action, 239-use of warp-
ing and ruddering, 240-a side-
slip, ib.-use of the fin or Vee,
241-244-adoption of a vane, 245–—
employment of a subsidiary plane,
ib.-starting and landing, 246-
skids and wheels, 247.

Africa, South, character of cricket,
502-development of 'googlie'
bowling, 503.

[ocr errors]

'Against Home Rule: The Case for
the Union,' 266.
Airships and Aeroplanes, 220-
experiments of the Jesuit Lana,
221-use of hydrogen, 222—dura-
tion of a balloon journey, 223-ex-
periments on the shape of an air-
ship, ib. - its capabilities and
utility, 225-invention of the aero-
plane, 226.


Andreyef, L., style of his plays, 21-
'The Days of our Life,' 23.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of the early master-masons, 138-
influence of Italian art, 138, 142
et seq.-Revival of Learning, 140—
Gothic, 141-works of Italian ar-
tists, 143, 144, 147, 149-influence
of the Jesuits, 145-production
of domestic buildings, 146-pre-
dominance of academic uniformity,
147-influence of Serlio, ib.-the
work of Francis I, 148-method of
building the chateaux, 150-the
work of P. De l'Orme, 151-J.
Bullant, 152-P. Lescot, 153-Neo-
Classic style, 155, 157-post-Tri-
dentine style, 155-construction of
the Louvre and the Luxembourg,
156-country-houses, ib.-Sir C.
Wren's visit to Paris, 157-Rococo
spirit, 158.

Arnold, Dr, his influence on educa-
tion, 2-religious views, 9.
Arnold, Matthew, his power as a

critic, 2, 10-religious views, 10.
Asquith, Rt Hon. H. H., M.P., his
introduction of the Home Rule
Bill, 267, 270.

Australians, their mode of playing
cricket, 500-502.


Balfour, Rt Hon. A. J., M.P., on the
Home Rule Bill, 279.

Banister v. Thompson, case of, 181
et seq.

Barbour, Sir D., 'The Standard of
Value,' 491.

Baring, Maurice, 'Russian Essays
and Stories,' 22.
Barrès, Maurice, 110-his charac-
teristics, 110, 125-birth, 111-
education, 112-at the Lycée of
Nancy, ib.-studies law, 114-his
first essays, ib.-'Sous l'œil des
Barbares,' 115-'L'Homme Libre,'
116-119-Le Jardin de Bérénice,'
119 L'Ennemi des Lois,' 120-122
-Les Déracinés,' 122-his watch-

2 s

[blocks in formation]

Blomfield, R., A History of French
Architecture,' 136 et seq.

Browning, R., "The Ring and the
Book,' 68 et seq.

Browning, Robert, 437-centenary

of his birth, ib.-circumstances of
his life, 438-originality, 439-
influenced by the invisible pressure
of the moral atmosphere, 440, 443-
a spiritual adventurer born out of
due time, 441-lightning power of
assimilation, 443-character of his
plays, 444-448-his dramatic mono-
logue, 448-'The Ring and the
Book,' 451-character of his lyrics,
452-freedom from sentimentality
and hysteria, 455—unique style, ib.
-language, 456.

Brusof, V., 'The Axle of the Earth,'

Bullant, J., character of his build-
ings, 152-treatises, 153.

Burghclere, Lady, 'The Life of James,
First Duke of Ormonde,' 459.


Calderon, George, The Russian
Stage,' 21.

Cambray, P., 'Irish Affairs and the
Home Rule Question,' 266.
Canada, influence of the Panama
Canal on railway transportation,
318, 320-the Adamson Bill, 318—
Reciprocity Act, 554.

Carson, Sir E., his opinion of the
Parliament Act, 574.

Cayley, Sir G., his articles on flight,

Cecil, Algernon, 'Two Seventeenth-

Century Men of Action,' 458.
Cecil, Lord Hugh, his view on Home
Rule for Ireland, 574, 580.
Churchill, Rt Hon. W., M.P., on the
opposition of Ulster to the Home
Rule Bill, 562-his letter to Sir G.
Ritchie, 563-speech at Dundee,

Church of England and its relation

[blocks in formation]

Conrad, Joseph, and Sea Fiction,
159-his characteristics, 159, 166-
seamanship, 160-The Nigger
the "Narcissus," 160, 165, 175-
individual and isolated genius, 12
-seafaring novels, ib.-his know
ledge of the sea, 165-qualite
needed for a good seaman, 167-
literary expressiveness, 168-Lord
Jim,' 169-The Outcast of the
Islands,' 170—The Secret Agent
171—‘Under Western Eyes,' 172–
his faults of construction, 173-
realistic touches, 174 - intrinsic
interest of each paragraph, 175–
humour, ib.-irony, 176-Tales f
Unrest,' 177-his character Single
ton, 178.

Couchoud, P. L., 'Benoît de Spinoza'
407, 409.

Cricket, Recent, 499-failure as a
commercial concern, ib.-play of
Australians, 500-502-South Afri
cans, 502-googlie' bowling,' 50
-result of the triangular tourna
ment, 504-county championship.
505-proposal to divide the counties
into two divisions, 506-standard
excellence in first-class, 507-finan-
cial aspect, 508-causes of the un-
popularity, 509-school matches,

Criminals, number of, 52, 59.


Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage
Act, result, 192, 200.

Déchelette, J., Les vases céramiques
ornés de la Gaule Romaine,' 326,

Despatys, Baron, his description of
Mlle Coignard, 514 note-of Mile
de Castellane, 532 note.
Dibdin, Lewis T., Roman Canon
Law in England,' 413.

Dicey, Prof. A. V., 'A Leap in the
Dark,' 266.

Domaszewski, A. von, 'Geschichte
der römischen Kaiser,' 326.
Duclaux, Mary, 'Maurice Barrès,'


Dymof, O., 23-his play 'Cain,' 24.

Eugenics, The Study of, 43—ques-
tion of biological fitness,' 44-
average annual death-rate, 45-

[ocr errors]


decline in mortality from preven-
tive medicine, ib.-statistics on
increase of sickness, 46-decline of
infant mortality, 47-deaths from
'immaturity,' ib.-result of medi-
cal inspection of school children,
48 increase of insanity, ib.
number of the feeble-minded, 49,
58-report on pauperism, 50-52,
58-crime, 52, 59-influence of
heredity, 54, 58-environment, 55
-decline of parental responsibility,
56-development of State super-
vision, ib.-improvement of econo-
mic conditions, 57-decline of the
birth-rate, 59-61-result of the
process of natural selection, 62-
'restrictive' method, 63-'con-
structive,' 64-reasons for dimin-
ished propagation, ib.
Excommunication, 181-increasing
divergence between Church and
State, 182-Church of England and
its relation to the marriage law, ib.
-the use of excommunication, 184,
#188-three ways of exclusion from

Holy Communion, 185-192 — its
civil disabilities, 188-result of the
abeyance of discipline, 190-defini-
tion of the term 'open and notorious
evil liver,' 191, 199-result of the
Deceased Wife's Sister's Act, 192-
the case of Mr Banister, 193, 198
-Mr Puller's denunciation, 194,
200-practice of the Roman Church,
195-changes in the marriage law
after the Reformation, 196-the
Canons of 1603, 197 result of
Canon Thompson's suit against
the Banisters, 198-200.


Fawkes, Rev. A., 'The Ideas of Mrs
Humphry Ward,' 1.

Ferrero, G., 'Grandezza e Decadenza
di Roma,' 330, 333.

Fisher, Prof. I., 'The Purchasing
Power of Money,' 491 et seq.
Fisher, J. R., The End of the Irish
Parliament,' 266.

Fouché, Joseph, 512-his birth and
ecclesiastical training, 513 - an
Oratorian, ib.-president of the
club of Friends of the Consti-
tution,' 514-his marriage, ib.-
characteristics, 515, 520, 527-poli-
tical life, 515-his vote for the
execution of Louis XVI, 515, 521—
programme of an integral revo-
lution,' 516-profanations, ib.-
cruelties at Lyons, 517-519-re-
called to Paris, 519-influence on
the overthrow of Robespierre, 520

-denunciations against him, 522
-arrest decreed by the Conven-
tion, ib.-plots with Barras, 523-
amasses a fortune, ib.-ambassador
to the Cisalpine Republic, and his
mission to Holland, 524-Minister
of the General Police, 524, 529-
dissolves the club of the Rue du
Bac, 525-relations with Napoleon,
525-528-created Duke of Otranto,
527-dismissed from his post of
Police Minister, 528-Governor-
General of the Illyrian Provinces
and Imperial Commissary-General
in Italy, ib.-retires to Ferrières,
529-influence on the restoration
of Louis XVIII, 529-531-policy of
moderation, 531-second marriage,
532-character of his career, ib.-
ambassador at Dresden, 533-exile
and death, 534-his ruling passion
the lust of power, ib.

Fowler, W. W., 'Social Life at Rome
in the Age of Cicero,' 326.
Fraser, Maior-General Sir T., 'The
Military Danger of Home Rule for
Ireland,' 266.

French Renaissance Architec-
ture, 136. See Architecture.

[ocr errors]


Galton, F., Enquiries into Human
Faculty,' 65.

Germany, result of the war with
France, 206-industrial expansion,

Spinoza, and the
Moderns, 390-his respect for
Spinoza, 402-use of the 'Ethic,'
ib.-'a pious pantheist,' 403-an
evolutionist, ib.-belief in immor-
tality, 404-views on government,
405-on Art and Nature, 408.
Gold, estimated annual production,

Gordon, Home, 'Recent Cricket, 499.
Gorky, M., his play 'Petits Bour-
geois,' 25-Vassa Zheleznova,' 26
-and other plays, 28.

Grane, Rev. W. L., 'The Passing of
War,' 218.


Haeckel, Prof., 'Riddle of the Uni-

verse,' extract from, 391-'Mon-
ism,' 398.

Harris, F. R., The Life of Edward
Mountagu, First Earl of Sand-
wich,' 458, 472.

Haverfield, F., Roman History since
Mommsen,' 323.

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, terms of the,
305, 310.

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