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Holds his post by letters patent durante bene placito. By the stat. 21

Henry VIII. he is to attend the Queen's person, to manage the debates in council, to propose matters from the Queen at the council, and to report of the Queen the Resolutions thereupon.

[blocks in formation]

Earl of Chatham.
Duke of Portland.
Viscount Sidmouth.
Marquess Camden.
Earl Fitzwilliam.
Viscount Sidmouth.
Marquess Camden.
Viscount Sidmouth.
Earl of Ilarrowby.
Duke of Portland.
Earl Bathurst.

Marquess of Lansdowne.
Earl of Rosslyn.

Marquess of Lansdowne.
Lord Wharncliffe.
Duke of Buccleuch.
Marquess of Lansdowne.
Earl of Lonsdale.

Earl Granville.
Lord John Russell.
Earl Granville.

Marquess of Salisbury.
Earl Granville.
Duke of Buckingham.
Marquess of Ripon.
Lord Aberdare.
Duke of Richmond.


So called from his having the Privy Seal in his custody, which he must not put to any grant without warrant under the Queen's signet. This seal is usea to all charters, grants, and pardons, signed by the Queen, before they come to the Great Seal.

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The Lord Treasurer, whose office is now executed by Lords Commissioners, hath the appointment of all officers employed in collecting the revenues of the Crown; he hath the nomination of all escheaters, and the disposai of all places and ways relating to the revenue; and power to let leases of the Crown Lands.

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First Lords.

Duke of Newcastle.
Earl of Bute.
George Grenville.
Marquess of Rockingham.
Duke of Grafton.
Lord North.

Marquess of Rockingham.
Earl of Shelburne.
Duke of Portland.
Right Hon. William Pitt.
Right Hon. Henry Addington.
Right Hon. William Pitt.
Lord Grenville.
Duke of Portland.

Right Hon. Spencer Perceval.
Earl of Liverpool.
Right Hon. George Canning.
Viscount Goderich.
Duke of Wellington.
Earl Grey.

Viscount Melbourne.
Duke of Wellington.
Sir Robert Peel, bart.
Viscount Melbourne.
Sir Robert Peel, bart.
Lord John Russell.
Earl of Derby.
Earl of Aberdeen.
Viscount Palmerston.
Earl of Derby.

Viscount Palmerston.
Earl Russell.
Earl of Derby.

Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli.
Right Hon. William-Ewart Gladstone.
Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli.


Chancellors of the Exchequer.

1783, July 1801, July 1804, April 12, 1806, Feb. 5,



Right Hon. William Pitt.
Right Hon. H. Addington.
Right Hon. William Pitt.
Lord Henry Petty.

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Right Hon. Spencer Perceval.
Right Hon. Nicolas Vansittart.
Right Hon. Frederick-John Robinson.
Right Hon. George Canning.
Right Hon. John-Charles Herries.
Right Hon. Henry Goulburn.
Viscount Althorp.

Sir Robert Peel, bart.
Right Hon. T. Spring Rice.
Right Hon. Francis Thornhill Baring.
Right Hon. Henry Goulburn.
Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, bart.
Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli.
Right Hon. William- Ewart Gladstone.
Right Hon. Sir George-C. Lewis, bart.
Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli.
Right Hon. William-Ewart Gladstone.
Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli.
Right Hon. G.-Ward Hunt.
Right Hon. Robert Lowe.

Right Hou. William-Ewart Gladstone.
Right Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote, bart.

Lords of the Treasury.

1874, Mar. 4, Right Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote, bart.

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[Until the reign of Henry VIII. there was only one Secretary of State; and until the reign of Elizabeth, the Secretaries were never of the Privy Council. From the death of Queen Anne to the Rebellion of 1745, there was a third Secretary for Scotland; and from 1768, to the loss of America, in 1782, there was one for the Colonies, which office was revived in 1804, in conjunction with the War Department. The departments of the two Secretaries were, previous to 1782, divided into Northern and Southern, now styled the Home and Foreign Departments. From 1782 until 1854 there were two, and sometimes three, Secretaries of State. In that year a fourth was added, in consequence of the separation of the Department of War from that of the Colonies, and in 1858 the creation of a Secretary of State far India increased the number to five, at which it now remains. With the Home Secretary, all grants, pardons, and regulations in civil matters of every kind, are made out and executed. To the Foreign Secretary belong all despatches to and from other courts, and all business appertaining to the same. They have the custody of the privy signet, because the Queen's private letters are sealed with it. There are four Clerks of the Signet, who make out grants, patents, &c. which have the sign manual, to which the Signet being added, it is a warrant to the Privy Seal, as the Privy Seal is a warrant to the Great Seal. The Paper Office belongs to the Secretaries of State, where all papers, letters, memorials, negotiations, &c., are deposited and preserved.]

Home Department; previous to 1782 styled the Northern Department. Duke of Portland.


[blocks in formation]

Lord Pelham.

Right Hon. Charles Yorke.
Earl Spencer.

Lord Hawkesbury.

Right Hon. Richard Ryder.
Viscount Sidmouth.
Right Hon. Robert Peel.

Right Hon. William-Sturges Bourne.
Marquess of Lansdowne.
Right Hon. Robert Peel.
Viscount Melbourne.
Lord Duncannon.

Right Hon. Henry Goulburn.
Lord John Russell.
Marquess of Normanby.

Sir James-Robert-George Graham, bart.
Sir George Grey, bart.

Right Hon. Spencer-Horatio Walpole.
Viscount Palmerston.

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