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IE or Y.

By, buy, cry, die, dry, eye, fly, fry, fie, hie, lie, pie, ply, pry, rye, shy, sly, spy, sky, sty, tie, try, vie, why, ally, apply, awry, bely, comply, decry, defy, descry, deny, imply, espy, outvie, outfly, rely, reply, supply, untie, amplify, beautify, certify, crucify, deify, dignify, edify, falsify, fortify, gratify, glorify, indemnify, justify, magnify, modify, mollify, mortify, pacify, petrify, purify, putrify, qualify, ratify, rectify, sanctify, satisfy, scarify, signify, specify, stupefy, terrify, testify, verify, vilify, vitrify, vivify, prophesy. Perfect rhymes, high, nigh, sigh, thigh. Allowable rhymes, bee, she, tea, sea, pleurisy, chemistry, academy, apostacy, conspiracy, confederacy, ecstasy, democracy, embassy, fallacy, legacy, supremacy, lunacy, privacy, piracy, malady, remedy, tragedy, comedy, cosmography, geography, geometry, elegy, certainty, sovereignty, loyalty, disloyalty, penalty, casualty, ribaldry, chivalry, infamy, constancy, fealty, cavalry, bigamy, polygamy, vacancy, inconstancy, infancy, company, accompany, dittany, tyranny, villany, anarchy, monarchy, lethargy, incendiary, infirmary, library, salary, sanctuary, votary, auxiliary, contrary, diary, granary, rosemary, urgency, infantry, knavery, livery, recovery, robbery, novelty, antipathy, apathy, sympathy, idolatry, galaxy, husbandry, cruelty, enemy, blasphemy, prophecy, clemency, decency, inclemency, emergency, regency, progeny, energy, poverty, liberty, property, adultery, artery, artillery, battery, beggary, bribery, bravery, delivery, drudgery, flattery, gallery, imagery, lottery, misery, mystery, nursery, raillery, slavery, sorcery, treachery, discovery, tapestry, majesty, modesty, immodesty, honesty, dishonesty, courtesy, heresy, poesy, poetry, secresy, leprosy, perfidy, subsidy, drapery, symmetry, drollery, prodigy, policy, mutiny, destiny, scrutiny, hypocrisy, family, ability, activity, avidity, assiduity, civility, community, concavity, consanguinity, conformity, congruity, diuturnity, facility, falsity, familiarity, formality, generosity, gratuity, humidity, absurdity, activity, adversity, affability, affinity, agility, alacrity, ambiguity, animosity, antiquity, austerity, authority, brevity, calamity, capacity, captivity, charity, chastity, civility, credulity, curiosity, finery, declivity, deformity, duty, dexterity, dignity, disparity, diversity, divinity, enmity, enormity, equality, equanimity, equity, eternity, extremity, fatality, felicity, fertility, fidelity, frugality, futurity, gravity, hostility, humanity, humility, immanity, immaturity, immensity, immorality, immortality, immunity, immutability, impartiality, impossibility, impetuosity, improbity, inanity, incapacity, incivility, incongruity, inequality, indemnity, infinity, inflexibility, instability, invalidity, jollity, lenity, lubricity, magnanimity, majority, mediocrity, minority, mutability, nicety, perversity, perplexity, perspicuity, pros

perity, privity, probability, probity, propensity, rarity, rapidity, sagacity, sanctity, sensibility, sensuality, solidity, temerity, timidity, tranquillity, virginity, visibility, university, trumpery, apology, genealogy, etymology, simony, symphony, soliloquy, allegory, armoury, factory, pillory, faculty, treasury, usury, augury, importunity, impunity, impurity, inaccuracy, inability, incredulity, indignity, infidelity, infirmity, iniquity, integrity, laity, liberality, malignity, maturity, morality, mortality, nativity, necessity, neutrality, nobility, obscurity, opportunity, partiality, perpetuity, prosperity, priority, prodigality, purity, quality, quantity, scarcity, security, severity, simplicity, sincerity, solemnity, sterility, stupidity, Trinity, vacuity, validity, vanity, vivacity, unanimity, uniformity, unity, anxiety, gaiety, impiety, piety, satiety, sobriety, society, variety, customary, melody, philosophy, astronomy, anatomy, colony, gluttony, harmony, agony, gallantry, canopy, history, memory, victory, calumny, injury, luxury, penury, perjury, usury, industry.

"With these most authors steal their works, or buy;

Garth did not write his own dispensary."-POPE.

"But thinks, admitted to that equal sky,

His faithful dog shall bear him company."-POPE.



Grief, chief, fief, thief, brief, belief, relief, &c. Perfect rhymes, reef, beef, &c. Nearly perfect rhymes, leaf, sheaf, &c.


Liege, siege, oblige, disoblige, assiege, besiege.


Field, yield, shield, wield, afield. Nearly perfect rhymes, the preterites and participles of verbs in eal, as healed, repealed, &c.

IEN, see EEN. IEND, see END. IERCE, see ERSE.


Rife, fife, knife, wife, strife, life. Allowable rhymes, cliff, skiff,

stiff, whiff, &c.

IFF, see IFE.


Gift, drift, shift, lift, rift, sift, thrift, adrift, &c., and the preterites and participles of verbs in iff, as whiffed, &c.


Big, dig, gig, fig, pig, rig, sprig, twig, swig. Allowable rhymes, league, teague, fatigue, &c.

IGE, see IEGE. IGH, see IE. IGHT, see ITE. IGN, see INE. IGUE, see EAGUE.


Dike, like, pike, spike, strike, alike, dislike, oblique. Allowable rhymes, leak, speak, antique, lick, pick, &c.


Bill, chill, fill, drill, gill, hill, ill, kill, mill, pill, quill, rill, shrill, fill, skill. spill, still, swill, thrill, till, trill, will, distil, fulfil, instil, codicil, daffodil, utensil. Perfect rhymes, all words ending in ile with the accent on the antepenultimate syllable, as volatile, &c. Allowable rhymes, bile, chyle, file, feel, reel, meal, peal, seal, &c., and words in ble having the accent on the antepenultimate, as suitable, &c.

Expression is the dress of thought, and still
Appears more decent or more suitable."-POPE.


Child, mild, wild, &c. Perfect rhymes, the preterites and participles of verbs of one syllable in ile, or of more syllables, provided the accent be on the last, as piled, reviled, &c. Allowable rhymes, the

preterites and participles of verbs in ill, as filled, willed, in oil, as oiled, boiled, foiled, &c.


Gild, build, rebuild, &c. Perfect rhymes, the preterites and participles of verbs in ill, as filled, willed, &c. Allowable rhymes, child, mild, and their allowable rhymes, which see.


Bile, chyle, file, guile, isle, mile, pile, smile, stile, style, tile, vile, while, awhile, compile, revile, defile, exile, erewhile, reconcile, beguile. Allowable rhymes, oil, boil, bill, fill, &c.

Milk, silk, bilk, &c.



Gilt, jilt, built, quilt, guilt, hilt, spilt, stilt, tilt.

Filth, tilth, &c.



Brim, dim, grim, him, rim, skim, slim, trim, whim, prim. Perfect rhymes, limb, hymn, limn. Allowable rhymes, lime, time, climb, team, gleam, &c.

IMB, see IM.


Chime, time, grime, climb, clime, crime, prime, mime, rhyme, slime, thyme, lime, sublime. Allowable rhymes, brim, dim, maritime, &c.


Betimes, sometimes, &c. Perfect rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular present tense of verbs in ime, as chimes, he rhymes, &c. Allowable rhymes, the plurals of nouns and third persons singular present tense of verbs in eam and im, as dreams, brims, he swims, &c.

IMN, see IM.


Imp, limp, pimp, gimp.


Glimpse, rhymes the plurals of nouns and third persons present of verbs in imp, as imps, he limps, &c.


Chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, inn, kin, pin, shin, sin, spin, skin, thin, twin, tin, win, within, assassin, javelin, begin. Allowable rhymes, chine, dine, lean, bean, machine, magazine, &c.


Mince, prince, since, quince, rince, wince, convince, evince.


Clinch, finch, winch, pinch, inch.


Instinct, distinct, extinct, precinct, succinct, &c., and the preterites and participles of verbs in ink, as linked, pinked, &c.


Bind, find, mind, blind, bind, kind, grind, rind, wind, behind, unkind, remind, &c., and the preterites and participles of verbs in ine, as refined. Allowable rhymes, rescind, prescind, and the noun wind, as it is frequently pronounced, also the participles of verbs in oin, as joined.

"In praise so just let ev'ry voice be joined,

And fill the general chorus of mankind."-POPE.


Dine, brine, mine, chine, fine, line, nine, pine, shine, shrine, kine, thine, trine, twine, vine, wine, whine, combine, confine, decline, define, incline, enshrine, entwine, opine, calcine, recline, refine, repine, superfine, interline, countermine, undermine, supine, concubine, porcupine, divine. Perfect rhymes, sign, assign, consign, design, &c. Allowable rhymes, bin, thin, tin, origin, join, loin, &c., and polysyllables ending in ine, pronounced in, as masculine, feminine, discipline, libertine, heroine, &c.

"While expletives their feeble aid do join,

And ten low words oft creep in one dull line."-POPE.


Bring, sing, cling, fling, king, ring, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, wing, wring, thing, &c., and the participles of the present tense in ing, with the accent on the antepenultimate, as recovering, altering, &c.


Cringe, fringe, hinge, singe, springe, swinge, tinge, twinge, infringe.


Ink, think, wink, drink, blink, brink, chink, clink, link, pink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, bethink, forethink.


Dint, mint, hint, flint, lint, print, squint, asquint, imprint.


Chip, lip, hip, clip, dip, drip, lip, nip, sip, rip, scrip, ship, skip, slip, snip, strip, tip, trip, whip, equip, eldership, fellowship, workmanship,

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