Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and Other Courts: With Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters, 6. köideJ. Butterworth and Son, 1830 |
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act of bankruptcy action affidavit aforesaid afterwards agreement alleged amount appear apply appointed assigns assizes assumpsit bail Bank Bank of England bankrupt bankruptcy bond bottomry charge Chief Justice claim clerk commission contract costs Court covenant creditors custos rotulorum damages debt declaration deed deed poll Defendant Defendant's demise discharged entitled evidence execution executors fendant GASELEE George Grain grant ground H. F. Baker held holden indenture insolvent interest issued Judge judgment jury King's County land lease lessor liable libel Lord ment nonsuit notice obtained a rule opinion paid parish parties partner payment peace person Plaintiff Plaintiff in error pleaded POLLOCK premises present proceedings question recover rent rule nisi sheriff shewed cause statute statute of Anne Stephen Dubois Stracy sufficient tenant term testator thereof tiff TINDAL C. J. tion trial trustees verdict Wilde Serjt writ
Popular passages
Page 263 - Enactments or either of them, or to deprive any Party of the Benefit thereof, unless such Acknowledgment or Promise shall be made or contained by or in some Writing to be signed by the Party chargeable thereby...
Page 258 - That in Actions of Debt or upon the Case grounded upon any Simple Contract no Acknowledgment or Promise by Words only shall be deemed sufficient Evidence of a new or continuing Contract, whereby to take any Case out of the Operation of the...
Page 510 - g reements (1677) no action shall be brought whereby to charge any executor or administrator upon any special promise to answer damages out of his own estate, or whereby to charge the defendant upon any special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another...
Page 644 - When the covenant extends to a thing in esse, parcel of the demise, the thing to be done by force of the covenant is quodam modo annexed and appurtenant to the thing demised, and shall go with the land, and shall bind the assignee although he be not bound by express words...
Page 258 - ... in actions of debt or upon the case grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract...
Page 9 - that if any person shall, for " any sum of money, reward, gift, profit, or benefit, directly " or indirectly, or for or by reason of any promise, agreement, " grant, bond, covenant, or other assurance of or for any sum " of money, reward, gift, profit, or benefit, whatsoever, directly " or indirectly, present or collate any person to any benefice " with cure of souls, dignity, prebend, or living ecclesiastical, " or give or bestow the same for or in respect of any such " corrupt cause or consideration...
Page 311 - That from henceforth any estate pur outer vie shall be devisable by a will in writing, signed by the party so devising the same, or by some other person in his presence and by his express directions, attested and subscribed in the presence of the devisor by three or more witnesses...
Page 67 - ... to hear and determine at the king's suit all manner of felonies and trespasses done in the same county according to the laws and customs aforesaid...
Page 116 - ... upon any kind of Goods and Merchandises, and also upon the Body, Tackle, Apparel, Ordnance, Munition, Artillery, Boat and other Furniture, of and in the good Ship or Vessel...
Page 492 - The learned Judge left it to the jury to say, whether there had been negligence...