probation of the execution on this gound is competent in the Sheriff Court, ...99
Collision-Pilot-Pilotage not being compulsory on the River Tay at Perth, the fact that a pilot was on board a vessel charged with injury to another vessel by collision, would not be a good defence. Circum- stances in which held in an action of damages for injury to a vessel by collision with another, that the colli- sion did not take place " through recklessness, culpable negligence, or gross carelessness," and defender assoilzied, with costs,........... ..94 Slander-Privilege-veritas convicii
--In an action for slander, separate charges were libelled. The de- fenders pleaded the veritas and pri vilege. Circumstances in which, held, that certain of the charges had not been proved by the defender to be true, but were privileged; while another charge was not privileged, and held to have been made falsely and calumniously, and damages awarded, with modified expenses,85 Reparation-A servant carelessly left a horse and cart on a public street, without any one in charge. The horse backed the cart into and broke a large pane of plate glass. In an action to recover the value, it was pleaded that the defender was only liable in the value of an ordinary pane of glass. Plea repelled, and decreet given for actual value, ...40 Personal Injury Reparation - A miner had his leg broken by a fall from the roof, more than twelve feet beyond his "brushing," but though he knew the spot was dan- gerous, he continued to work under it and was injured. In an action for reparation--Held, that as the accident was occasioned by the rash- ness or carelessness of the workman, defenders were assoilzied,.........74 Reparation-Trust-An action of damages was raised against the Trustees of the River Clyde, who are constituted a Trust by various Acts of Parliament, to which action the Trustees were called by their clerk, and by implication the con- clusions were against the Trustees qua Trustees and Trust funds, there being no personal conclusions. In defence it was pleaded, inter alia, that neither the funds of the Trust, nor the Trustees, as Trustees, were liable in damages caused by the cul- pability of their servants. Defence sustained, and action dismissed, 42 Collaborateurs-Action of damages by a workman against a master for injury dismissed, the injury having been occasioned by a fellow-work- ......157 Real-damnum fatale Damages awarded for goods injured by an overflow of water caused by the bursting of a pipe through the increased pressure of the new Water Works in Glasgow-Held that the accident was not a dam- num fatale, but preventable,...146.
Reparation - Relevancy Probable Cause In an action of damages it was not substantively averred that the slanderer's statement had been made falsely and calumniously. Objection-that the libel was there. fore irrelevant - repelled. Facts and circumstances held sufficient to infer malice and want of probable cause, ..139 Breach of Promise of Marriage- Cir- cumstances in which modified damages given, and costs on the lowest scale, Real-damnum fatale-During a gale a chimney stalk fell and injured the property of a neighbour. In an action for the loss, the defence, that the stalk fell ex damno fatale, or from the force of the wind, repelled, and held that the cause was the faulty construction of the stalk, 168
Damages-Relevancy- Probable Cause, want of-A party accused of theft was taken to the police office and searched, but no charge made, and was thereupon liberated, raised an action of damages. The summons did not aver want of probable cause-Held that the libel was irrelevant, ............111
Deposit Pledge - Articles were de- posited in security for a specific pur- pose, in terms of a letter holograph of the pledge. The specific purpose was not accomplished, but other and sub- sidiary purposes having a similar end in view were begun. In an action for re-delivery of the pledge, the de- fence, that the subsidiary purposes were covered by the terms of the letter of deposit, repelled, .........164
Decree by Default-Poinding-What is Implement?-1st and 2d Vict., cap. 119, sec. 18th-16th and 17th Vict., cap. 80-Held by the Sheriff-Substi tute that a poinding in virtue of a decree by default does not bar either the Sheriff-Clerk from granting sist of diligence or the Sheriff from reponing the defender,
Disposition-Absolute-In Security- Certain repairs were made on house property at the request of parties who had been formerly the owners and were still believed to be so by the tradesman. Bills were granted by the late owners for the repairs, but they became insolvent before the bills became due, and they were ultimately dishonoured. In an action by the tradesman against the party to whom the property had been absolutely dis- poned, held (reversing the Interlocutor of the Sheriff-Substitute) that the party holding the property under an ex facie absolute disposition was liable for the repairs, and not the former owners, though they were the em- ployers, ..........1 Discharge-Interest-Circumstances in which held that the discharging of a sum without preserving a claim for interest thereon, had the effect of dis charging the interest, if such was due, ་་་་་་་་་་་་་་ ..........70
Expenses-- Consignation of-Reponing-Where a libel concludes for expenses against one defender, and against another only in event of his appear- ance, and decree in absence follows, in terms of the libel, the defender against whom no expenses are de- cerned held entitled to be reponed without consignation,.......... .41 Counsel Reclaiming petition and answers were drawn by counsel. After final judgment the Sheriff- Substitute was craved to approve of their employment. On his de clinature, the Sheriff approved thereof, and found the pursuer liable in the costs of the appeal, 26 Extract-A party having extracted a final decree of interdict without getting his expenses taxed and decerned for, held not to have abandoned his claim for expenses, and found entitled both to expenses of process,. ..9 Table of Fees-At the calling of a
summons, the defender's ageut pro- duced a minute and endorsed it on the summons, but the case was continued for a week, the record not being closed. When again called, the pursuer, by minute, abandoned the action, and it was dismissed with costs. The defen- der's agent charged the fee under C. of the table, as if the record had been closed. This fee was dis- allowed, and the fee for attending, stating defence, substituted,......72 Taxation - Precognitions - Circum. stances in which charges for precog noscing witnesses allowed, al though the written precognitions had not been, previously to the proof, exhibited to the clerk, and initialed by him, .....134 Land Clauses Consolidation Act, 8 Vict., c. 19, s. 50-Jury Valua- tion Trial-Expenses, Taxation of -Rule of Taxation of Expenses as to (1) Counsel, (2) Agents, (3)
Engineers, Land Valuators, etc., 51 Executor Nominate - Dative - An executor-nominate preferred to an executor-dative, who had been appoin- ted but not confirmed, and his nomination recalled. Is reponing or recalling the correct phrase in such circumstances?.......... ...........121
Feu Contract-Plan-Feu Duties- Retention-Liquid - Illiquid-The defender held a feu off the pursuer. The feu duties were in arrears. an action of poinding of the ground, the defender pleaded that the pursuer was not entitled to payment, because of failure to implement a condition in the feu contract-Held that, as the condition required an action of de- clarator to establish it, defence repelled, and decreet given for the arrears of feu duty, ..55 Filiation-Payments previous to Birth -Donation-Circumstances in which held that payments made by a putative father to the mother of the child pre- vious to its birth were not to be held as payments made towards its aliment, but as donations, ........79
Foreign Enlistment Act, 59th Geo. III., c. 9-Civil-Criminal-The Lord Ad- vocate, qua common informer, prose- cuted in Exchequer for the forfeiture of a vessel called the "Canton," or "Pampero," ," built on the Clyde, and seized by order of the Government, on the allegation that she had been armed, equipped, etc., for the service of the Government of the Confederate States of North America, in contra- vention of the Foreign Enlistment Act, 59th Geo. III., c. 69. instructions from the Lord Advocate, the Procurators-Fiscal of Glasgow, qua Fiscals, presented a petition to the Sheriff of Lanarkshire for warrant to seize certain packages, the contents of which were alleged to have been intended for arming or equipping the Pampero-warrant was granted, and the packages seized and carried away. Thereupon the petitioners, from whose custody the packages had been carried off, presented a petition craving re-delivery, and interdict against the defender opening the pack- ages. The defence, that the packages had been taken away "in the due course of criminal justice," repelled by the Sheriff-Substitute and the interim interdict continued, on the ground that the proceedings in Exchequer were not criminal but civil, and it was incompetent to make use of cri- minal forms of procedure to aid in a civil suit-Held by the Sheriff, on appeal, that the proceedings in Ex- chequer, being partly criminal and partly civil, it was competent to grant warrant to seize the packages in modum probationis; but as the prin- cipal proceedings were in the Supreme Court of Exchequer, which was com- petent to grant warrant to seize the packages, procedure was sisted for fourteen days to allow an application for such a warrant, but if not then applied for, the Interlocutor appealed would be reverted to, and meantime ordered the packages seized to be kept in safe custody, ........59
General Turnpike Act, 1 & 2 William IV., c. 43, sec. 37-Burial Grounds (Scotland) Act, 18 & 19 Vict., c. 68, sec. 22-Toll dues-Exemption from -A carriage was hired to take a body and the mourners to a burying-ground. On its way to the dwelling-house, the carriage passed through a toll-bar, and toll dues were asked and paid. The same carriage returned with the body and the mourners, and passed through the same bar on its way to the church- yard, but no dues were asked. In an action for repetition of the dues charged and paid, decree given for the sum sued for, ....63
Guarantee-In an action founded on a written guarantee, it was pleaded (1) the action incompetently directed against the defender alone; no con- stitution of the debt against the prin- cipal debtor has been produced, nor has he been discussed; (2) the prin- cipal debtor has not been cailed as a party to the action, repelled, ......180
Husband and Wife-Aliment-Separa- tion-Jurisdiction-Held that an ac- tion raised in the Sheriff Court, during the sitting of the Court of Ses- sion, by a wife against her husband, setting forth that she had been obliged to leave him on account of cruelty, and concluding for interim aliment "until a permanent arrangement of the rights and interests of parties shall be made by a competent court," is incompetent,.............. ...101
Implement-seo Decree by Default. See Poinding.
Landlord and Tenant-see Small Debt Act.
Removing-Act of Sederunt, 1756- Relevancy-The Act of Sederunt, 1756, applies to parties standing in the relations of landlord and tenant only; and in an action of removing, the pursuer did not aver that the defender was his tenant or the tenant of his author. Action dismissed, ..148 Sequestration Currente Termino.- Circumstances in which a landlord was held justified in applying for and executing sequestration currente termino,.. ..162 Removing-Act of Sederunt, 1756— A farm servant, occupying a dwell- ing-house given to him as part of his wages, is bound to remove at the termination of his period of service without warning given him as if he were a tenant. Such a servant is not a tenant, .........156 Lease-
-The tenant of certain fields bound himself to keep and leave the fences in a good state of repair, but when called upon by the landlord, he failed to repair them. In a sum- mary action at the landlord's instance to have the tenant ordained to repair the fences, the tenant was held liable, and (reversing the judgment of the Sheriff-Substitute) also in expenses, ..138 Lease of Shootings-Right to Burn Heather Interdict A tenant under a lease of shootings granted to him, "with the exclusive right of burning heather on such part of the moors as the tenant may think proper," held not to be entitled to interdict from burning heather against the agricultural tenant of lands over which the shootings extended, on the ground that the latter had burnt heather on various pieces of uncultivated ground mixed up with the arable portions of his farm.
Title to Pursue Question- Whether the lessee of the shootings has, in such matter, a direct right of action against the agricultural tenant? ....72
Loan-Bankrupt-In an action for pay- ment of a sum alleged to have been advanced in loan by a party deceased, founding on a bank draft made speci- ally payable to the alleged borrower, and endorsed by him-Held that the
draft did not of itself prove a loan, but proof allowed by writ or oath, 102
Mandate-Stamp-A mandate to sue an action does not require to be holo- graph, tested, or stamped, ......150 Maritime-Foreign-Collision Oppo- site to a building-yard on the Clyde, where a vessel was to be launched, there was moored another vessel be- longing to a foreign owner. As the vessel to be launched was large, and it was feared a collision might take place, application was made to the harbour-master to move the vessel out of the way; it was moved a number of feet eastward. Application was made to the master to move it farther off, but this was refused, as he had not power. The launch took place, but the tackling gave way, and the new vessel ran into the berthed vessel and damaged her. In a summary action to have her repaired under judi- cial authority, at the instance of the master, and for relief-Held (1) That the action was competent in a sum- mary form, and at the master's in- stance; and (2) That the shipbuilder was liable in the damages done to the injured vessel, .........78
Master and Servant-
Proof Parole - Presumption — A farm servant sued his master for wages. The master, in defence, stated that he had paid a sum of upwards of £13; had taken no re- ceipt, but offered to prove payment by parole. Objected, that parole proof could not be admitted in pay- ment of a sum above £8 6s 8d. Circumstances in which a proof by parole before answer was allowed by the Sheriff-Substitute, and ad- hered to on appeal by the Sheriff,125 A farm servant is not entitled to leave his master's service, even to go to a hiring market, without leave asked and obtained, before twelve o'clock noon of the term day,............115 Nuisance-Smoke of Furnace Abate- ment Act, 20 & 21 Vict., c. 73 (1857). -Construction-Master and Servant -Held (1) That the proof of the cause of the nuisance is laid on the respon- dents; (2) Master liable for the acts of his servant in causing a nuisance; (3) Furnaces in connection with Nas- myth and Condie hammers come under the Act; and (4) The words, "as far as possible," in the second section, to mean, as far as a respondent can, con- sistently with the carrying on his work, ...........44
action against S for payment-Held that F was the purchaser from K, and action against S dismissed, ...32 Plea in Law-Definition of (See Pater- son, 18th July, 1862), ..134 Procurator Admission A private voluntary society of procurators before a Sheriff Court have no power to make bye-laws, making it a condition of admission that candidates pay a sum in name of entry money, or to support a library,. .126 Promissory Note-Voucher-Affidavit defective-Correction of-Held that a promissory note granted twelve months prior to sequestration by a bankrupt to his father, was not a voucher sufficient to support a vote by the father in his son's sequestration without a statement in the affidavit of the manner in which the debt arose, and that an affidavit defective in this respect could not be rectified by amendment, .......89 Process-
Debate Fee-A debate was ordered on certain pleas, but before the diet the defender intimated that the craving for a hearing had been fallen from. The pursuer's agent attended notwithstanding, but no appearance was made for the de- fender. The pursuer's agent claimed a full debate fee. Circumstances in which only allowed two-thirds, 85 Dismissal of-A proof was allowed to
a defender, and on his craving, six months were allowed to report. No proof was taken. On the elapse of three months the pursuer noved that the action be revived; but as the process was in the defender's custody, no Interlocutor could be pronounced. On the clapse of six months, and no proof reported, on the process being moved in, the defender contended that the process stood dismissed by the 15th sec. of the Sheriff Court Act-Held by the Sheriff that, in point of fact, a step in process had been taken; but as the defender was in mala fide, the process was held as revived, and decreet given, ...180 Proof-Witness-Deposition to lie in retentis-A witness about to leave the country was examined, and his evidence was ordered to lie in retentis. It was never formally made part of the process, but was laid up with it, though never sealed. After the record had been closed, and at the debate on the merits, the agent for the party who had adduced the witness referred to the deposition; but this being objected to, it was moved that the deposition should at that stage be made part of the process. Motion refused,
and deposition ordered to be with- drawn from process, ....... ....94 Prisons Administration (Scotland) Act, 1860-
Form of warrant on petition of County
Prison Board for removal to hospital of a prisoner under sentence, in consequence of his being afflicted with a contagious disease, rendering his removal necessary for the health of the other inmates of the prison, 69
Form of warrant on petition of County Prison Board, with concurrence of the Procurator-Fiscal, for removal to hospital of an untried prisoner, in consequence of disease, threaten. ing immediate danger to life, which could not be treated in the prison, 78 Pauper-Aliment-" Needful Sustenta- tion" what?-A woman, eighty years of age, became chargeable to a parish, and she was allowed aliment. Having found a grandson of the pauper able to relieve her, the parish sought repe- tition and relief from him. He agreed to repay what had been advanced, but offered to take his grandmother into his own house, and refused to pay to the parish any advances made after this offer. The parish, however, con- tinued to relieve the pauper, and raised an action against the grandson for payment of the advances, and for re- lief for the future-Held by the She- riffs-Substitute that the offer of the grandson was, in the circumstances, sufficient "needful sustentation," and relieved him from the advances made by the parish subsequent to the offer. The Sheriff reversed, holding the offer to take the pauper into his house by the grandson not sufficient, and found him liable in the sums of aliment sued for, and also in expenses,
Poinding--Implement of Decree-Re- poning-16th and 17th Vict., c. 80- Poinding having followed on a decree in absence, held that implement had taken place, and reponing note re- fused,
Damages-Contractor-Circumstan- ces in which a tradesman and his employer were held liable in dam- ages to the representatives of a party killed in consequence of in- juries received from negligence in carrying on certain operations, 107 Reparation-Damages awarded for injuries sustained from defective machinery, .......116 Police-Statute-
Common Law-A summary petition, founded alterna- tively on Statute and Common Law, held relevant, although the statute founded on was erroneously cited, 112 Police-Officer-In a summary action against a police-officer for delivery of a piece of cloth taken possession of by him for the purpose of criminal justice, and lost, or delivered up to the wrong party without the warrant of the police magistrate, held liable in restitution, or alternatively in pay- ment of its value, with costs, ......122 Pauper-
Bastard-Parent and Child -- The
father of a bastard contributed to its maintenance till its twelfth year. It afterwards fell into bad health and destitution, and came to be chargeable to the parish of its birth settlement, and thereafter died. In an action by the parish against the father-Held that he was liable in repetition, and decree, with ex- penses, given,......... .87 Settlement A foreign husband dying without having acquired, or having lost his residential settlement, his
widow and children fall back on their birth settlement.
A father who had no residential settlement in Scotland at the time of his death, found that his daughter, being nearly blind from birth, and incapable of earning her own sub- sistence, and unable of acquiring an industrial settlement, fell not on the parish of her mother's birth, who was a Scotchwoman, but on the parish of her own birth, ...152
A pauper was born in the parish of L. He resided in the parish of G for four years and four months, and died. His widow and chil dren continued to reside in the parish of G for upwards of three years without becoming paupers. They thereafter became chargeable. G gave relief, reserving claim from L. In an action by G against L -Held (by the Sheriff-Substitute) that continued residence of the wife and children in G could not be added to the residence of the hus- band, so as to eke out a residential settlement of five years. Reversed on appeal, and held that a residen- tial settlement may be acquired by a wife and children by combining the residence of the husband and that of the wife, so as to complete the statutory period, .........117 From age and destitution, a pauper had become chargeable to a parish. In his old age he had married, and had a young family. In an action by the Inspector against a son of the first marriage for reimburse- ment, the defence, that the son was not bound to maintain his step- mother, and brothers and sisters by
the half-blood, repelled,.. ....90 Parent and Child-Bastard, custody of -Jurisdiction-The mother of a bas- tard child, who had, with the putative father's consent, given it out to nurse, sued the father for restitution of the child. The father objected, that the Sheriff was incompetent to determine the custody of the child. Objection repelled; and on a proof, the defender ordained to deliver up the child, 143 - Pauper · Summons Parish Rele- vancy-A wandering beggar, whose parish of settlement was unknown, was relieved by the inspectors of several parishes in which she hap pened to be. One of these parishes brought an action of relief against two other parishes who had relieved the pauper for repetition; but neither of which, it was alleged, was her parish of settlement-Held that there were no averments relevant and suffi- cient to support the conclusion, and action dismissed, .26 Poor-Wife neglected by her Husband -Held that an able-bodied married woman, with three children under ten years of age, neglected by her hus- band, and in a state of destitution, was, notwithstanding the husband being an able-bodied man, entitled to parochial relief for herself and children, ..84 Paraphernalia-
Held that a chest of drawers purchased by a woman before marriage with
her own funds, and exclusively used by her after marriage for holding her wearing apparel, is not inter paraphernalia, but forms part of the goods in communion, and on the husband's bankruptcy, belongs to his creditors, Bankrupt Vouchers-A stockbroker claimed to rank and vote on a bankrupt estate on a stated account, which consisted of balances of sums paid for the bankrupt in conse quence of stock and shares in joint stock companies, bought and sold by the broker for the bankrupt. On the settling days, balances were carried to account, and the rules of the Stock Exchange required that brokerage should be charged on turnovers, but these were not vouched-Held that, as the account was not properly vouched, the broker's vote was bad, and rejected, 15 Proof Circumduction-Appeal -16th and 17th Vict., c. 80, sec. 19-In the course of a proof the defender in the cause left the Court without assigning any reason, although his agent wished to examine him as a witness at a cer- tain stage of the proof. The defender's agent moved for a prorogation, in respect the defender had left before being examined. The motion was refused, and an Interlocutor circum- ducing the term for proving against both parties was pronounced. This was appealed, but appeal dismissed as incompetent, under 19th sec. of 16th and 17th Vict., c. 80,
Railway Company- Detention-Damages-In an action against a railway company for detention and loss, circumstances in which held that the company was not liable, .105 Public Carrier-Carriers' Act, 1 Wm. IV., cap. 68-Certain brittle mate- rials were packed in a railway truck specially hired by the senders. They were moved by the railway com- pany, without authority, into an- other truck, and on their arrival at their destination they were found broken. In an action of damages, held that the contract was special, and did not come under the Valua- tion Clause of the Carriers' Act, 110 Railway Clauses Consolidation (Scot land) Act, 1845-Penalty-Tra- velling without a Ticket-A party travelled on the second-class carriage of a railway company in mistake for a third; at the end of his journey he offered third-class fare; this was refused, and he was prosecuted for travelling without a ticket. Cir-
cumstances in which held that the traveller was not liable in the pen- alties,... ........161 Railway Passenger-A railway pas- senger was let into a carriage titled third class, by a servant of the com- pany, but differently constructed, and charged higher fare. At the station for collecting tickets, the passenger was charged the differ- ence of fare between the two car- riages, and on his refusal was forci-
bly ejected, and given in charge to the police as having been guilty of disorderly conduct, and resisting the railway servants. In an action of damages-Held that the railway companies were liable for the con- duct of their servants, and damages awarded, with costs, 17 Carrier--Letter Mandate-A letter, ordering goods, containing postage stamps, was alleged to have been left with the porter of a railway company to be forwarded. It was lost. In an action for restitution -Held that the railway company was not liable, even had it been proved that the porter had received the letter, because that would have been contrary to the Post Office Acts; and, as acting for the com- pany, he could not involve them in an illegal transaction, ..69 Public Carrier-Railway Company and Canal Traffic Act, 17 & 18 Vict., c. 31, sec. 7-Mercantile Law Amendment Act, 19 & 20 Vict., c. 20, sec. 17-An animal was consigned to the defenders for carriage from Glasgow to Dumfries, but its value was not declared in terms of the seventh section of the
Railway Company and Canal Traf- fic Act, 17 & 18 Vict., c. 31. The animal was destroyed by fire caused by sparks from the railway engine. The contract between the company and the consigner was, that the latter "undertakes all risk of loss, injury, and damage, and other con- tingencies in loading, unloading, conveyance, and otherwise, whether arising from the negligence, de- fault, or misconduct on the part of the company, or their servants, or of any other person or persons what- soever, or from defects or imper- fections in the station, platform, or other place of loading or unloading, or of the carriage, engine, train, or railway, or by or upon which such animal may be loaded or conveyed, or from any other cause whatever." In an action against the railway company for the full value of the animal, the defenders pled (1) that its value had not been declared at the time of the consignment, and (2) the action was excluded by the terms of the contract, repelled; and held that the terms imposed on the consigner were not just and reason- able, and decree given for the full value claimed, with costs, .8 Reduction and Damages-Small Debt Act A decree was obtained in the Small Debt Court, in absence; a charge and poinding followed. An action of reduction was then raised in the Court of Session. In defence it was pleaded (1) That a rehearing had not been obtained; and (2) the Justiciary Court, and not the Court of Session, was the proper tribunal. Defences sustained, and action dismissed,.. Reparation-Personal Injury-Mutual Fault-An ironmoulder was injured by the overturning of certain moulds filled with liquid metal-Held, that as both pursuer and defender had con- tributed to the injury, no damages
were due, and defender assoilzied, but no expeuses given,.. ..97
Rules recommended for appeals, especi- ally applicable to summary action, 113
Receipts-Reduction-Held that re- ceipts signed by marks, while the receiver could subscribe her name, having been found invalid as legal vouchers, did not require to be reduced by way of action, but might be set aside by exception, ....38
Regimental Mess-Messman-Circum- stances in which held that a regimen- tal mess was not liable for debts incurred by their messman to trades- men, ..114
Delivery, partial-Stoppage in transitu -A sold to B a large lot of wheat, for which and others he gave his acceptance. The wheat was in the custody of a storekeeper. B sold 300 bolls to H, who granted his acceptance, and obtained a partial delivery. B became insolvent, and on the same day he telegraphed to H not to accept the draft unless he had got the wheat. After get- ting the telegram, H called on A, and obtained a delivery order, with the words written across, no sale." Before delivery was obtained, A had learned of B's insolvency, and countermanded the delivery order. In an action by H for delivery of the remainder of the wheat-Held that from the knowledge communi- cated to H of B's circumstances, he was in mala fides in applying to A for the delivery order, and being so, A was justified in counter- manding it, and the storekeeper in refusing delivery,. ....................127 Contract Weights and Measures Acts. 5 Geo. IV., c. 74-5 and 6 Will. IV., c. 63-What is a Boll?
-Wheat and oats were sold in stack for a slump sum, each stack being guaranteed to contain a cer- tain number of "bolls of good kept" grain. On being thrashed out, a deficiency was alleged in the num- ber of bolls in weight-Held (1) that under the Weights and Measures Acts, nothing is said of a boll as a measure, and it is left uncertain what the weight is; (2) in Glasgow and neighbourhood, a boll of thrashed wheat is considered to be four bushels of 60 lbs., equal to 240 lbs., and a measured boll of thrashed corn as six bushels of 40 lbs. each, or 240 lbs.; (3) in Glas- gow, thrashed wheat is sold by the boll of 240 lbs., and "a boll" of wheat or oats means 240 lbs., unless measure is mentioned; but (4) when wheat or oats is bought or sold by the boll, without mentioning weight or measure, measure is only guaranteed; (5) that it is customary to sell wheat and oats either by weight or measure, and if in stack, by measure, and not by weight; (6) that grain bought in stack, the quantity guaranteed, must be held as so many bolls by measure,...158
Sale by Auction—
Re-exposure-Fraud-Damages-At a roup of farm stock, B having come forward after a lot of lambs had been put up and knocked down to A, and having, in the knowledge of this, prevailed on the auctioneer to re-expose them, and on their being so re-exposed, having offered for and obtained possession of the lambs-Held, in an action at the instance of A against B, that B was liable in damages to A.
Jus ad rem-jus actionis-Held by the Sheriff (altering Interlocutor of Sheriff-Substitute) that A, under his jus ad rem, was not entitled, under his action as laid, to decree against B for delivery of the lambs, 5 Warrandice-Risk-A cow, bought
and delivered on the 6th, died of "red water" on the 9th. Founding on warrandice, the purchaser raised an action for repetition. In defence it was stated, that if any warran- dice were given, it was only on the day of sale and delivery, and did not extend over the period between delivery and death. Circumstances in which defence repelled, and de- cree given for repetition,.........120 Weight Measure-Breaking bulk-
On a sale of grain, the "out turn" was guaranteed within one per cent. measure, weight combined. On sam- ples being weighed, a deficiency was found, but the grain was retained without objection for upwards of a month; there was also a deficiency by measure. In an action for the deficiency-Held that the defenders were only liable for the deficiency by measure, ........173 Circumstances in which held that an animal bought in public market which had died within sixteen days thereafter, had not died of any dis- ease under which it laboured at the date of the sale, and action for repetition of the price and loss dis- missed, ....133 Delivery Moveables Interdict- Circumstances in which moveables sold held to have been effectually delivered, so as to protect the pur- chase against a poinder, .........156 Salmon Fisheries Act, 25 & 26 Vict., c. 97, sec. 26-Held that, under the 26th section of the Salmon Fisheries Act of 1861, water bailiffs are entitled to seize illegal nets used in fishing, before the person using them has been convicted, ......147
Competing hypothecs-Sequestration was executed against a tenant in February, 1863, for rent due for the year commencing Whitsunday, 1862. He defended the sequestra- tion process, which was not dis- posed of till November, 1863. He was warned away in April, and removed at Whitsunday, 1863. The landlord was not aware of the removal till June. The effects had been removed to another house, occupied by a son of the tenant. In the sequestration process war- rant was obtained to bring back and sell the effects removed.
the first deliverance, of which the usual notices were given, calling on claimants to lodge their claims one month prior to 31st October. The trustee having rejected the claim, the creditor appealed, but Sheriff affirmed trustee's deliverance, ...31 Small Debt Act, 1 and 2 Vict., c. 41, sec. 15-
cuted on a small debt decree held to be implement to the effect of barring the issue of a sist, .........7 Jurisdiction-Competency-Expenses
-Question-Is it competent to sue in the Small Debt Court for expen- ses of an ordinary action where a decree has been extracted before taxation of expenses? Circum- stances in which held competent, where a party had promised pay. ment of expenses, and action lost on the promise, Shipmaster, powers of-Stores-Home Port-The master of a barque, having
new landlord applied for interdict against the sale. Held, that the nexus of sequestration rendered the first landlord's right of hypothec special that there was no mora— and that his right was preferable to the second, ...112 Appeal-Bankruptcy Act, 1856, sec. 43-Mora-Limitation of Actions --Sheriff Court Act, 16 & 17 Vict., c. 80, sec. 15-Falling Asleep of Actions-In a bankrupt estate a creditor claimed a preference. His claim, as such, was rejected by the trustee, but he was ranked as a common creditor. The creditor appealed. After the lapse of two years, the appeal being undisposed of, a dividend was declared. The appeal was then taken up, to which it was objected that the process had, co ipso, been dismissed by the lapse of time prescribed in the Sheriff Court Act, 1853. Held, that judicial proceedings in seques- trations are excluded from the a ship's-husband, ordered stores in a operation of the Sheriff Court Act home port. The master died, and by sec. 43 of the Bankruptcy Act, the store merchants raised an action and that an appeal in a sequestra- against the shipowners for the stores tion does not fall by the lapse of supplied to the master-Held that it six months, .....138 was not proved that the master had Oath-Alterations on-1. Objection special powers to order goods in a to oath, on the ground of admitted home port; and that his having done alteration in essentialibus after its so did not render the owners liable, being subscribed, and outwith the and action dismissed, ...163 presence of the deponent and magis- Schoolmaster, Free Church-Appoint- trate, sustained. 2. Objection to ment, terms of-In an action of oath, ex facie, regular and com- removing against a Free Church plete on the allegation, which was schoolmaster from his dwelling-house, denied, of alteration or filling up in in consequence of his previous dis- essentialibus after the oath was missal, it was pleaded that his subscribed, and outwith the pre- appointment was ad vitam aut culpam sence of the deponent and magis- -Held that, except by special agree- trate, repelled. 3. Objection to ment, schoolmasters of the Free oath on the ground of admitted Church do not hold their appoint- alteration after its being subscribed ments ad vitam aut culpam, and and outwith the presence of the decerniture pronounced in the re- deponent and magistrate, but not moving,........ .......108 in essentialibus, and the oath being Specific Appropriation-A debtor re- complete independently of the al- mitted a sum to his creditor, along teration, repelled, ..........57 with a statement of account, and Joint obligants-Ranking for interest stating that the sum sent was to be -Held, that a creditor who had in full of the account, and if not so three obligants, conjunctly and accepted, the money was to be re- severally bound to him by a cash turned. The money was not returned, credit bond, and who had drawn and an action raised for the balance from the sequestrated estates of -Held that there was no specific the three debtors' dividends, appropriation, and the creditor was in amounting in all to 16s 9d per titulo to retain the remittance, ...130 pound on the amount of his debt, Slander-Damages-Relevancy-Privi- with interest till the date of his sequestration, was not entitled, on a second dividend at the rate of 98 8d per pound being declared from the estates of one of those obligants, to participate in that dividend to a greater extent than 38 24d per pound, to the effect of drawing interest on his claim after the date of sequestration down to the date of payment, although there were not funds sufficient to pay the general body of creditors on that estate 20s per pound on their debts as at the date of sequestration, 113 Competition-Trustee-Personal Ob-
jections, Claims-Bankrupt Act, 19 & 20 Vict., c. 79, sec. 133-A dividend was accelerated on 6th August, to be paid four months after the date of i
lege-A minister brought an action of damages against a member of his church for slander-Held (1) that the summons was irrelevant, in so far as the word malicious was omitted, and the record opened up to have the word added; (2) communications made by one member of a church to another as to the character and conduct of a candidate for the pastoral charge of a congregation, are privileged, ......175 Subscription-Receipts-In an action of count and reckoning, the respondent produced certain receipts, some of which were subscribed with the name of the party receiver, while others were signed with a mark. The pur- suer objected to the receipts signed by a mark, while there was evidence that the party could subscribe her name. On a proof, held that the party could
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