... navigation; and that every such ship and vessel, with the tackle, apparel, and furniture, together with all the materials, arms, ammunition, and stores, which may belong to, or be on board of such ship or vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in... Scottish Law Magazine, and Sheriff Court Reporter - Page 591864Full view - About this book
| 1826 - 1052 lehte
...prosecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in such Courts as Ships or Vessels may be prosecuted aud condemned, for any breach of the Laws made for the...and Excise, or of the laws of Trade and Navigation :" His Majesty, therefore, being desirous of preserving to His Subjects the blessings of Peace which... | |
| Ontario - 1818 - 600 lehte
...such Ship or Vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in such Courts as Ships or Vessels may be prosecuted and condemned for any...of the Laws made for the protection of the Revenues and Customs and Excise, or of the Laws of Trade and Navigation. VIII. And be it further enacted, That... | |
| Great Britain - 1819 - 820 lehte
...profecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in fuch Courts as Ships or Veflels may be profecuted and condemned for any Breach of the Laws made for the Protection of the Revenues of Cuftome and Excife, or of the Laws of Trade and Navigation. VIII. And be it further enafted, That if... | |
| Richard Burn - 1820 - 880 lehte
...such ship or vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in such courts as ships or vessels may be prosecuted and condemned for any...and excise, or of the laws of trade and navigation." §8. " If any person In any part of Great Britain and Ireland, Penalty for aider in any part of his... | |
| Great Britain, James Deacon Hume - 1825 - 570 lehte
...such Ship or Vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like Manner and in such Courts as Ships or Vessels may be prosecuted and condemned for any...and Excise, or of the Laws of Trade and Navigation. Penalty for ' of Foreign State*, &c. Sect. 8. AND be it further enacted, That if any Person in ..V-... | |
| Great Britain. High Court of Admiralty, John Haggard - 1825 - 452 lehte
...such ship or vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in such Courts as ships or vessels may be prosecuted and condemned, for any...and excise, or of the laws of trade and navigation." His Majesty, therefore, being desirous of preserving to his subjects the blessings of peace which they... | |
| 1900 - 1294 lehte
...such ship or vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in such Courts as ships or vessels may be prosecuted and condemned for any...and Excise, or of the laws of trade and navigation : Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy C'ouncil, being desirous of enabling Her subjects... | |
| Great Britain, James Deacon Hume - 1827 - 676 lehte
...such Ship or Vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like Manner and in such Courts as Ships or Vessels may be prosecuted and condemned for any Breach of the Lawmade for the Protection of the Revenues of Customs and Excise, or of the Laws of Trade and Navigation.... | |
| Georg Friedrich Martens - 1828 - 1322 lehte
...ship 'or vessel, may be prosecuted and condenmed in the like manner, afiA in. such courts äs ships or vessels may be prosecuted and condemned , for any breach of the laws made for the prolectioii of the revenues of customs or excise, or of the laws of trade and navigation." His Majesty... | |
| Richard Burn - 1836 - 1178 lehte
...vessel, may be prosecuted and condemned in the like manner, and in such courts as ships or vessels mav be prosecuted and condemned for any breach of the...and excise, or of the laws of trade and navigation." §8. " If any person in any part of GB and Ireland, or in any part of HM's dominions beyond the seas,... | |
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