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in the lower animals, 314
testifies to the distinction
between soul and body,

testifies to free will, 331,

the evolution of, 341-343
the highest expression of a
really persistent force, 344
Controversy, the Anglican,
Cardinal Newman's action
in, 87
Controversy, among Catholics,
Cardinal Newman upon,
92, 93
Copeland, the Rev. W. J.,
upon the influence of
Cardinal Newman's Ox-
ford Sermons, 80
Counsels, the highest, of
Christianity, 301


Cowell, Professor on Sufism,

Creation, the notion of, foreign

to the Aryan mind, 36
Creationism, Professor Tyndall
on, 327

not of faith among Catholics

Critique of Pure Reason, the
39-41, 44

Darmesteter, Dr., on Zend
Religion, 122

his translations from the
Zend-Avesta, 125

on the Avesta and the Veda,



Darwin, Charles, our obliga-

tions to, 249, 251
Date, the earliest historic,

Davids, T. W. Rhys, on Trans-

migration, 27

his religious statistics, 104
on the discovery of Early
Buddhism, 146

on the Buddha's real teach-
ing, 148

on the Dhammakakkap-


on the Four Noble Truths,

on tanha, 152

Davy, Sir Humphry, his ex-
perience after taking
nitrous oxide, 318
Davies, the Rev. John, on the
date of the Bhagavat-
Gita, 139

his translation of the Bha-
gavat Gita quoted, 140-

on the doctrine of the Bha-

gavat-Gita, 143-146
Dawlatshah of Samarcand, on
Farîdu - 'd - Dîn, 'Attâr,


Death, held by the Buddhists

to be no deliverance from
life, 26

Nachiketas on, 310

is not a state but an act,



Christian teaching about, 328
its proper function, 343
controls only the visible, 345
is a change of state, not of
moral condition, 347
Dervishes, the, 184-186
Descartes, his ontological
argument for the exis-
tence of God, 247

on the Divine Perfection,

his machine theory of the
lower animals untenable,


Development of Christian Doc-
trine, the, Cardinal New-
man's essay on, referred
to, 48, 73, 268
quoted, 91
Sutta, the, 149-156
Dhû-'n-Nûn, 170

Discourses to Mixed Congrega-

tions, Cardinal Newman's,

referred to, 85, 91
quoted, 88, 99, 100, 102

means of, in

Ancient China, 119
Doubt, an age of, 196
Dozy, M. on Sufism, 165
Duty, categorical imperative of,
247, 298

Dvayatanupassanâ-Sutta, the,


Ecce Homo, the author of, 198

cannot be the origin of life, Edkins, the Rev. Dr., on the


decay of Buddhism, 162

Ego, the, the one universal
element in our experi-

ence, 313

may remain indefinitely un-

conscious, 341

the development and ascen-
sion of, 342

El-Eflâkî, his Acts of Jelál,


Elements, the Five, in the

Great Plan, 116
England, the Church of, see
Church of England.
Essays, Critical and His-
torical, Cardinal New-
man's, quoted, 58, 62, 87
Evangelical party, the, in the

Church of England, its
character and work, 53, 64
Eve and the Apple, story of

255, 279

Evidence, the Law of, desira-

bility of its study, 282
Evil, not from God, and why,

the existence of, an insoluble

mystery, 258, 330
Evils, the Six Extreme, in the

Great Plan, 121
Evolution, theories of, 249

its bearing upon Theism, 250
its bearing upon immortality,

Exclusive salvation, the doc-

trine of, 291

Facts, an arbitrarily restricted

range of, 247
and deductions, 251
essential difference between
physical and spiritual, 323
Faith, the true, according to
the Buddha, 160
the principle of, 294
Faqirs, 184

Faridu-'d - Dîn, 'Attar, see

Faust, Goethe's, creed of, 104,

Fetishism, 195
Fitche, on God, 36

on will and reason, 294
Foolishness, the preaching of,


Force, will the only known

primary cause of, 226
primary, cannot exert itself
unless it be self-deter-
mined, 227
Francis of Assisi, St. his

preaching to the birds, 252
Free will, Schopenhauer on, 16
the essence of, 231
not opposed to law, 232
the mystery of, 259
how expressed by Kant, 330
a fact, however inexplicable,
331, 332

without it man would cease
to be man, 346
physicists not authorities

regarding it, 347

French Revolution, the, what
it was, 57

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has declared itself Atheistic, God, the Christian, is Deus
absconditus, 210


Fudhayl Abû 'Ali Talikani, God, the, of Natural Religion,


Gall, right in his main posi-
tion, 316

Gaubil, Père, on the Great
Plan, 116

Gathas of Zoroaster, the Five,

125, 128

Génie des Religions, le, quoted,

109, 194, 195
God, Schopenhauer's doctrine
incompatible with any-
thing we understand by
the word, 15
the existence of, the great
question of the day, 94
bearing of the Tractarian
movement upon this ques-
tion, 94-102

conscience, the voice of,

belief in, the main difficulty,

the thought of, 176
the knowledge of, 177
free will in, 231-233
attributes of, 233-234
arguments for the existence
of, 246-247

development of the idea of
among the Hebrews, 267
sense of, a primary fact of
human nature, 297


God, the, of the Theophilan-

thropists, 217

Goethe, on the inadequacy of
language, 233

on the sense of sin, 297
on Christianity, 299

on the soul's transcendence

of its bodily limits, 319
on immortality, 324
Gospel, a Stygian, 263
the Materialist, 303
Gotama, see Buddha Gotama.
Government, the eight objects

of, in the Great Plan, 117
Grace, a matter of, 45
the doctrine of, 56, 299
the order of, 229

Grammar of Assent, Cardinal
Newman's, referred to,
48, 85, 226, 241
quoted, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100,
101, 333

Great Decease, the Book of

the, quoted, 161
Great Plan, the 115-121
Green, Professor, on Kant and
Coleridge, 59

Grégoire, his Histoire des
Sectes Religieuses, referred
to, 220
Gregory the Great, St. on
God's daily miracles, 228
Grote, George, on religious
beliefs, 188

Gwinner, his Life of Schopen-
hauer, quoted, 45

Hál, 179

Happiness, the five sources of

in the Great Plan, 121

St. Augustine on, 46
Hardy, the Rev. Spence, his
Manual of Buddhism
quoted, 151, 153
Harrison, Mr. Frederick, his
"eternity of the tabor,"
Hartmann, Von, his Philo-

sophy of the Unconscious, 6
his balance of pains and

pleasures, 19

his judgment of the notion

of progress, 19
his way of salvation, 20
Hârûnu-'r- Rashid, 169
Haug, Dr., on Zoroastrianism,


Hegel, on the Absolute, 142

on punishment, 264
Heathen poets and sages, di-

vinely illuminated, 190
Heaven, in the Confucian

system, 113, 308
Bourdaloue on, 332

Heine, the singer of the

world-woe, 3

Bossuet's account of, 265
dilemma caused by, 334

"the poor man's consola-

tion," 335

Hindus, number of, 104
Holbach, 39

Hosân-el-Hallaj, 171

Hugo, Victor, on the necessity
of belief in immortality,

Ibnu-'s-Semmâk, 168

Ideas, Schopenhauer's doctrine
of, 18

Ideality of the world, Scho-

penhauer's doctrine of, 11
Ignorance, Buddhist concep-
tion of, 25

Imitatio Christi, the, quoted,

referred to, 300

Immortality of the soul, the,
belief in natural, 324

clear from its activity, 324
see Soul.

Imperfection of the world, argu-
ment from, 257
Incarnation of Jesus Christ,

the, view of certain Catho-
lic theologians concerning,

Industrialism, temples of, 303

on the Critique of Pure Infallibility, Papal, 91, 92

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