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HUSBANDRY, operations of, exception to prohibition of employment
for, 282.

HYMNS, rules as to, in schools of London school board, 80.

ILLEGAL PRACTICES at elections of school board, illegal payment,
employment or hiring, &c., 208-210, 381-395; disqualification by
reason of, for voting, 395, 416-418; for being member of school
board, 383, 384, 392, 495, 406; penalties for, 206-208, 383, 392,
401; prosecutions for, 400-403, 405; avoidance of election for
extensive illegal practices, 392; disqualifications for being member of
school board by reason of corrupt or illegal practices in parlia-
mentary elections, 125, 126.
INCORPORATION of Commissioners Clauses Act, 161, 234, 455;
Lands Clauses Acts, 93, 101; Metropolis Management Acts, 146;
School Sites Acts, 96, 101, 102; Charitable Trusts Acts, 102.
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. See Certified Industrial School.
INFANT SCHOOLS, grants for, 522, 523.

INGATHERING OF CROPS, exception to prohibition of employment
of children for, 282.

INQUIRY as to proposed compulsory purchase of land by school board,
95; costs of, 96;

as to decision of Education Department as to public school accommo-
dation, 74, 75; as to deficiency of free school accommodation, 371;
formation or dissolution of united school district, 149-152; of con-
tributory districts, 155;

appointment of inspector to hold, 179, 180; notice and place of holding
sittings, 180; proceedings at, 180; report on, 180, 181; deposit of
report on, 181; costs of, 181;

as to complaints as to time-tables, 73, 278, 280, 281.

INQUIRY OFFICERS, appointment of, by guardians, 618, 632, 634;
qualification, tenure of office and remuneration of, 618, 619, 632;
duties of, 619-622, 637, 641. See also Regulations of Local Govern-

ment Board.

INSPECTION of public elementary schools, by Her Majesty's Inspectors,
70, 524; of schools not provided by school board, 195;

of books, &c., of school board, by ratepayers, 166, 201, 575;

of ballot papers after election of school board, 265, 266.

INSPECTORS, definition of term "Her Majesty's Inspectors," 62;
duties of, with regard to time-tables, 72, 73, 112, 546, 547; instruc-
tions to, as to school registers, 539; half-time scholars, 544; approval
of time-tables, 546; as to certified efficient schools, 603.
INSPECTORS appointed by Secretary of State, to enforce provisions as
to employment of children in factories, workshops, and mines, 277,
278; of certified day industrial schools, 668, 669, 683-685;

inspectors appointed by Local Government Board, 611;

of returns, appointment of, 179, 180; powers of, 179, 180.

See also Inspection.

INSTRUCTION in religious subjects. See Religious Instruction.
INSTRUCTIONS TO H.M. INSPECTORS as to school registers and
the method of keeping them, 539; half-time scholars, 544; approval
of time-tables, 546.

INTEREST, payment of, when illegal, 158.

JUSTICES, summary proceedings before, 210, 251-253, 321, 322-324;
may make order for attendance of child at school, 251, 252, 286, 287;
may on non-compliance with order impose penalty or send child to
industrial school, 289, 290; may order parent to contribute to main-
tenance of child in certified industrial school, 298, 299; may send to
certified day industrial school children liable to be sent to certified
industrial school, 298; may make order for entry on premises when
child believed to be illegally employed, 312, 313; make order for
production of child, 252; when members of school board, adjudicating
on school board summonses, 190-192.

LABOUR, children employed in. See Employment of Children.

LAMBETH, division of, into East and West Lambeth, 358, 359.
LANDS, powers of school board to hold, 127, 128; purchase, or leasing
of, by school board, 89, 346; compulsory purchase of, 93-97, 99-101,
246; powers of managers of public elementary school, as to purchase
of, 101, 102; sale, or leasing, or exchange of, by school board, 102.
LANDS, gift of, for schools, 129, 130, 244, 245.

See also School Sites Acts.

94, 101, 246; powers of school board under, 93–96, 246; of managers
of public elementary school under, 101.

LAW COSTS, members of school board may apply moneys to indemnify
themselves against, 128.

LEASE of schoolhouse by school boards, 102.

See also Lands.

LEDGER of school board, 567, 568, 581, 595, 596; when not required
to be kept, 568.

LEDGER OF UNION, account in, of expenses of school attendance
committee, 658, 659.

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, 210, 251-253, 316, 321, 322-324, 352;
appearance of school board in, 199, 322, 323;

evidence of minutes of school board in, 128; of orders of Education
Department in, 198, 332; prosecutions of corrupt or illegal practices
at elections, 400-403, 405.

See also Evidence.

LETTING of schools, 90, 93.

LICENCE in Mortmain. See Mortmain.

LICENCE for child sent to certified industrial school to live out of
school, 295.

local authorities acting under the Technical Instruction Acts, 714,

LOAN, allowance of school fees by way of, 645.

LOANS to school boards, 117, 118, 119, 158, 161, 174, 233-235, 297,
331, 346; to school board for London, under Board of Works
Loans Act, 1869, and by London County Council, 162, 163; to be
carried to school fund, 156;

accounts as to, 567, 595;

to school board appointed by the Education Department, 175;
repayment of, on re-transfer of voluntary school, 113.

LOCAL AUTHORITY, school board constituted, 277; school attend-
ance committee appointed by council of borough constituted, 277;

school attendance committee appointed by guardians constituted, 277;
school attendance committee appointed by urban sanitary authority
constituted, 318;

duty of, to publish provisions of Act, 277; to enforce provisions as to
employment of children, 277, 278; to assist inspectors appointed by
Secretary of State in enforcing Act in case of children employed in
factories, workshops, and mines, 278; to report to Education De-
partment infraction of conscience clause in public elementary schools,
278; to furnish returns to Education Department, 176-179, 211,


may suspend restrictions as to employment of children, for operations
of husbandry and ingathering of crops, 282; limitation of period of
suspension, 282; issue of notice by, as to suspension, 282; copies of
notice to be furnished to the Education Department and to overseers,
282; copies of notice to be fixed on church and chapel doors, and
may be advertised, 282;

may grant labour certificates, 609;

duty of, in certain cases to apply for an order directing attendance of
child at school, 286, 287. See also School Attendance Orders;
duty of, as to application for order for sending child to an industrial
school, 289, 290; classes of children who may be sent to an industrial
school, 114, 115, 289, 290, 298-300;

duty of, as to obtaining and enforcing order for contribution by parent
to cost of child sent to certified day industrial school, 298, 299; to
apply sums received under order in aid of their expenses, 299;

at request of, and of parent, child may be received into certified day
industrial school, when parent undertakes to pay certain sum, 299,
677, 681, 682, 698, 699;

powers of, to make bye-laws for school attendance, 305, 349-351; duty
of, to make and to enforce, 307, 349-351;

may obtain from registrars returns of births and deaths, 309, 310;
may give certificates of school attendance of children in canal boats,


may make compensation for loss from forged transfer, 236;

appointment and payment of officers by, 311-313, 320, 648, 653, 655;
officer of, may obtain order for entry on premises when child believed
to be illegally employed, 312; proceedings for non-attendance at
school to be authorised by two members, 323;

expenses of school board as, 313;

See also Expenses;

expenses of other local authority, 313, 657-659.
expenses of, if sanctioned by Local Government Board, exempt from
disallowance, 167;

power of Education Department in case of failure of, to fulfil duty, 310,

LOCAL AUTHORITIES under Technical Instruction Acts, 709.
LOCAL COMMITTEES, appointment of, by school attendance commit-
tee, 316, 341, 342; rules as to, 341, 342; continuance in office of,
341; regulation of proceedings of, 341, 342; casual vacancies in, 342;
not to make bye-laws or take proceedings before a court, 316.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD, to issue regulations as to accounts,
170, 247, 248; order of, as to accounts of school board and school
managers, 565; appeals to, against disallowances and allowances,
166-169; expenses of local authorities when sanctioned by, not to be
disallowed by district auditor, 167;

powers of, as regards auditor and audit, 163–166, 247, 248; instruc-
tions of, as to time and place of audit, 165, 166, 247, 248;

consent of, to detached part of parish being deemed a separate parish,


may make regulations as to the discharge of duties of guardians and
officers under the Act of 1876, 320, 617, 632, 634, 636, 640, 642,
when consent of, to appointment of officers required, 313; may make
regulations as to the officers and expenses of the school attendance
committees appointed by guardians, 320, 647, 653, 655; to prescribe
fee to registrars for certificates of birth, 308, 615; to prescribe form
for returns to local authority of births and deaths, 309;

circular letters of, as to expenses of school attendance committees,
657-659; to guardians as to payment of school fees, 618.

See also Regulations of Local Government Board.

LOCAL LOANS ACT, 239, 240.

LOCAL RATE in boroughs, 67, 216; in Oxford, 67, 210, 216; in
Wenlock, 271; in metropolis, 67, 216; in parishes not in boroughs
or metropolis, 67, 216, 334; in united and contributory districts,
149, 150, 159, 160; in divided parishes, 196, 240, 241, 334; under
Technical Instruction Acts, 709.

LODGERS, eligible for election as members of school board, 125.
LOG BOOK, 543.

LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL, substituted for Metropolitan Board
of Works, 148, 162, 163.

LONDON CITY, boundaries of division of, 147, 148; election of mem-
bers of school board in, 145, 146, 222, 223; order of Education
Department as to persons entitled to vote, 148.

LONDON SCHOOL BOARD. See School Board for London.

MAINTENANCE of schools, grants for. See Parliamentary Grant.
MANAGEMENT of schools of school board, 79, 245.

MANAGERS of elementary schools, definition of term, 62;

to furnish returns, 178, 250; default of, in making returns, 179;
may apply for public inquiry as to decision of Education Department
as to public school accommodation, 74, 75;

powers of, to comply with conditions for parliamentary grant, 215;
option of, as to receiving fee grant, 362, 363; of two or more schools
may pay fee grant into common fund for distribution, 373; may
associate and elect committee for schools, 374;

grants to. See Parliamentary Grant;

transfer of school by, to school board, 102-104, 548; transfer by, of
school endowment, 104; re-transfer to, of school by school board,
112, 113;

powers of, under Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts, 101; School Sites
Acts, 101, 102;

formation of school board, when, unwilling to continue school, 76, 77;
for schools of school board, appointment of, 83, 155; minimum
number to be appointed, 83; delegation of duties to, 83, 155; duties
and responsibilities of, under New Code, 522-526; tenure of office
of, 83; chairman of, 226; proceedings of, 226, 227; accounts of,
570, 571, 596, 600; appointment of, for schools of combined boards,


MANDAMUS to rating authority for payment of precept of school
board, 158, 159.

MARINE SCHOOLS, regulations of Education Department as to certi-
cates of proficiency in, 611.

MARRIED women, voting of, in elections, 123.

MAYOR to be returning officer in boroughs, 477, 484.

MEETING OF RATEPAYERS for application for school board,
regulations as to, 491; united district, 491.

MEETINGS OF SCHOOL BOARD, 224, 269; proceedings at, 127,
128, 224-226, 269; liability of printer for slanderous statements at,

130, 131;

quorum at, 284;

of managers appointed by school board, 226, 227; proceedings at, 226,
227; of vestry, 64, 65; of school attendance committees and local
committees, 341, 342.

MEMBERS of school board. See School Board.

METROPOLIS, definition of term, 61; parishes, &c., included in, 62,
63; division of, for election of school board, 145-148, 222, 223,
358, 359;

boundaries of divisions of, 145, 147, 148, 359; number of members to
be elected in, 145, 147;

provision of offices for school board of, 89, 90; public school accom-
modation in divisions of, 146.

See also School Board for London.


METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS, substitution of London
County Council for, 148, 162, 163.

METROPOLITAN COMMON POOR FUND, educational relief, a
charge on, 230, 325, 326.

MINES, education of children employed in, 468; enforcement of pro-
visions as to employment of children in, 277, 278.

MINUTE-BOOK of school board, 566;

of managers of schools provided by school board, 570.
MINUTES of school board, to be received in evidence, 128;

of Education Department, evidence of, 198, 332.

MORTGAGES, clauses as to, in Commissioners Clauses Act, 161, 234,


MORTMAIN, licence in, not required by school board, 127, 128, 245;
not to apply to bequests of lands for schools, 129, 130; applies to
educational endowments and trusts vested in school board, 245.
MUNICIPAL borough, Wenlock not to be deemed, 271;

franchise, disqualification for, by corrupt practices in school board
election, 206;

elections, voting of married women in, 123; disqualification by con-
viction for corrupt practices at, for voting in school board election,

office, disqualification for, by corrupt practices in school board elec-
tion, 232;

scheme of adjustment under Municipal Corporations Act when whole
or part of area of, comprises school board district, 356; new, not to
be placed under more than one school board in scheme, 356;
council of, may petition for or against scheme, 356; scheme may
validate acts done by council of, since date of charter, 356.
See also Boroughs.

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