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thy judgments are like the e; great deep./ t

7 Thou, Lord, fhalt fave both man and beast: how excellent is thy mercy, O God: and the children of men fhall put their trust under the thadow of thy wings.

8 They shall be fatisfied with the plenteousness of thy house, and thou shalt give them drink of thy pleasures, as out of the river.

9 For with thee is the well of life; and in thy light fhall we fee light.

10 O continue forth thy loving kindness unto them that know thee, and thy righteousness unto them that are true of heart.

11 O let not the foot of pride come against me; and let not the hand of the ungodly caft me down.

12/There are they fallen, all that work wickedness; they are caft down, and fhall not be able to ftand.


Pfalm xxxvii. Noli amulari. RET not thyfelf because of the ungodly; neither be thou envious against the evil

2. For they fhall foon be cut down like the grafs, and be withered even as the green herb.



Lord, and be doing good: dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. #2

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4 Delight thou in the Lord, and he fhall give thee thy heart's defire.

5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, and put thy truft in him, and he shall bring it to pass.

6. He fhall make thy righteousness as clear as the light, and thy juft dealing as the noon-day.

7 Hold thee ftill in the Lord, and abide patiently upon him: but grieve not thyfelf at him whose way doth profper, against the man that doeth after evil counfels.

8 Leave off from wrath, and let go difpleafure: fret: not thyself, else shalt thou be moved to do evil.

9 Wicked doers fhall be rooted out; and they that patiently abide the Lord, thofe fhall inherit the land.

10 Yet a little while, and. the ungodly fhall be clean gone thou fhalt look after his place, and he fhall be away.

II But the meek fpirited fhall poffefs the earth, and fhall be refreshed in the multitude of peace.

12 The ungodly feeketh counsel against the juft, and gnafheth upon him with his

3 Put thou thy truft in the teeth.

13 The Lord fhall laugh 23 The Lord ordereth a him to fcorn; for he hath good man's going, and maketh feen that

him this day is coming, his way acceptable to himself.

have 24 Though he fall, he thall
not be caft away; for the
Lord upholdeth him with his
hand. For i
and et

14 The ungodly have drawn out the word, and have bent their bow, to caft down the poor and needy, and to flay fuch as are of a right conversation..

15 Their fword fhall go through their own heart, and their bow fhall be broken.

16 A small thing that the righteous hath, is better than great riches of the ungodly; 17 For the arms of the ungodly thall be broken, and the Lord upholdeth the right


18 The Lord knoweth the days of the godly; and their inheritance fhall endure for


19 They fhall not be confounded in the perilous time; and in the days of dearth they fhall have enough.

20 As for the ungodly, they fhall perish, and the enemies of the Lord fhall confume as the fat of lambs; yea, even as the smoke fhall they confume away,

25 I have been young, and now am old, and yet faw I ne ver the righteous forfaken, nor his feed begging their bread.

26 The righteous is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his feed is bleffed...

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27 Flee from evil, and do the thing that is good, and dwell for evermore Fl

28 For the Lord loveth the thing that is right, he forfak eth not his that be godly, but they are preferved for ever.

29 The unrighteous fhall be punished as for the feed of the ungodly, it shall be rooted out,

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30 The righteous fhall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever. $1

31 The mouth of the righteous is exercifed in wisdom, and his tongue will be talking of judgment.

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21 The ungodly borroweth, and payeth not again; but the righteous is merciful and liberal.

32 The law of his God is in his heart, and his goings fhall not fide, resol

33 The ungodly feeth the righteous, and feeketh occafion to flay him m T

22 Such as are bleffed of God, fhall poffefs, the land; and they that are curfed of him, fhall be rooted out him when he is judged.y. £^il

34 The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn

35 Hope

35 Hope thou in the Lord, and keep his way, and he fhall promote thee, that thou fhalt poffefs the land: when the ungodly fhall perish, thou fhalt feeritum

36 I myself have seen the ungodly in great power, and flourishing like a green bay

tree. 1b

2 For thine arrows stick faft in me, and thy hand prefseth me fore.


There is no health in my flefh, because of thy difpleafure; neither is there any reft in my bones, by reafon of my fin:

4 For my wickedneffes are like a fore burthen, too heavy gone over my head, and are for me to bear.

corrupt, through my foolish5 My wounds ftink, and are nefs.

37 I went by, and lo, he was gone; I fought him, but his place could no where be found. 38 Keep innocency, and take heed unto the thing that is right; for that shall bring a man peace at the last. 39 As for the tranfgreffors, I go mourning all the day long: they fhall perish together; and the end of the ungodly is, they shall be rooted out at the lafti questal

40 But the falvation of the righteous cometh of the Lord, who is also their ftrength in the time of trouble.

41 And the Lord fhall ftand by them, and fave them; he fhall deliver them from the ungodly, and fhall fave them, because they put their truft

in him.

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6 I am brought into fo great trouble and misery, that

with a fore disease, and there 7 For my loins are filled is no whole part in my body.

8 I am feeble and fore fmitten; I have roared for the very difquietnefs of my heart.

9 Lord, thou knoweft all my defire; and my groaning is not hid from thee.

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ftrength hath failed me, and To My heart panteth, my the fight of mine eyes is gone from me.

11 My lovers and my neighbours did stand looking upon my trouble, and my kinfmen ftood afar off.

12 They also that fought after my life, laid fnares for me; and they that went about to do me evil, talked of wickedness, and imagined deceit all the day long.

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As for me, I was like a

2 I will keep my mouth as

the ungodly is in my fight......... ́

deaf man, and heard not; and it were with a bridle, while as one that is dumb, who doth not open his mouth. 14 I became even as a man that heareth not, and in whole mouth are no reproofs.


For in thee, O Lord, 15 haye I put my, truft; thou fhalt anfwer for me, O Lord, my God.

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16 I have required that they, even mine enemies, fhould not triumph over me; for when my foot flipt, they rejoiced greatly against me. 17 And I truly am fet in the plague, and my heaviness is ever in my fight:

18 For I will confefs my wickedness, and be forry for my.fin.

19 But mine enemies live, and are mighty; and they that hate me wrongfully are many in number.

20 They also that reward evil for good are against me; because I follow the thing that good is.


21 Forfake me not, O Lord, my God; be not thou far from me.

22 Hafte thee to help me, O Lord, God of my falvation."

Pfalmxxxix. Dixi, Cuftodiam.


Said, I will take heed to

3. I held my tongue, and fpake nothing: I kept filence, yea, even from good words; but it was pain and grief to me.

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4 My heart was hot within me: and while I was thus musing the fire kindled, and at the laft I fpake with my tongue ::..

5 Lord, let me know my end, and the number of my days, that I may be certified how long I have to live.

6 Behold, thou haft made my days as it were a span long, and mine age is even as nothing in respect of thee, and verily every man living is al together vanity b

7 For man walketh in a vain shadow, and disquieteth himself in vain; he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who fhall gather them.

8 And now, Lord, what is my hope? truly my hope is even in thee. 961 ni


9 Deliver me from all mine. offences, and make me not a rebuke unto the foolish.

10 I became dumb, and opened not my mouth; for it was thy doing.

II Take thy plague away from me: I am even confur med by the means of thy hea

my ways, that I offend not in my tongue, woga nu este vy hand.

12 When

12 When thou with re- are the wondrous works which. bukes doft chasten man for thou hast done; like as be

fin, thou makest his beauty to confume away, like as it were a moth fretting a garment every man therefore is but vanity.

13 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears confider my calling; hold not thy peace at my tears:

14 For I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.

15. O fpare me a little, that I may recover my strength, before I go hence, and be no more seen.

Pfalm xl. Expectans expectavi.

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7 If I should declare them, and speak of them, they should be more than I am able to express.

8 Sacrifice and meat-offering thou wouldest not, but mine ears haft thou opened.

9 Burnt-offerings and facrifice for fin haft thou not required; then faid I, Lo I come.



10 In the volume of the book it is written of me, that! I should fulfil thy will, O my God: I am content to do it; yea, thy law is within my heart.

11 I have declared thy righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I will not refrain my lips, O Lord, and that thou knowest.

12 I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; my talk hath been of thy truth, and of thy salvation. 13 I have not kept back thy loving mercy and truth from the great congregation.

14 Withdraw not thou thy mercy from me, O Lord; let thy loving kindness and thy truth alway preserve me.

15 For innumerable troubles are come about me; my

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