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borders, and filleth thee with the flour of wheat.

He fendeth forth his com mandment upon earth, and his word runneth very swiftly.

Set up thyself, O God, above the heavens; and thy glory above all the earth.


He giveth fnow like wool, From Pfalm xcvi.

and scattereth the hoar-froft like ashes.

He cafteth forth his ice like morfels; who is able to abide his froft?

He fendeth out his word, and melteth them; he bloweth with his wind, and the waters flow.

He showeth his word unto Jacob, his ftatutes and ordinances unto Ifrael.

He hath not dealt fo with any nation; neither have the heathen knowledge of his laws.

From Pfalm lvii. Miferere mei, Deus.



Sing unto the Lord a

Lord, all the whole earth.

Sing unto the Lord, and praise his Name; be telling of his falvation from day to day.

Declare his honour unto the heathen, and his wonders unto all people.

For the Lord is great, and cannot worthily be praised; he is more to be feared than all gods.

Pfalm cxlviii. Laudate Do

ET up thyfelf, O God, O



Praise the Lord of heaven; praise him in the

above the heavens; and thy glory above all the earth. My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will fing and give praife.


Praise him, all ye angels of his; praise him, all his hoft.

Praise him, fun and moon; praise him, all ye ftars and Awake up, my glory; light. awake, lute and harp: I my- Praise him, all ye heavens, felf will awake right early. and ye waters that are above I will give thanks unto the heavens. thee, O Lord, among the people, and I will fing unto thee among the nations.

- For the greatnefs of thy mercy reacheth unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds.

Let them praise the Name of the Lord; for he spake the word, and they were made; he commanded, and they were created.

He hath made them faft for ever and ever; he hath




given them a law, which shall Pfalm cl. Laudate Dominum not be broken. Praise God in his holiness ; praise him in the firmament of his power.

Praise the Lord upon earth, ye dragons, and all deeps; Fire and hail, snow and vapours, wind and storm, ful'filling his word;

Mountains and all hills; fruitful trees and all cedars; Beasts and all cattle; worms and feathered fowls; • Kings of the earth and all f people; princes and all judges of the world;

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Praise him in his noble acts; praise him according to his excellent greatness.

Praise him in the found of the trumpet; praise him upon the lute and harp.

Praise him in the cymbals and dances; praise him upon the strings and pipe.

Praise him upon the wellYoung men and maidens, tuned cymbals; praise him old men and children, praise upon the loud cymbals. the Name of the Lord; for Let every thing that hath his Name only is excellent, breath praise the Lord. and his praise above heaven and earth.

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He shall exalt the horn of his people: all his faints shall praise him; even the children of Ifrael, even the people that serveth him.

From Pfalm cxlix. Cantate

Sing unto the Lord a new song; let the congregation of faints praise him. Let Ifrael rejoice in him that made him; and let the children of Sion be joyful in their King.

Let them praise his Name in the dance; let them fing praises unto him with tabret and harp.

Portions of Pfalms, to be fung or faid, at Morning Prayer, on certain Feasts and Fasts, instead of the Venite Exultemus, when any of the foregoing felections are to follow instead of the Pfalms, as in the Table.



From Pfalms xlv. lxxxix. cx. HY feat, O God, endureth for ever; ; the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.

Thou hast loved righteoufness, and hated iniquity wherefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the

For the Lord hath pleasure in his people, and helpeth the oil of gladness above thy fel



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My fong fhall be alway of ASH WEDNESDAY. the loving-kindness of the

Lord; with my mouth will I From Pfalms xxxii. xxxviii. ever be fhowing thy truth,

from one generation to another.


For I have faid, mercy fhall BLESSED is he whofe un

righteousnessis forgiven,

be set up for ever; thy truth and whofe fin is covered. fhalt thou establish in the hea


The Lord is our defence; the holy One of Ifrael is our king. Thou spakeft fome time in vifions unto thy faints, and faidft, I have laid help upon one that is mighty, I have exalted one chofen out of the people.

I will fet his dominion in the fea, and his right hand in the floods.

And I will make him my first-born, higher than the kings of the earth.

The Lord faid unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The Lord fhall fend the rod of thy power out of Sion; be thou ruler, even in the midft among thine enemies.


In the day of thy power fhall the people offer thee freewill offerings with an holy worship: the dew of thy birth is of the womb of the morning.

The Lord fware, and will not repent, Thou art a prieft for ever, after the order of Melchizedech.

Bleffed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth no fin, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Put me not to rebuke, O Lord, in thine anger; neither chaften me in thy heavy difpleasure :

For thine arrows stick faft in me, and thine hand preffeth me fore.

My wickedneffes are gone over my head, and are like a fore burden, too heavy for me to bear.

I will confefs my wickednefs, and be forry for my fin.

Hafte thee to help me, O Lord God of my falvation.

Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.

Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my fupplications.

If thou, Lord, shouldest be extreme to mark what is done amifs, O Lord, who shall ftand?

But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayeft be feared.


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I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and defher pifed of the people.

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All they that fee me laugh me to fcorn; they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, eth faying,

He trufted in God, that he would deliver him; let him deliver him, if he will have him.

The counsel of the wicked layeth fiege against me; they pierced my hands and my feet. They part my garments among them, and caft lots upon my vesture.

But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, hafte thee to help me.

Thy rebuke hath broken my heart; I am full of heaviness; I looked for fome to have pity on me, but there was no man, neither found I any to com

thou wouldest not but mine ears haft thou opened.... Burnt-offerings and facri fice for fin haft thou not required: Then faid I, Lo, I come;

In the volume of the book it is written of me, that I should fulfil thy will, O my God: I am content to do it; yea, thy law is within my heart.


From Pfalms xxiv. xlvii.

IFT up your heads, O ye

Lgates, and be ye lift up,

ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory fhall come in.:

Who is the King of glory? the Lord ftrong and mighty; even the Lord mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O yê gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory fhall come in.

Who is the King of glory? even the Lord of hofts, he is the King of glory

O clap your hands together, all ye people; fhout unto God with the voice of triumph. v For the Lord most high is terrible he is a great King over all the earth. I


fort me.

They gave me gall to eat ; and when I was thirsty, they gave me vinegar to drink. Sacrifice and meat-offering

God is gone up with a fhout; the Lord with the found of a trumpet.s.leM

Sing praises to God, fing heritance, and refreshedst it praifes; fing praifes unto our when it was weary. praises.

King, finges unto The Lord g

God reigneth over the heathen God fitteth upon the throne of Tholiness.

of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham; for the fhields of the earth belong unto God: He is greatly exalted.

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From Pfalms ii. lxviii.

Will declare the decree;

the Lord hath faid unto me, Thou art my fon, this day have I begotten thee.

Defire of me, and I fhall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the utmoft parts of the earth for thy poffeffion.

Be wife now, therefore, O ye kings; be inftructed, ye judges of the earth.

Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Sing unto God, fing praifes to his Name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name Jah, and rejoice be⚫ fore him.

Thou, O God, fentest a gracious rain upon thine in

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the word; great was the company of those that published it.

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Though ye have lain among the pots, yet hall ye be as the wings of a dove, covered with filver, and her feathers with yellow gold.

Thou haft afcended on high; thou haft led captivity captive; thou haft received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.

Bleffed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits; even the God of our falvation.

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