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1.21 nefs patiently, trufting_in God's mercy, for his dear Son Jefus Chrift's fake, and render unto him humble thanks for his Fatherly vifitation, fubmitting yourfelf wholly unto his will, it fhall turn to your profit, and help you forward in the right way that

his weaknefs may add ftrength to his faith, and feriousness to bis repentance: That if it fhall be thy good pleasure to restore him to his former health, be may lead the refidue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory; or else give him grace fo to take thy vifitation, that after this painful life ended, leadeth unto everlafting life. he may dwell with thee in lifeIf the Perfon vifited be very everlasting, through Jefus through Jefus

Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then fhall the Minifter exhort the fick Perfon after this Form, or other like:

fick, then the Minifter may

end his Exhortation in this place, or elfe proceed: AKE therefore in good part the chastisement EARLY beloved, know of the Lord: For, as Saint


Dthis, that Almighty God Paul faith in the twelfth

is the Lord of life and death, Chapter to the Hebrews, and of all things to them per- Whom the Lord loveth he taining; as youth, ftrength, chafteneth, and fcourgeth evhealth, age, weakness, and ery fon whom he receiveth. fickness. Wherefore, what- If ye endure chaftening, God foever your fickness is, know dealeth with you as with fons: you certainly that it is God's For what fon is he whom the vifitation, And for what cause Father chafteneth not? But foever this fickness is fent un- if ye be without chastisement, to you; whether it be to try whereof all are partakers, your patience for the example then are ye baftards, and not of others, and that your faith fons. Furthermore, we have may be found, in the day of had fathers of our flesh, the Lord, laudable, glorious, which corrected us, and we and honourable, to the in gave them reverence: Shall creafe of glory and endless fe- we not much rather be in fublicity; or elfe it be fent unto jection unto the Father of you to correct and amend in spirits, and live? For they you whatfoever doth offend verily for a few days chaftened the eyes of your heavenly Fa- us after their own pleasure ; ther; know you certainly, that but he for our profit, that if you truly repent you of we might be partakers of his your fins, and bear your fick holiness. These words, good


brother, are written in holy ing yourself for your own Scripture, for our comfort faults, you may find mercy and inftruction; that we at our heavenly Father's hand fhould patiently, and with for Christ's fake, and not be thanksgiving, bear our hea- accused and condemned in venly Father's correction, that fearful judgment. Therewhenfoever, by any manner fore I fhall rehearse to you the of adversity, it fhall please Articles of our Faith; that his gracious goodness to vifit you may know whether you us. And there (hould be no do believe as a Chriftian man greater comfort to Chriftian fhould, or no. perfons, than to be made like unto Chrift, by fuffering patiently adverfities, troubles, and fickneffes. For he him

felf went not up to joy, but

Here the Minister fhall rebearfe the Articles of the Faith, faying thus:


OST thou believe in God the Father Almighty,Maker of heaven and earth? And in Jefus Chrift his onlytruly our way to eternal joy, begotten Son our Lord? And is to fuffer here with Chrift; that he was conceived by the and our door to enter into Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin eternal life, is gladly to die Mary; that he fuffered under with Chrift; that we may Pontius Pilate, was crucified, rife again from death, and dead, and buried; that he went dwell with him in everlafting down into hell, and alfo did life. Now therefore, taking rife again the third day; that he your fickness, which is thus afcended into heaven, and fitprofitable for you, patiently, teth on the right hand of God I exhort you in the Name of the Father Almighty; and God, to remember the from thence fhall come again feffion which you made unto at the end of the world, to God in your Baptifm. And judge the quick and the dead? forafmuch as after this life there is an account to be given unto the righteous Judge, by whom all must be judged, without refpect of perfons; I require you to examine felf, and your estate, both

firft he fuffered pain: He entered not into his glory, be

fore he was crucified. So



And doft thou believe in

the Holy Ghoft; The holy Catholic Church; The Communion of Saints; The Remiffion of fins; The Refur rection of the flesh; and eyerlafting life after death?

toward God and man; fo¶ The fick Perfon fhall answer, that, accufing and condemn

All this I ftedfaftly believe.


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earnestly defireth pardon and

Then shall the Minister exa- who truly repent, that thou mine, whether he repent him rememberest them no more; truly of bis fins, and be in cha- open thine eye of mercy upon rity with all the world; ex- this thy fervant, who moft borting him to forgive, from the bottom of his heart, all forgiveness. Renew in him, perfons that have offended him; most loving Father, whatsoand if he hath offended any ever hath been decayed by the other, to ask them forgiveness; fraud and malice of the devil, and where he hath done injury or by his own carnal will and or wrong to any man, that be frailness; preferve and contimake amends to the uttermost nue this fick member in the of his power. And if he bath unity of the Church; confider not before disposed of his goods, bis contrition, accept his tears, let him then be admonished to afswage his pain, as thall feem make bis Will, and to declare tothee most expedient for him. bis debts, what he oweth, and And forasmuch as he putteth what is owing unto him, for his full trust only in thy mercy, the better discharging of his impute not unto him his forConfcience, and the quietness of mer fins, but strengthen him bis Executors. But men should with thy bleffed Spirit; and often be put in remembrance to when thou art pleased to take take order for the fettling of him hence, take bim unto thy their temporal estates, whilst favour, through the merits they are in health. of thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The exhortation before rebearsed may be faid before the Minifter begin his prayer, as be Ball fee cause.

The Minister shall not omit earnestly to move fuch fick Perfons as are of ability, liberal to the poor.

to be

And then the Minister shall fay the Collect following.


Then shall the Minister fay this Pfalm.


Pfalm cxxx. De profundis. UT of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice. O let thine ears confider well the voice of my complaint.

If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done

Let us pray. Most merciful God, who, according to the multitude of thy mercies, dost amiss; O Lord, who may so put away the fins of those abide it ?


For there is mercy with thee; therefore fhalt thou be feared.

I look for the Lord, my foul doth wait for him; in his word is my truft.

My foul fleeth unto the

Here the Minifter may use any part of the fervice of this Book, which, in bis difcretion, he fhall think convenient to the occafion; and after that fhall


NTO God's gracious

Lord, before the morning U mercy and protection

watch; I fay, before the morning watch.

Ŏ Ifrael, truft in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy; and with him is plenteous redemption.

And he shall redeem Ifrael from all his fins.

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we commit thee: The Lord
bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face to
fhine upon thee, and be gra-
cious unto thee: The Lord
lift up his countenance upon
thee, and give thee peace both
now and evermore. Amen.
¶ Prayers which may be faid
with the foregoing fervice, or
any part thereof, at the dif
cretion of the Minifter.
¶ A Prayer for a fick Child.
Almighty God and mer-
ciful Father, to whom

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¶ Then shall the Minifter fay, alone belong the iffues of life HE Almighty Lord, who and death; look down from is a moft ftrong tower Heaven, we humbly befeech to all those who put their thee, with the eyes of mercy truft in him, to whom all upon this Child, now lying things in heaven, in earth, upon the bed of fickness: Viand under the earth, do bow fit him, O Lord, with thy and obey, be now and ever- falvation; deliver him in thy more thy defence; and make good appointed time from his thee know and feel, that there bodily pain, and fave his foul is none other Name under for thy mercies fake; that if Heaven given to man, in it fhall be thy pleasure to prowhom, and through whom, long his days here on earth, he thou mayeft receive health may live to thee, and be an and falvation, but only the inftrument of thy glory, by Name of our Lord Jefus ferving thee faithfully, and Chrift. Amen. doing good in his generation;


or elfe receive him into those raise him up, and grant him heavenly habitations, where a longer continuance amongst the fouls of those who fleep us: Yet, forafinuch as in all in the Lord Jefus enjoy perpetual reft and felicity: Grant this, O Lord, for thy mercies fake, in the fame thy Son our Lord Jefus Chrift, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghoft, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

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Father of mercies, and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need; we fly unto thee for fuccour

appearance the time of his diffolution draweth near, fo fit and prepare him, we beseech thee, against the hour of death, that after his departure hence in peace, and in thy favour, his foul may be received into thine everlafting Kingdom; through the merits and mediation of Jefus Chrift thine only Son, our Lord and Sa

viour. Amen.

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A Commendatory Prayer for a fick Perfon at the point of Departure.


in behalf of this thy fervant, Almighty God, with whom do live the fpihere lying under thy hand in rits of juft men made perfect, great weakness of body. Look after they are delivered from graciously upon him, O Lord; their earthly prifons; and the more the outward humbly commend the foul of man decayeth, ftrengthen him, this thy fervant, our dear browe beseech thee, fo much the ther, into thy hands, as into more continually with thy the hands of a faithful Creagrace and Holy Spirit, in the tor, and moft merciful Saviinnerman: Give him unfeign- our; most humbly beseeched repentance for all the errors ing thee, that it may be preof his life paft, and ftedfaft cious in thy fight: Wash it, faith in thy Son Jefus, that we pray thee, in the blood of bis fins may be done away by that immaculate Lamb, that thy mercy, and his pardon was flain to take away the fins fealed in Heaven, before he of the world; that whatsoever go hence, and be no more feen. defilements it may have conWe know, O Lord, that tracted in the midst of this mithere is no word impoffible ferable and naughty world, with thee; and that, if thou through the lufts of the flesh, wilt, thou canft even yet or the wiles of Satan, being

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