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Decree containing general administrative regulations in pursuance of $16378, 2nd paragraph (1) of the Civil Code, as contained in the Act of July 13th, 1907. March 31st, 1908

Decree containing general administrative regulations in pursuance of §16375, 2nd paragraph (2), of the Civil Code, as contained in the Act of July 13th, 1907. March 31st, 1908

Portugal: Decree establishing a Pension Fund for the working classes. August 29th, 1907

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Decree to sanction and bring into force the Administrative Order respecting the Pension Fund for the working classes, appended hereto. December 19th, 1907 Sweden: Notification respecting a special scheme of accident insurance for fishermen. October 2nd, 1908






Notification to amend the text of §§1, 7, 11, 19, 20 and 21 of the Instructions for the State Insurance Institution, dated December 19th, 1902. October 2nd, 1908 380 Notification respecting State subventions for the years 1908-09 towards the promotion of public employment bureaux in the Kingdom. October 23rd, 1908. 380 Indices :

I.-Chronological Index of Laws and Orders in Vol. III. II. Subject Index

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National Labour Legislation


1. German Empire


1. Bekanntmachung des Reichskanzlers betr. den Betrieb der Anlagen der Grosseisenindustrie. Vom 19 Dezember, 1908. (Reichsarbeitsblatt, Jahrg.

VII. Nr. 1. S. 51.

Notification of the Imperial Chancellor respecting the management of establishments in the iron industry. (December 19th, 1908.)

The following provisions respecting the management of establishments in the iron industry are hereby issued by the Federal Council in pursuance of §§1200 and 1396 of the Industrial Code :

(1) The provisions hereinafter contained shall apply to the following works in the iron industry, namely: blast furnace works, blast furnace and pipe foundries, steel works, puddling works, forges, plate bending works and rolling mills. They shall apply to all departments of such works including those repairing workshops and subsidiary undertakings which are technically in direct connection with them.

(2) The name of every workman employed after the ordinary period of employment [§1346, paragraph 1. (1) of the Industrial Code] shall be entered in a register together with exact information respecting the ordinary daily period of employment and the amount of overtime worked by him. on each day. The said register shall be forwarded to the local Police Authority at the end of every month. The Higher Administrative Authority shall have power to issue more detailed regulations respecting the form of the register.

The Higher Administrative Authority may, on application, exempt from the obligation of keeping such registers those employers who cause their wage schedules to be kept after a prescribed pattern, allow them to be inspected at any time by the official specified in §139b of the Industrial Code, and present to him the extracts from the wage schedules specified by the Higher Administrative Authority.

(3) In every shift lasting longer than eight hours every workman. must be allowed breaks amounting altogether to not less than two hours. Interruptions in work of less than fifteen minutes duration shall not be included in such breaks. Notwithstanding, if on account of the nature of

the work in any department a number of breaks occur which afford sufficient rest, the Higher Administrative Authority may, on application and subject to revocation at any time, sanction the inclusion of such breaks in work in the total period of two hours, even if they individually last less than a quarter of an hour.

One break (midday or midnight break) must last at least one hour and fall between the end of the fifth and the commencement of the ninth hour of work. In cases where this appears to be advisable in view of the nature of the work or the interests of the workmen, the Higher Administrative Authority may, on special application and subject to revocation, allow such breaks to be limited to half an hour, provided that the total duration shall always amount to two hours.

Similarly the Higher Administrative Authority may allow the breaks to be limited to one hour, when this appears to be advisable in view of the interests of the workmen, provided that each shift does not last longer than eleven hours.

The workmen may be required to remain near the workplaces during the breaks, and to be prepared to give assistance in case of emergency, if this appears to be necessary in order to prevent industrial dangers and if the employment of relieving workmen would involve considerable difficulties.

(4) Every workman must be allowed an uninterrupted period of eight hours rest before the commencement of the ordinary period of work [§1346, paragraph 1 (1) of the Industrial Code].

This provision shall not apply in respect of the regulation of the alternation of shifts.

(5) The provisions of §§3 and 4 shall not apply to work which must be done immediately in cases of emergency. Where such work is done in contravention of §§3 and 4 the local Police Authority must be informed in writing within three days.

If the ordinary course of work is interrupted by natural occurrences or catastrophes, exceptions to the provisions of §§3 and 4 may be allowed for a term of four weeks by the Higher Administrative Authority, and for any longer period by the Imperial Chancellor.

(6) In works specified in §1 a notice giving these regulations in easily legible characters shall be affixed in a prominent place.

(7) The present regulations shall come into operation on the first day of April, 1909.

2. Bekanntmachung des Reichskanzlers betr. die Einrichtung und den Betrieb der Buchdruckereien und Schriftgiesserein. Vom 22 Dezember, 1908. (Reichsarbeitsblatt, Jahrg. VII., Nr. 1, S. 53.)

Notification of the Imperial Chancellor respecting the establishment and management of printing works and type foundries. (Dated December 22nd, 1908.)

In pursuance of §120e of the Industrial Code the Federal Council has decreed that the following provisions shall be added as paragraph 3 to the provisions contained in I (7) of the Notification respecting the establishment and mangement of printing works and type foundries of July 31st, 1897. (R.G. Bl., p. 614) :—

Wooden floors and floors covered with linoleum shall not be required to be washed or scrubbed every day if they are painted with a mineral oil which does not dry and are swept once daily. The oil paint coating must

in the case of wooden floors be renewed at least every eight weeks, and in the case of floors covered with linoleum, it must be renewed at least once in every two weeks.

3. Gesetz betr. die Abänderung der Gewerbeordnung. Vom 28 Dezember, 1908. Nr. 3553. (Reichsgesetzblatt, Nr. 63, S. 667.)

Act to amend the Industrial Code. (Dated December 28th, 1908.)

SECTION 1.-I. Part IV. of Title VII. of the Industrial Code shall be headed as follows:


II. Part IV. of Title VII. of the Industrial Code shall be amended as follows :

(1) The following shall be inserted below the heading :

133g. The provisions of §§133h-139aa shall apply to journeymen, assistants, apprentices, and all other industrial employees, except officials, foremen and engineers (§§133a-133f).

(4) Provisions applying to establishments where at least twenty workmen are regularly employed :

133h. The provisions contained in §§134 to 134h following hereafter shall apply to establishments where at least 20 workmen are employed. This shall be held to be the case in establishments where an increase of staff is regularly necessary at certain seasons of the year, provided that at such times at least 20 persons are employed.

[(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) Drafting amendments.]

(7) The following shall be inserted after §134h :

1341. Without prejudice to the provisions of §133h, the provisions contained in §§135 to 139aa following hereafter, shall apply to establishments where at least 10 persons are regularly employed. This shall be held to be the case in establishments where an increase of staff is regularly necessary at certain seasons of the year, provided that, at such times, at least 10 persons are employed.

[(8), (9), (10) Drafting amendments.]

(11) In §136 the following paragraph shall be inserted after paragraph 2: After the termination of the daily period of employment young persons shall be allowed an uninterrupted period of at least 11 hours rest. (12) §137 shall read as follows:

A woman shall not be employed between 8 o'clock in the evening and 6 o'clock in the morning, nor on Saturdays, and on the eve of festivals after 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

A woman shall not be employed for more than 10 hours in any one day, nor for more than 8 hours on Saturdays or on the eve of festivals. Women shall be allowed a midday break of at least one hour. After the termination of the daily period of work women shall be allowed an uninterrupted period of 11 hours rest.

Women who have household duties to attend to shall, on making application on that behalf, be allowed to leave work half an hour before the midday break, unless the said break lasts for at least one hour and a half. A woman shall not be employed before and after child-birth for a period of altogether eight weeks. No woman shall come back to work unless she can show that her confinement occurred at least six weeks previously.

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