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SLAUGHTER HOUSES: (Fr.) 69; (N.Z.) 317; (Port.) 113.

SLEEPING ACCOMMODATION: in bakeries (Fin.) 221;-for foreign workmen ; (Den.)
354-for rice workers (It.) 182, 195.

SMOKING in workplaces: (Aus.) 33. 145; (Den.) 46, 50; (Fin.) 221; (Ger.) 8, 133;
(U.K.) 85.

SPITTOONS, supply of (Den.) 47, 51; (Fin.) 221.

STAMP DUTIES, etc., exemptions from: (Den.) 347; (It.) 184, 187; (N.Z.) 314;
(Queensl.) 279; (Sp.) 153.

STATISTICS: (Can.) 101; (Fr.) 68; (Ont.) 165; (Sp.) 52, 55; (Swe.) 117; (Uru.)


STEAM BOILERS: (Ind.) 85; (Que.) 168; (Queensl.) 177; (Sask.) 105.

STOKERS: (Pr.) 16.

STONE WORKS: (Aus.) 30; (Den.) 342; (N.S.W.) 271; (Pr.) 341.

STRIKES. [See Trade Disputes.]

SUBVENTIONS: for benefit funds (Den.) 353; (Port.) 377-for labour exchanges;
(Swe.) 116, 380 ;-for unemployment funds (Den.) 147.

SUGAR WORKERS: (Queensl.) 88, 95.

SULPHURIC ETHER, manufacture of : (Pr.) 16.

SUNDAY WORK: (Can.) 101; (Chi.! 37; (Den.) 147; (Fr.) 69, 72, 74, 80; (It.) 106,
192; (Man.) 105; (Port.) 113, 115; (Pr.) 340; (Que.) 166; (S. Alt.) 21; (Sp.)
52, 149; (Wurt.) 18;-on articles for military use (Wurt.) 17;-in breweries
(Pr.) 341 ;-in bakeries (Fin.) 220 ;—in dairies, etc. (Pr.) 340, 341; in fish trade
(Ham.) 137;-in hairdressers' businesses; (R. j. L.) 24-in hotels, etc. (Sp.)
52;-in ice works (Pr.) 341 ;-in mines (Ont.) 164;—in photographic studios
(Bre.) 25; in railway bars (Sp.) 62;-in shops (App.) 126;-of women and
young workers (App.) 124; (Ber.) 119; (Den.) 146; (Ger.) 336;
[See also Holidays.]


TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. [See School Attendance.]

(Hes.) 20

TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE: (Can.) 223; (It.) 192; (Mex.) 204;
(Port.) 113; (Rus.) 215; (Sp.) 150.

TEMPERATURE of woRKPLACES, etc.: (Ber.) 120;-electric accumulator works
(Ger.) 7 ;-laundries, etc. (Den.) 51;-lead works (Aus.) 141 ;-mines (Anh.) 22 ;
-where painting carried on (Aus.) 31 ;-of ships (Den.) 351;-textile factories,
etc. (Den.) 47.

TEXTILE FACTORIES, etc.: (Den.) 45; (Fr.) 82; (U.K.) 373.

THEATRES, EXHIBITIONS, etc., employment in: (Can.) 101; (Ger.) 338; (Que.) 166;
(Port.) 113, 116; (Sp.) 149.

TOBACCO, preparation and sale of: (Bre.) 25, 26; (Den.) 148; (Ger.) 338; (N.S.W.)
271; (Port.) 115; (R. j. L.) 24, 825; (Sp.) 151; (Wurt.) 18.

TOUTING: (Nat.) 163.

TRADE ASSOCIATIONS: (Den.) 38; (Ger.) 1. [See also Registration.]

TRADE DISPUTES: (App.) 330; (Ber.) 123; (Can.) 223; (Den.) 42, 354; (Ger.) 5;
(It.) 186; (N.S.W.) 257, 272; (N.Z.) 282, 289, 315; (Rus.) 116, 215, 216;
(Turk.) 330; (Uru.) 222.
TRANSPORT SERVICE: (Can.) 102, 223; (Den.) 38; (Ger.) 338; (It.) 179; (Mex.)
203; (N.Z.) 317; (Port.) 115; (Sp.) 149; (Wurt.) 19.

TRUCK SYSTEM. [See Wages.]

TRUSTS, regulation of: (Austrl.) 237.

TURF-CUTTING: (Den.) 342.

UNEMPLOYMENT: (Den.) 38, 146; (Fr.) 75, 82; (Port.) 377; (Pr.) 339; (Queensl.)
95; (Swe.) 116.

VENTILATION: in bakeries (Fin.) 221;-in dwelling places (Den.) 354; (It.) 182;-
in electric accumulator works (Ger.) 5-in laundries (Den.) 49, 51;-in lead
works (Aus.) 140; (Fr.) 156;-in mines (Newf.) 86; (Ven.) 127;-where painting
carried on (Aus.) 31 ;---of ships (Den.) 351;-in textile factories (Den.) 45 ;--
where women employed (App.) 124; (Ber.) 120.

WAGES, attachment of (N.Z.) 319;-boards (Queensl.) 168, 282;-books (Den.) 353;
(N.Z.) 327; (Rus.) 218;-calculation of (It.) 189; (Lux.) 110; ( Wurt.) 19 ;—of
deceased workmen (B.C.) 105;-deductions from (App.) 125; (Ber.) 120, 121,
122; (Bulg.) 36; (Den.) 353; (Fr.) 363; (It.) 185; (Queensl.) 92; (Rus.) 218,
219; (Tas.) 97 ;-fair (Austrl.) 237;-lien for (Ont.) 165;-minimum (N.S.W.)
263; (N.Z.) 97, 100;-for overtime (App.) 125; (Ber.) 119; (Fin.) 220;—
payment of (App.) 125; (Ber.) 121; (Den.) 352, 353; (Fin.) 220; (It.) 186,
196; (Nic.) 112; (Ont.) 165; (Queensl.) 95; (Tas.) 97;-retention of (Rus.) 218.
WATER SUPPLY: (Can.) 102, 223; (Port.) 113; (N.S.W.) 271; (N.Z.) 317.
WEEKLY REST. [See Sunday Work.]

WEIGHTS, etc., lifting and carrying: (Fr.) 79.

WOMEN: eligibility to boards (Fr.) 357; (It.) 197;-emigration of (Sp.) 52;-employ-
ment of (App.) 124; (Arg.) 27 (Ber.) 118; (Ger.) 335 et seq.; (It.) 192:
(N.Z.) 99; (Que.) 167; (Tas.) 95; in building trades (Ger.) 336; in carrying
weights (Fr.) 79; in coke works (Ger.) 336; before and after confinement (App.)
124; (Arg.) 28; (Aus.) 139; (Ber.) 119; (Ger.) 335; (It.) 183, 195; in dairies
(Fr.) 358; in electric accumulator works (Ger.) 7; in florists' businesses (U.K.)
371, 372; in fringe-knotting (Pr.) 16; in fruit preserving (Ger.) 5; inter-
national convention (Fr.) 158; in lead works (Aus.) 142; in mines (Anh.) 22 ;
(Ger.) 339; (Nic.) 112; (Okl.) 63; (Ont.) 164; (Ven.) 127; night work (It.)
180; in painting (Aus.) 31; overtime (U.K.) 372; in rice cultivation (It.)
183, 195; in silk industry (It.) 180; on Sundays (Chi.) 37; (Fr.) 81; (Sp.)
155; in tobacco works (Bre.) 25;-provision for nursing infants (Arg.) 28;
(It.) 184, 196. [See also Outside Employment.]

WOOD WORKS: (Den.) 51; (N.S.W.) 271.

YOUNG PERSONS, employment of: (App.) 124; (Arg.) 27; (Ber.) 118; (Den.) 145;
(Ger.) 335 et seq.; (N.Z.) 98, 99, 328; (Ont.) 165; (Que.) 167;-in bakeries
(Ger.) 338-in carrying, etc., weights (Fr.) 79;-in dairies (Fr.) 358;-
in electric accumulator works (Ger.) 7 ;—in florists' businesses (U.K.) 371, 372;-
in horsehair processes (U.K.) 84;-in lead works (Aus.) 142;-in mines (Anh.)
22; (Newf.) 86; (Okl.) 63; (Ont.) 164; (Tas.) 96;-in painting, etc. (Aus)
31-in rag-sorting (Den.) 48 ;-in rice cultivation (It.) 183;-on Sundays and
holidasy (Fr.) 81; (Port.) 114; (Sp.) 155 ;-in tobacco works (Bre.) 25;-as
waitresses (App.) 126.

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Bibliography of the Bulletin of the International Labour Office.

1908. Vol. VII. No. 1-3.

Alphabetical List of Subjects.

The figures following each subject refer to the numbered sections into which the

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Bibliography is divided.

Accidents 11. Accident Insurance 24 (e). -- Administration of Labour Laws 13. - Apprenticeship 20. Arbitration 21. --- Children (Employment of) 20. - Colonisation 15. - Combination (Right of) 12. Committees (Workmen's) 9.- Conciliation 21.- Conditions of Work 5. Congresses 3.Contracts (of Work) 12, (Collective) 12, (Public) 23 Cooperation 17. Courts (Industrial and Commercial) 21. Disablement Insurance 24 (f). Diseases (Industrial) 18. Emigration and Immigration 15. Employees' Insurance 24 (g). - Employment Bureaux 8.- Garden Cities 25. Home Work 19. Hours of Work 14. Housing 6, 25.-Hygiene 18. - Insurance 24. - Labour Councils 2. Labour Departments 13. Labour Legislation 1. Labour Market 8. Labour Offices 4 (c). · Maternity Insurance 24 (h). Native Labour 15. Old Age Insurance 24 (f). Organisations (Labour) 4, (Employers') 7.- Orphans' Insurance 24 (h). - Remuneration (Methods of) 12. Sick Insurance 24 (d). Social Legislation (General) 22. Societies 4 (D). - Statistics 5, 24 (b). Sunday Work 14. Thrift 25. Trade Disputes 10. Unemployment 8. Wages 5, 12. Welfare 25. Widows' Insurance 24 (h). - Women's Work 16. - Young Persons (Employment of) 20.


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I. Periodicals. No. 1.

(Continuation of 1907, January to May 1908.)

Abbreviations: A.

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Annalen des Deutschen Reiches für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, München. - A. A. The Annals of the American Academy of political and social science, Philadelphia. A. B. = Die Arbeit, Bochum. Ab. Der Abstinent, Wien. A. cath. L'Association catholique, Paris. Congrès international des Accidents du travail et des Assurances sociales, Bulletin du Comité permanent, Paris. A. D. G.Z. = Allgemeine deutsche Gärtner-Zeitung, Berlin. A. E. bahnwesen, Berlin. A. F. American Federationist, Washington. Arbeiterfreund, Berlin. — A. ƒ. V. = Archiv für Volkswohlfahrt, Berlin. des Gewerbeförderungsdienstes des k. k. Handelsministeriums, Wien. A.G.Z. = Arbeitgeber-Zeitung, Wien. A. H. P. = Annales d'hygiène publique et de médecine légale, American Industries, of, by and for the Manufacturers of the United A.J. Arbeiterinnenzeitung, Wien. Arbeiterjugend, Wien. A. J. S.

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Archiv für Eisen-
A.Fr. Der

[ocr errors]

A. G. H.:

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The American Journal of Sociology, Chicago and New York. A. k. S. kaufmännische Sozialpolitik, Hamburg. A.M. Archiv für soziale Medizin und Hygiene, Leipzig. A. N. R.-V. Amtliche Nachrichten des Reichs-Versicherungsamtes, Berlin. L'Association ouvrière, Paris. Die Armenpflege, Wien. A. R. = meine Rundschau. A. r. = Akademie revue socialistická, Prag. Arb. Der Arbeiter, München. A.S.= Arbeiterschutz, Wien. A. S. C. Arbeidsmarkedet utgiven of det Statistiske Centralbureau, Kristiania. A. S. F. Action sociale de la Femme. - A. S. P. Annales des Sciences Politiques, Paris. A. S. S. Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, Tübingen. — A.St. Arbeiterstimme, Bern. — A. T. = Arbetsstatische Tidskrift. A. T. Fin. Arbeitsstatistik Tidskrift utgiven of industristyrelsen i Finland, HelsingAt. W. = Die Arbeit, Wien. A. V. Arbeiter-Versorgung, Grunewald-Berlin. Avenir social. A. V.Bl.

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Bergarbeiter, Oberhausen (Rheinl.). B. Arg.
Buenos Ayres. B. A. S. = Bulletin des Assurances Sociales.
the Bureau of Labor, Washington. - B.B.Z.
Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres.

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= Boletin de la Union industrial argentina, B. B. L. Bulletin of Beamtenbauzeitung, Wien. B. C. L. - B. C. T. Bulletin du Comité central du Travail inBoletin del Departemento nacional del Trabajo, Buenos - B. E. Bollettino dell' Emigrazione, Roma. Bew. Beweging, Amsterdam. B. f. Bahn frei! Wien. B. F. I. F. = Bulletin mensuel de la Fédération des Industriels et des Commerçants français, Paris. B. F. N. Bulletin de la Fédération nationale du Bâtiment et des Travaux publics, Paris. B. G. Blätter für Genossenschaftswesen, Berlin. Bha. Die Baugewerkschaft, Berlin. Der BaubülfsB. H. S. Der Bauhandwerker, Magdeburg. Zeitschrift für das Berg-, Hütten- und Salinenwesen im preussischen Staate, Berlin. B. I. T. = Bulletin de l'Inspection du Travail, Paris. BL.A. = Der Blumenarbeiter, Berlin.

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