Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber: At Law, in Equity, and in Error, from Michaelmas Term, 7 Geo. IV. to [Hilary Term, 10 & 11 Geo. IV.] ... Both Inclusive [1826-1830] : with Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters, 3. köide

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Popular passages

Page 522 - That in actions of debt, or upon the case, grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract...
Page 464 - And be it further enacted, that any penalty or forfeiture inflicted by this act may be prosecuted, sued for, and recovered, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record...
Page 308 - J., when a verdict was found for the plaintiff, with one shilling damages, subject to the opinion of the Court upon the following case. The...
Page 435 - Commissioners, except that so much of such Bills as contain any Charge respecting any Action at Law, or Suit in Equity, shall be settled by the proper Officer of the Court in which such Business shall have been transacted, and the same, so settled, shall be paid by the Assignees to such Solicitor or Attorney...
Page 103 - The rolls being the records or memorials of the judges of the courts of record, import in them such uncontrollable credit and verity, as they admit of no averment, plea, or proof to the contrary.
Page 102 - ... their, or any or either of their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns...
Page 536 - ... or otherwise disposed of by any will or testamentary instrument of any person who shall have died after the 5th day of April 1805 (after deducting debts, funeral expenses, legacies, and other charges first made payable thereout, if any), where such residue, or share of residue shall amount to £20 or upwards, and where the same shall be paid, retained, or discharged after the 31st day of August 1815...
Page 348 - If a man hath twenty acres of land, and by deed granteth to another and his heirs vesturam terror, and maketh livery of seisin secundum formam cfiarlee, the land itself shall not pass, because he hath a particular right in the land; for, thereby he shall not have the houses, timber-trees, mines, and other real things, parcel of the inheritance, but he shall have the vesture of the land...
Page 346 - ... unto the person or persons who for the time being should be entitled to the freehold of the premises.
Page 179 - ... the husband should not intermeddle therewith, and after her decease in trust for the heirs of her body...

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