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on the envelope (here reproduced) is to the description of the king bird of paradise, and shows how he was able to introduce appropriate cuts from his large stock. The letter itself is in hieroglyphic form, intimating that he had other engagements, indicating himself by his large nose and scrap-book under his arm.

The next I shall give is an account of the sad results of reading one of my books aloud. The heading is a pseudonym for his operating room.

"Fang Castle, June, 1870,

"Therm. 771.

"Thanks worthy Signor for the entertainment afforded by your Boke on Natural Selection. But good as 'Natural Selection' is, or maybe: I like Mutual Selection much better; and to my thinking it is of much more importance: ex. gr. mutual selection is this-A Lady asks me to become her husband-I ax her to become my wife-that's Mutual Selection-aint it 'Natural'? The question of the fittest' is a subsequent affair: as is the Creation by birth, etc., etc.

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"But the pleasure was sadly and suddenly interrupted: I was reading aloud, and got on pretty well through p. 90-91. At 92 Jaws ached terribly! but at p. 94 and 5, even vulcanite could not stand it; and to my horror my upper set of teeth gave way with a crash! divided between the right lateral and the canine. I was helpless; and but for an old piece in reserve, my enjoyment of a succulent Roast Pig would have been entirely destroyed: it cost me dear-quite the value of a collection: I must give up reading scientific (?) names aloud.

"I picked up a good specimen of Lignum ambulans for a shilling a week ago: and it now forms a prominent feature in our surgery. We are promised a Phyllium in a few days: and a Kallima paralekta. The Rosa Canina is a puzzle at present: I never saw a Red Canine tooth! Speaking of teeth-Huxley in his Physiology says Bicuspids never have more than two fangs-He knows nothing about it. I have them with three-Molars with 4, 5, and 6! In my lecture case, now before me, there are several: they are not as

common as dirt or earwigs in the country! but they often turn up.

"I begin the second reading to-night—not aloud—oh no! "With our best Salaam to the Lady, I remain

"Thine in amity,


The next letter is so wholly and heartily gastronomic that it appeals to me strongly, and reveals the jovial character of the man so amusingly that it must not be omitted.

"Fang Castle, 7, Mortimer St., W., "Jan. 9, 1870-I.

"Now you're wuss and wuss! "Tuesday is the University' of the High-mighty and pious College of Dentists of England, and everywhere else: the 'Collection' of Officers, and when I am to give an acct. of all the four-penny pieces I have received during the yearfor, and on behalf of the Jaw-breakers in general, and the Council in particular. We begin at 7-close when we have no more to say; and adjourn to St. James's Hall feeding-Box, for a trial of the Artificials!

"It was lucky I called there this morning. Our Sec. had ordered a Cold Collation-Cold Veal, Ham and Fowls! COLD DEVILS! You may as well eat a Hat-box or Fire-wood.

"I have ordered a Hot Supper-Ducks-Giblet Pies— Plum-pudding, and such like Comforts-cold grub indeed, and the Glass at 26°. So you see, as I cannot well be in two places at once, and where Duty call one must obey, we shall not have the pleasure of Banquetting upon the 'Cold Greens.'

"As to 'Alcohol '-I do not think I shall venture out— Aunt Loo is going to preside at a School treat in the shape of T., Bunns, Plum cake and sundry indigestibles, one a MagicLanthorn, which they are to devour. Tom and his Cousin Constance go as well: So I shall be alone, as the Gals are at Torquay-capital place for females as it is all Talkée ! Talkée !-So, as I said before, I shall be alone-and I contemplate the utter destruction of a KIDNEY PUDDING! Think of that, Master Brook-a Kidney pudding! and perhaps a bit of steak or a Sausage or TWO, perhaps THREE: only two of usthe pudding and I no weggibles, to take up the room the

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