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that a Prefs-gang * was advancing, to befiege the Doors, and arreft the Sailors.-An Alarm was im mediately taken. The Seamen, with much Hurry, and no fmall Anxiety, began to fhift for themselves. The rest of the Congregation, perceiving an unufual Stir, were ftruck with Surprize.-A Whisper of Enquiry ran from Seat to Seat; which increased, by Degrees, into a confufed Murmur, and a ftrange Commotion. No One could inform his Neighbour. Therefore, every One was left to folve the Appearance, from the Suggestions of a timorous Imagination. Some fufpected, the Town was on fire. Some were apprehenfive of an Invafion from the Spaniards. Others looked up, and looked round, to fee if the Walls were not giving way, and the Roof falling upon their Heads. In a few Moments, the Confternation became general. The Men ftood like Statues, in filent Amazement, and unavailing Perplexity. The Women fhrieked aloud; fell into Fits; funk to the Ground in a Swoon. Nothing was feen, but wild Disorder; nothing heard, but tumultuous Clamour.-Drowned was the Preacher's Voice. Had He spoke in Thunder, his Meffage would scarce have been regarded. To have gone on with his Work, amidst such a Ferment of stunning Sounds and astonished Minds, had been like arguing with a Whirlwind, or talking to a Tempeft.


The Reader, it is hoped, will excufe whatever may appear low, or favour of the Plebeian, in any of these Circumftances. If Afpafio had fet Himfelf to invent the Døfeription of a Panric, He would probably have formed it upon fome more raised and dignified Incident. But as this was a real Matter of Fact, which lately happened in one of our Sea-port Towns; Truth, even in a plain Drefs, may poffibly be no lefs acceptable than Fiction, wicked up with the most splendid Embellishments.

This brought to my Mind that great tremendous Day, when the Heavens fhall pass away; when the Earth fhall be diffolved; and all its Inhabitants receive their final Doom.-If, at fuch Incidents of very inferior Dread, our Hearts are ready to fail; what unknown and inconceivable Aftonishment must seize the guilty Confcience, when the Hand of the ALMIGHTY fhall open thofe unparalleled Scenes of Wonder, Defolation, and Horror! -When the Trumpet fhall found-The Dead arise -The World be in Flames-The JUDGE on the Throne-and all Mankind at the Bar!

The Trumpet fhall found, fays the prophetic Teacher. And how alarming, how ftupendous the Summons! Nothing equal to it, nothing like it, was ever heard through all the Regions of the Universe, or all the Revolutions of Time.-When conflicting Armies have discharged the bellowing Artillery of War, or when victorious Armies have shouted for Joy of the Conqueft, the Seas and Shores have rung, the Mountains and Plains have echoed. But the Voice of the Archangel, and the Trump of GOD, will refound from Pole to Pole. It will shake the Pillars of Earth, and startle the Dungeon of Hell.-Stronger, ftranger ftill! It will penetrate even the deepest Receffes of the Tomb. It will pour its amazing Thunder into all those Abodes of Silence. The Dead, the very Dead, shall hear.

When the Trumpet has founded, the Dead shall arise.—In a Moment, in the Twinkling of an Eye, the Graves open; the monumental Piles are cleft afunder; the Families, the Nations under-ground, start into Day. What an immenfe Harveft of Men

* 1 Cor. xv. 52.


399 and Women, springing up from the Caverns of the Earth, and the Depths of the Sea! Stand a while my Soul, and contemplate the wonderful Spectacle. -Adam formed in Paradise, and the Babe born but Yesterday, the earliest Ages, and latest Generations, meet upon the fame Level. Jews and Gentiles, Greeks and Barbarians, People of all Climes and Languages, unite in the promifcuous Throng. Here, those vast Armies, which, like Swarms of Locusts, covered Countries; which, with an irrefiftible Sweep, over-run Empires; here they all appear, and here they all are loft. Loft, like the fmall Drop of a Bucket, when plunged amidst the unfathomable and boundless Ocean.-O! the Multitudes! the Multitudes! which these Eyes fhall furvey, when GOD calleth the Heavens from above, and the Earth that He may judge his People. What Shame must flush the guilty Cheek! What Anguish wound the polluted Breast! To have all their filthy Practices, and infamous Tempers, exposed before this innumerable Croud of Witneffes !-Fly, my Theron; and fly, my Soul; inftantly let Us Ay, earnestly let Us fly, to the purifying Blood of JESUS. That all our Sins may be blotted out; that We may be found unblameable and unreproveable, in the Presence of the affembled World; and, what is infinitely more to be revered, in the Sight of the omnipotent GOD.

When the Swarm iffues, the Hive fhall burn. There is no more Need of this habitable Globe.


If, as it is commonly fuppofed, the Earth contains at any one Period of Time, no less than four hundred Millions of Souls; what a Congregation muft all thofe Generations make, which have fucceeded each other for feven thousand Years!

The Elect have fought the good Fight, and finished their Course. The Wicked have been tried, and found incorrigible. The important Drama is ended. Every Actor has performed his Part. Now therefore the Scenes are taken down; and the Stage is demolished.-Voe be to the Earth, and to the Works thereof! Its Streams are turned into Pitch, its Dust into Brimstone; and the Breath of the ALMIGHTY, like a Torrent of Fire, enkindles the Whole. See! fee! how the Confiagration rages-spreads

prevails over all! The Forefts are in a Blaze, and the Mountains are wrapt in Flame. Cities, Kingdoms, Continents, fink in the burning Deluge. London, Britain, Europe are no more. Through all the Receptacles of Water, through all the Tracts of Land, through the whole Extent of Air, nothing is difcernable, but one vaft, prodigious, fiery Ruin. ---Where now are the Treafures of the Covetous? Where the Poffeffions of the Mighty? Where the Delights of the Voluptuary?-How wife, how happy are they, whofe Portion is lodged in heavenly Manfions! Their Inheritance is incorruptible. Such as the laft Fire cannot reach, nor the Diffolution of Nature impair.

We look upwards. The azure Vault cleaves. That ftately Expanfe is rolled back like a Scroll; the Regions of Blifs are feen; and the JUDGE, the JUDGE appears! He cometh, cries a mighty Seraph, the Herald of his Approach, He cometh


It feems, according to the Apoftle's Reprefentation, that, introductory to the Refurrection of the Dead, there will be A Shout, the Voice of the Archangel, and the Trump of GOD. 1 Theff. iv. 16.-First, A Shout of Joy and Triumph breaks from the Skies; made by Millions of attendant

to judge the World in Righteousness, and minifter trus Judgment unto the People!-He cometh, not as formerly, in the Habit of a Servant, but clad with uncreated Glory, and arrayed in Light inacceffible. He cometh, not meanly followed by twelve weak Difciples, but magnificently attended with the Armies of Heaven. Angels and Archangels form his Retinue; Principalities and Powers wait at his Feet: the Cherubim and Seraphim are upon the Wing to execute his Commands.-Behold Him, ye faithful Followers of the LAMB; and wonder and love. This is HE, who bore all your Iniquities on the ignominious Crofs. This is HE, who fulfilled all Righteoufnefs for the Juftification of your Perfons.-Behold Him, ye Defpifers of his Grace; and wonder and perifh. This is HE, whofe merciful Overtures you have contemned, and on whose precious Blood You have trampled.

The great white Throne *, beyond Description auguft and formidable, is erected. The KING of Heaven, the LORD of Glory, takes his Seat on the dreadful Tribunal. Mercy, on his Righthand, difplays the Olive-branch of Peace, and holds forth the Crown of Righteoufnefs. Justice, on his Left, poises the impartial Scale, and unVOL. II. C c fheaths attendant Spirits, or by all the Companies of Heaven.Then follows the Voice of the Archangel, proclaiming the Approach of the REDEEMER; which, though heard fingly through the vaft Expanfe, will probably be louder than those united Acclamations.-Last of all; the Trumpet of GOD founds, and issues a Summons to the Dead, more awful and more majeftic, than each preceding Alarm; clofing the old, and opening the new World, with inconceivable Solemnity, and the most formidable Grandeur.

Rev. xx. 11.

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