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nify our Entering upon it, and our Continuing in it; then all is regular, and all is fecure. Salvation is of the LORD. CHRIST has the Honour and Glory. While We have an Ark, which not Waves can overwhelm, no Rocks can shatter.

Once more, therefore, let me obferve, in Purfuance of this important Remark; That Faith is reprefented as laying hold on GOD our SAVIOUR*; leaning upon our BELOVED +; cleaving to the LORD 1.-Please to take notice of yonder Vine. Its Shoots are weak, and its Branches flimfy. Being abfolutely unable to fupport themselves, they are furnished with a very re-. markable Set of Clafpers. Which, like so many Fingers, lay hold on the Pegs of the Wall, or faften themselves to the Poles within their Reach. Without such a provision, the Boughs must lie proftrate on the Ground, and be expofed to the Infults of every Foot. Whereas, by this kind Contrivance of Nature, fo creeping a Plant, will climb into the Air, and enjoy the Breeze; so feeble a Plant, will stand out the Winter, and defy the Storms.-An inftructive Admonition to Sinners! And no contemptible Illustration of Faith, especially in its principal and moft diftinguishing Employ! Thus let Us apprehend the bleffed JESUS; hold Us faft by our adored REDEEMER; cleave to his ineffable Worthiness, as thofe twining Tendrils, by repeated Circumvolutions, adhere to their fubftantial Supporters. Then fhall We rife, by Merits, not our own, from the most abject and miserable Condition, to a State of everlasting Honour and Joy.


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Acts xi. 23.

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Ther. Some People, I believe, would hardly forbear fmiling at the Peculiarity of your Diction, and might be inclined to call your Difcourfe Canting, rather than Reasoning. For my own Part, I muft acknowledge, that, as all your peculiar Phrases are derived from the Scriptures, I hear them with Reverence, and without the leaft Difpofition to fneer. Was my Friend delivering a Latin Oration, it would be a fufficient Warrant for any of his Expreffions, to prove that they came from the Ciceronian Mint. And will it not be an equally fufficient Authority, for any Modes of Speech ufed in a theological Effay, to alledge that they bear the Stamp of the Bible?.

Afp. Thanks to my Friend replied Afpafia, making a low Bow-Thanks for his indulgent Conceffion. Yet let Him know, that He has manifefted his Judgment, as much as He has exercifed his Candour. The Scripture is the Rule, not only of our Faith, but of our Language alfo, whenever We would explain that facred Subject. Can any Expreffions be more proper or more emphatical, than those which unerring Wisdom has felected for our Ufe? Impoffible! Therefore We are commanded to hold faft a Form of found Words *, as well as a Syftem of found Principles. Can any Phrafes express divine Things, with greater Precifion and Perfpicuity, than those which the divine SPIRIT has employed for this Purpofe? Arrogance itself dares not entertain the Thought. Therefore We think it unexceptionably right, to declare the Truths of the Gofpel, not in the Words which Man's Wifdom teacheth, but which the HOLY GHOST teacheth t


2 Tim. i. 13.

+ 1 Cor. ii. 13.

Ther. Though I make no Objection to your Language, I have yet another Scruple with regard to your Doctrine. Do the antient Fathers adopt or inculcate this imputed Righteoufnefs? If it was fo important an Article of our Faith, furely it could not be unknown in thofe early Ages, which were fo near the apoftolical Fountain. It would not have been omitted by those zealous Preachers, who chose to endure all the Rigours of Perfecution, rather than renounce their holy Profeffion.

Afp. I think, it were fufficient to answer this Queftion, by asking another-Do the Apoftles, does the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD fpeaking in Scripture, inculcate this Doctrine, or difplay this Privilege? If so, We need not be very folicitaus for any farther Authority. To the Law, and to the Teftimony, is our grand, our final Appeal. Amidst all the Darkness and Uncertainty, which evidently run through the Writings of the best of Men, this is our unfpeakable Happiness, That We have a more fure Word of Prophecy; to which We do well to take heed +.

However; to be a little more particular-It cannot be expected, that We should find many Passages in thofe pious Authors, very strong and very explicit, upon the Point. Becaufe, in their Days, it was not. so profeffedly opposed; and therefore could not be fo exactly difcuffed, as in later Ages. Nevertheless, they have left enough behind them, to avouch the Subftance of what We affert; That a Man is not juftified by any Works, Duties, or Righteousness of his own, but only by Faith in JESUS CHRIST.I cannot fay, that I have charged my Memory with

* Ifai. viii. 20.

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+ 2 Pet. i. 19.


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their very Words; and for that Reason, must not attempt at prefent to make any Citation. But, when a proper Opportunity offers, and their Works are before me, I may poffibly produce a few of their Teftimonies.

In the mean Time, I can mention a Set of Writers, whofe Atteftation will, I imagine, carry as much Weight with my Friend, as the united Voice of the Greek and Latin Fathers.

Ther. Who are they?

Afp. Our venerable Reformers. The Homilies compofed by thofe excellent Divines, are as exprefs to my Purpose, as they are unexceptionable in their Evidence. This is their Language" The true "Understanding of this Doctrine, We be juftified freely by Faith without Works, is not, that this "our Act to believe, or this our Faith in CHRIST,

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doth juftify Us: for that were to count Our- · «selves to be justified by some A& or Virtue, that « is within Ourselves. But the true Meaning

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thereof, is, That although We hear GOD's "Word, and believe it; although We have Hope "and Faith, Charity and Repentance, and do never fo many good Works: Yet We must renounce the Merit of all our Virtues and good "Deeds, as Things that be far too weak and in"fufficient, to deferve Remiffion of Sin, and our


Juftification. We muft truft only in GOD's "Mercy, and that Sacrifice which our High"Prieft and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, the "SON of GOD, offered for Us upon the "Crofs."

The Homily fubjoins a very appofite Illuftration; which may conclude our Difcourfe with perfect Pro



priety, and I hope with equal Efficacy." So that "as St. John Baptift, although He were never fo

virtuous and godly a Man, yet in the Matter of forgiving Sin, He did put the People from Him,

and appoint them unto CHRIST; faying thus "unto them, Behold! Yonder is the LAMB of "GOD, which taketh away the Sins of the World: "Even fo, as great and as godly a Virtue as the

lively Faith is, yet it putteth Us from itself, and "remitteth Us unto CHRIST, for to have only by Him Remiffion of Sins or Juftification. So "that our Faith in CHRIST, as it were, faith


anto Us thus, It is not I that take away your "Sins, but it is CHRIST only; and to Him "only Ifend You for that Purpose, forfaking "therein all your good Words, Thoughts, and "Works, and only putting your Truft in “CHRIST *.”


Ther. If there be any tolerable Sense of the Notion under Debate, I think, it must be understood as follows.-CHRIST's Performance of the Law of his Mediation, or, in other Words, his unfinning Obedience to the moral Law, and the spotless Sacrifice of Himself to the vindictive Juftice of GOD; these are the only valuable Confideration, on Account of which, the gracious GOD reftores guilty Creatures to a State of Acceptance with his Divine MAJESTY.

Afp. If this is what You mean by the Law of Mediation, I am far from denying your Propofition. I would never defire to wrangle; but, if poffible, to acquiefce. I would not wish to espy Faults, but


See the second Part of the Homily on Salvation.

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