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The Railways'
Clauses Consolida-

tion Act.

Restrictions and conditions.

Working of Mines.

Company not to be entitled to minerals.

Mines lying near the railway not to be worked if the company willing to purchase them.

If company unwilling to pur

work the mines.

No such branch railway shall run parallel to the railway;
company shall not be bound to make any such openings in
any place which they shall have set apart for any specific pur-
pose with which such communication would interfere, nor upon
any inclined plane or bridge, nor in any tunnel;

The persons making or using such branch railways shall be sub-
ject to all bye-laws and regulations of the company from time to
time made with respect to passing upon or crossing the railway,
and otherwise; and the persons making or using such branch
railways shall be bound to construct, and from time to time, as
need may require, to renew, the offset plates and switches ac-
cording to the most approved plan adopted by the company, and
under the direction of their engineer.

And with respect to mines lying under or near the railway, be it enacted as follows:

LXXVII. The company shall not be entitled to any mines of coal, ironstone, slate, or other minerals under any land purchased by them, except only such parts thereof as shall be necessary to be dug or carried away or used in the construction of the works, unless the same shall have been expressly purchased; and all such mines, excepting as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be excepted out of the conveyance of such lands, unless they shall have been expressly named therein and conveyed thereby.

LXXVIII. If the owner, lessee, or occupier of any mines or minerals lying under the railway, or any of the works connected therewith, or within the prescribed distance, or, where no distance shall be prescribed, forty yards therefrom, be desirous of working the same, such owner, lessee, or occupier shall give to the company notice in writing of his intention so to do thirty days before the commencement of working; and upon the receipt of such notice it shall be lawful for the company to cause such mines to be inspected by any person appointed by them for the purpose; and if it appear to the company that the working of such mines or minerals is likely to damage the works of the railway, and if the company be willing to make compensation for such mines or any part thereof to such owner, lessee, or occupier thereof, then he shall not work or get the same; and if the company, and such owner, lessee, or occupier, do not agree as to the amount of such compensation, the same shall be settled as in other cases of disputed compensation.

LXXIX. If before the expiration of such thirty days the company do not state their willingness to treat with such owner, lessee, or occhase, owner may cupier for the payment of such compensation, it shall be lawful for him to work the said mines or any part thereof for which the company shall not have agreed to pay compensation, so that the same be done in a manner proper and necessary for the beneficial working thereof, and according to the usual manner of working such mines in the district where the same shall be situate; and if any damage or obstruction be occasioned to the railway or works by improper working of such mines, the same shall be forthwith repaired or removed, as the case may require, and such damage made good, by the owner, lessee, or occupier of such mines or minerals, and at his own expense; and if such repair or removal be not forthwith done, or, if the company shall so think fit, without waiting for the same to be done by such owner, lessee, or occupier, it shall be lawful for the company to

execute the same, and recover from such owner, lessee, or occupier the expense occasioned thereby, by action in any of the superior




The Railways'

Clauses Consolida

tion Act.


LXXX. If the working of any such mines under the railway or works, or within the above-mentioned distance therefrom, be prevented as aforesaid by reason of apprehended injury to the railway, it shall be lawful for the respective owners, lessees, and occupiers of such mines, and whose mines shall extend so as to lie on both sides of Mining commuthe railway, to cut and make such and so many airways, headways, gateways, or water levels through the mines, measures, or strata, the working whereof shall be so prevented, as may be requisite to enable them to ventilate, drain, and work their said mines; but no such airway, headway, gateway, or water level shall be of greater dimensions or section than the prescribed dimensions and sections, and, where no dimensions shall be described, not greater than eight feet wide and eight feet high, nor shall the same be cut or made upon any part of the railway or works, or so as to injure the same, or to impede the passage thereon.

LXXXI. The company shall from time to time pay to the owner, lessee, or occupier of any such mines extending so as to lie on both sides of the railway all such additional expenses and losses as shall be incurred by such owner, lessee, or occupier by reason of the severance of the lands lying over such mines by the railway, or of the continuous working of such mines being interrupted as aforesaid, or by reason of the same being worked in such manner and under such restrictions as not to prejudice or injure the railway, and for any minerals not purchased by the company which cannot be obtained by reason of making and maintaining the railway; and if any dispute or question shall arise between the company and such owner, lessee, or occupier as aforesaid, touching the amount of such losses or expenses, the same shall be settled by arbitration.

LXXXII. If any loss or damage be sustained by the owner or occupier of the lands lying over any such mines the working whereof shall have been so prevented as aforesaid, (and not being the owner, lessee, or occupier of such mines), by reason of the making of any such airway or other work as aforesaid, which or any like work would not have been necessary to be made but for the working of such mines having been so prevented as aforesaid, the company shall make full compensation to such owner or occupier of the surface lands for the loss or damage so sustained by him.

Company to make compensation for injury done to mines;

and also for any airway or other sary by the railway.

work made neces

Power to company

to enter and inspect the working of mines.

LXXXIII. For better ascertaining whether any such mines are being worked or have been worked so as to damage the railway or works, it shall be lawful for the company, after giving twenty-four hours' notice in writing, to enter upon any lands through or near which the railway passes wherein any such mines are being worked or are supposed so to be, and to enter into and return from any such mines or the works connected therewith; and for that purpose it shall be lawful for them to make use of any apparatus or machinery belonging to the owner, lessee, or occupier of such mines, and to use all necessary means for discovering the distance from the railway to the parts of such mines which are being worked or about so to be. LXXXIV. If any such owner, lessee, or occupier of any such mine Penalty for reshall refuse to allow any person appointed by the company for that fusal to inspect. purpose to enter into and inspect any such mines or works in manner



The Railways'

Clauses Consolidation Act.

If mines impro

aforesaid, every person so offending shall for every such refusal forfeit to the company a sum not exceeding twenty pounds.

LXXXV. If it appear that any such mines have been worked contrary to the provisions of this or the special act, the company may, if they think fit, give notice to the owner, lessee, or occupier thereof to construct such works and to adopt such means as may be necessary or proper for making safe the railway, and preventing injury thereto; perly worked, the and if after such notice any such owner, lessee, or occupier do not forthwith proceed to construct the works necessary for making safe the railway, the company may themselves construct such works, and recover the expense thereof from such owner, lessee, or occupier, by action in any of the superior courts.

company may re

quire means to be adopted for the safety of the railway.

Passengers and

And, with respect to the carrying of passengers and goods upon Goods on Railway. the railway, and the tolls to be taken thereon, be it enacted as follows:

Company to employ locomotive power, carriages, &c.

Company empowered to contract with other companies.

Contracts not to affect persons not parties thereto.

Company not to be liable to a greater extent than common carriers.

Power to vary tolls.

LXXXVI. It shall be lawful for the company to use and employ locomotive engines or other moving power, and carriages and waggons to be drawn or propelled thereby, and to carry and convey upon the railway all such passengers and goods as shall be offered to them for that purpose, and to make such reasonable charges in respect thereof as they may from time to time determine upon, not exceeding the tolls by the special act authorized to be taken by them.

LXXXVII. It shall be lawful for the company from time to time to enter into any contract with any other company, being the owners or lessees or in possession of any other railway, for the passage over or along the railway by the special act authorized to be made of any engines, coaches, waggons, or other carriages of any other company, or which shall pass over any other line of railway, or for the passage over any other line of railway of any engines, coaches, waggons, or other carriages of the company, or which shall pass over their line of railway, upon the payment of such tolls and under such conditions and restrictions as may be mutually agreed upon; and for the purpose aforesaid it shall be lawful for the respective parties to enter into any contract for the division or apportionment of the tolls to be taken upon their respective railways.

LXXXVIII. Provided always, That no such contract as aforesaid shall in any manner alter, affect, increase, or diminish any of the tolls which the respective companies, parties to such contracts, shall for the time being be respectively authorized and entitled to demand or receive from any person or any other company, but that all other persons and companies shall, notwithstanding any such contract, be entitled to the use and benefit of any of the said railways, upon the same terms and conditions, and on payment of the same tolls, as they would have been in case no such contract had been entered into.

LXXXIX. Nothing in this or the special act contained shall extend to charge or make liable the company further or in any other case than where, according to the laws of the realm, stage-coach proprietors and common carriers would be liable, nor shall extend in any degree to deprive the company of any protection or privilege which common carriers or stage-coach proprietors may be entitled to; but, on the contrary, the company shall at all times be entitled to the benefit of every such protection and privilege.

XC. And, whereas, it is expedient that the company should be en

abled to vary the tolls upon the railway so as to accommodate them to the circumstances of the traffic, but that such power of varying should not be used for the purpose of prejudicing or favouring parti cular parties, or for the purpose of collusively and unfairly creating a monopoly, either in the hands of the company or of particular parties; it shall be lawful, therefore, for the company, subject to the provisions and limitations herein and in the special act contained, from time to time to alter or vary the tolls by the special act authorized to be taken, either upon the whole or upon any particular portions of the railway, as they shall think fit: Provided that all such tolls be at all times charged equally to all persons, and after the same rate, whether per ton per mile or otherwise, in respect of all passengers, and of all goods or carriages of the same description, and conveyed or propelled by a like carriage or engine, passing only over the same portion of the line of railway under the same circumstances; and no reduction or advance in any such tolls shall be made either directly or indirectly in favour of or against any particular company or person travelling upon or using the railway.

XCI. And, whereas, authority has been given by various acts of Parliament to railway companies to demand tolls for the conveyance of passengers and goods, and for other services, over the fraction of a mile equal to the toll which they are authorized to demand for one mile; therefore, in cases in which any railway shall be amalgamated with any other adjoining railway or railways, such tolls shall be calculated and imposed at such rates as if such amalgamated railways had originally formed one line of railway.


STATUTES. The Railways'

Clauses Consolidation Act.

Tolls to be

charged equally stances.

under like circum

How tolls to be

railways amalgamated,

calculated where

free on payment of tolls.

XCII. It shall not be lawful for the company at any time to de- Railway to be mand or take a greater amount of toll, or make any greater charge for the carriage of passengers or goods, than they are by this and the special act authorized to demand; and, upon payment of the tolls from time to time demandable, all companies and persons shall be entitled to use the railway, with engines and carriages properly constructed as by this and the special act directed, subject nevertheless to the provisions and restrictions of the said act of the sixth year of her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for the better Regulation of Railways, 5 & 6 Vict. c. 55. and for the Conveyance of Troops," and to the regulations to be from time to time made by the company by virtue of the powers in that behalf hereby and by the special act conferred upon them.

XCIII. A list of all the tolls authorized by the special act to be taken, and which shall be exacted by the company, shall be published by the same being painted upon one toll-board or more in distinct black letters on a white ground, or white letters on a black ground, or by the same being printed in legible characters on paper affixed to such board, and by such board being exhibited in some conspicuous place on the stations or places where such tolls shall be made payable.

List of tolls to be exhibited on a


XCIV. The company shall cause the length of the railway to be Milestones. measured, and milestones, posts, or other conspicuous objects to be set up and maintained along the whole line thereof, at the distance of one quarter of a mile from each other, with numbers or marks inscribed thereon denoting such distances.

XCV. No tolls shall be demanded or taken by the company for the use of the railway during any time at which the boards hereinbefore directed to be exhibited shall not be so exhibited, or at which the milestones herein before directed to be set up and maintained shall not

Tolls to be taken only whilst board milestones set up.

exhibited and



The Railways'

Clanses Cousolidation Act.

Tolls to be paid as directed by the company.

In default of payment of tolls, goods, &c. may be detained and sold.

Account of lading, &c. to be given.

Penalty for not giving account of lading.

Disputes as to amount of tolls chargeable.

Differences as to weights, &c.

be so set up and maintained; and if any person wilfully pull down, deface, or destroy any such board or milestone, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five pounds for every such offence.

XCVI. The tolls shall be paid to such persons, and at such places upon or near to the railway, and in such manner and under such regulations, as the company shall, by notice to be annexed to the list of tolls, appoint.

XCVII. If, on demand, any person fail to pay the tolls due in respect of any carriage or goods, it shall be lawful for the company to detain and sell such carriage, or all or any part of such goods, or, if the same shall have been removed from the premises of the company, to detain and sell any other carriages or goods within such premises belonging to the party liable to pay such tolls, and out of the monies arising from such sale to retain the tolls payable as aforesaid, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale, rendering the overplus, if any, of the monies arising by such sale, and such of the carriages or goods as shall remain unsold, to the person entitled thereto; or it shall be lawful for the company to recover any such tolls by action at law.

XCVIII. Every person being the owner or having the care of any carriage or goods passing or being upon the railway shall, on demand, give to the collector of tolls, at the places where he attends for the purpose of receiving goods or of collecting tolls for the part of the railway on which such carriage or goods may have travelled, or be about to travel, an exact account in writing, signed by him, of the number or quantity of goods conveyed by any such carriage, and of the point on the railway from which such carriage or goods have set out, or are about to set out, and at what point the same are intended to be unloaded or taken off the railway; and if the goods conveyed by any such carriage, or brought for conveyance as aforesaid, be liable to the payment of different tolls, then such owner or other person shall specify the respective numbers or quantities thereof liable to each or any of such tolls.

XCIX. If any such owner or other such person fail to give such account, or to produce his way-bill or bill of lading, to such collector or other officer or servant of the company demanding the same, or if he give a false account, or if he unload or take off any part of his lading or goods at any other place than shall be mentioned in such account, with intent to avoid the payment of any tolls payable in respect thereof, he shall for every such offence forfeit to the company a sum not exceeding ten pounds for every ton of goods, or for any parcel not exceeding one hundred weight, and so in proportion for any less quantity of goods than one ton, or for any parcel exceeding one hundred weight, (as the case may be), which shall be upon any such carriage; and such penalty shall be in addition to the toll to which such goods may be liable.

C. If any dispute arise concerning the amount of the tolls due to the company, or concerning the charges occasioned by any detention or sale thereof under the provisions herein or in the special act contained, the same shall be settled by a justice; and it shall be lawful for the company in the meanwhile to detain the goods, or (if the case so require) the proceeds of the sale thereof.

CI. If any difference arise between any toll-collector or other officer or servant of the company and any owner of or person having the charge of any carriage passing or being upon the railway, or of

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