Analekten für die Litteratur, 2. köide

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Page 193 - VITAL spark of heavenly flame ! Quit, oh, quit this mortal frame ! Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying : Oh, the pain, the bliss of dying ! Cease, fond nature ! cease thy strife, And let me languish into life ! Hark, they whisper ; angels say,
Page 8 - Maker or Creator, is fo uncommon a prodigy, that one is almoft tempted to fubfcribe to the opinion of Sir William Temple, where he fays, " That of all the numbers of mankind that live within the compafs of a thoufand years, for one man that is born capable of making a great poet, there may be a thoufand born capable of making as great generals, or minifters of ftate, as the moft renowned in ftory.
Page 299 - Measured my head that wrought this coronet They lie, that say complexions cannot change ; My blood's ennobled, and I am transform'd Unto the sacred temper of a king.
Page 200 - So pleas'd at firft the tow'ring Alps we try* • Mount o'er the vales; and feem to tread the...
Page 236 - By foreign hands thy dying eyes were clos'd, By foreign hands thy decent limbs compos'd, By foreign hands thy humble grave adorn'd, By strangers honour'd, and by strangers mourn'd! What tho' no friends in sable weeds appear.
Page 187 - Glitt'ring thro' the gloomy glades; By the youths that dy'd for love, Wand'ring in the myrtle grove, 80 Restore, restore Eurydice to life: Oh take the husband, or return the wife!
Page 8 - MAKER or CREATOR, is fo uncommon a prodigy, that one is almoft tempted to fubfcribe to the opinion of Sir William Temple, where he fays, " That of all the numbers of mankind, that live within the compafs of a thoufand years, for one man that is born capable of making a great poet, there may be a thoufand born capable of making as great generals, or minifters of ftate, as the moft renowned in ftory*.
Page 227 - To do — bufinefs in the veins of th' earth, When it is bak'd with froft ; To dive into the fire ; to ride On the curl'd clouds." And again, " In the deep nook, where once Thou call'dft me up at midnight to fetch dew From the ftill-vext Bermoothes.
Page 229 - Affift their blufhes, and infpire their airs ; Nay oft, in dreams, invention we beftow, To change a Flounce, or add a Furbelow.
Page 278 - A merry play between the Pardoner and the Frere, the Curate and Neybour Pratte,' is that of another : while the third is named ' The play called the four P's.

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