British and Foreign State PapersH.M. Stationery Office, 1900 |
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Common terms and phrases
according Administration aforesaid Agents Consulaires application Article aura autorités autres bien British Bulgarie charge Colonel Colvile Colony commerce Consular Consuls Court d'après d'une Déclaration decree deux pays douane droit duty effet Emperor of Japan États été être exceeding extradition fait Française Government granted Hardinge Hautes Parties Contractantes High Contracting Parties immigrant Inclosure island Japanese Japon jouiront jour Kabarega Kampala l'Article l'autorité l'autre l'État l'extradition labour Letters Patent lieu lois Majesté le Roi Majesty Majesty's Majesty's Government Major Owen marchandises ment Ministre mois nationaux navires Norvège Order in Council Ordinance Pemba person Plénipotentiaires Port Alice ports possession Post Office pourra pourront present présente Convention qu'il ratifications Regulations respect respectifs Seal sera seront signé slavery slaves Soudanese South African Republic suivant sujets taxes territoire territory thereof tion tout Traité Treaty Tunisie Uganda United Kingdom Unyoro vessel Vice-Consuls vigueur Wadelai Waganda Wanyoro Zanzibar
Popular passages
Page 244 - ... between the two vessels shall make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of these rules, or relieve her of the duty of keeping clear of the overtaken vessel until she is finally past and clear.
Page 482 - ... les prisons du pays, à la réquisition et aux frais des consuls, jusqu'à ce que ces agents aient trouvé une occasion de les faire partir. Si pourtant cette occasion ne se présentait pas dans un délai de trois mois, à compter du jour de l'arrestation, les déserteurs seraient mis en liberté et ne pourraient plus être arrêtés pour la même cause.
Page 243 - When, in consequence of thick weather or other causes, such vessel finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the giving-way vessel alone, she also shall take such action as will best aid to avert collision.
Page 33 - A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character...
Page 244 - In obeying and construing these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger.
Page 239 - ... (d) The lights and shapes required to be shown by this article are to be taken by other vessels as signals that the vessel showing them is not under command and cannot therefore get out of the way.
Page 241 - A vessel of 150 feet or upwards in length, when at anchor, shall carry in the forward part of the vessel, at a height of not less than 20 and not exceeding 40 feet above the hull, one such light, and at or near the stern of the vessel, and at such a height that it shall be not less than 15 feet lower than the forward light,, another such light.
Page 631 - ... upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime or offence had there been committed...
Page 833 - Etat, une commission rogatoire sera envoyée à cet effet par la voie diplomatique, et il y sera donné suite en observant les lois du pays où les témoins seront invités à comparaître.
Page 240 - ... lighted, ready for use, and shall flash or show them at short intervals, to indicate the direction in which they are heading, but the green light shall not be shown on the port side, nor the red light on the starboard side. A pilot vessel of such a class as to be obliged to go alongside of a...