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able, under like circumstances, to suspend its service with any French colony, and vice versa.

XII. The present Agreement shall come into operation on a day to be agreed upon by the Postal Administrations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of France after it shall have been promulgated according to the respective laws of the two countries. It shall remain in force from year to year until one of the Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other a year in advance of its intention to terminate it.

During such final year the Agreement shall continue to be executed fully and entirely, without prejudice to the settlement and payment of the accounts after the expiration of the said


In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present Agreement and have affixed thereto their seals. Done at London in duplicate, the 22nd September, 1915. (L.S.) E. GREY. (L.S.) PAUL CAMBON.

DECLARATION between Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia, engaging not to conclude Peace separately during the present European War.-Signed at London, November 30, 1915.*

LE Gouvernement italien ayant décidé d'adhérer à la déclaration faite à Londres le 5 septembre, 1914,† par les Gouvernements britannique, français et russe, déclaration à laquelle a adhéré également le Gouvernement japonais en date du 19 octobre, 1915, les soussignés, dûment autorisés par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, font la déclaration suivante:

Les Gouvernements britannique, français, italien, japonais et russe s'engagent mutuellement à ne pas conclure de paix séparée au cours de la présente guerre.

Les cinq Gouvernements conviennent que, lorsqu'il y aura lieu de discuter les termes de la paix, aucune des Puissances alliées ne pourra poser des conditions de paix sans accord préalable avec chacun des autres Alliés.

En foi de quoi les soussignés ont signé la présente déclaration et y ont apposé leurs cachets.

"Treaty Series No. 14 (1915)."

+ Vol. CVIII, page 365.

+ Page 853.

Fait à Londres, en quintuple original, le 30 novembre,


(L.S.) E. GREY.


AGREEMENT between Great Britain and Italy for the direct Exchange of Insured or Uninsured Parcels between the British Colony of the Straits Settlements and the Kingdom of Italy.-London, December 21, 1915.*

THE Government of His Britannic Majesty and the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, being desirous of concluding an Agreement for the direct exchange of insured and uninsured parcels between the British Colony of the Straits Settlements and the Kingdom of Italy, have duly authorized for this purpose the undersigned, who have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. Insured and uninsured parcels may be despatched between Italy and the Straits Settlements through the respective Postal Administrations of these countries.

II. As a general rule, postal parcels shall be accepted for all localities. Should there be no post-office in any particular locality, parcels shall be despatched care of the nearest postoffice which serves such locality, subject to certain limitations concerning insurance.

When parcels cannot be delivered at the residence of the addressees, the addressees shall be invited by the receiving office to come and collect them.

III. No parcel may weigh more than 5 kilog. nor measure more than 60 centim. along each side. But a parcel may have a length of 1 metre 5 centim. if the breadth and height together do not exceed a total of 40 centim.

IV. The maximum limit of insurance is fixed at 1,000 fr. for each parcel.

The following are excluded from the above: Parcels bearing trade charges, parcels for express delivery, and parcels for delivery free of Customs charges.

V. The charges payable in advance for each parcel despatched from one country to the other are as follows :

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Treaty Series No. 5 (1917).” Signed also in the Italian language.

(a.) 75 centimes in favour of the despatching Administration, and 75 centimes in favour of the receiving Administration for territorial postage, with, in the case of insured parcels, a supplementary charge of 5 centimes in favour of each Administration for every 300 fr. or fraction of 300 fr. of insured value. The charge of 75 centimes is reduced to 50 centimes in respect of the transit overland of parcels addressed to third countries.

(b.) 1 fr. for parcels of not more than 1 kilog. in weight and 1 fr. 50 centimes for parcels of from 1 to 5 kilog, in weight, for sea postage, with a supplement (where necessary) of 10 centimes for every 300 fr. or fraction of 300, fr. of insured value. These fees shall be handed over to whichever of the two Administrations makes arrangements for the transport of parcels by sea between the two countries.

VI. Each Postal Administration shall nominate offices which shall correspond with the offices named by the other for the purpose of the exchange of parcels; this exchange shall, as a rule, be effected in closed receptacles for the reciprocal use of these offices, the initial cost and maintenance of which shall consequently be shared equally by the two Contracting Parties.

VII. The Administration of the country of destination has the right to levy in its own favour a charge of 25 centimes on each parcel as compensation for the execution and performance of Customs formalities and operations.

VIII. Parcels returned to the place of despatch or redespatched from one country to the other shall be charged according to the provisions of Article V, any customs duties which may have been imposed being cancelled.

IX. The two Administrations shall communicate to each other

(a.) A list of prohibited articles and of articles the importation of which is subject to certain conditions and restrictions.

(b.) A list of foreign countries for which each Administration accepts parcels in transit, showing the conditions attaching to such acceptance.

X. The accounts based on the parcels bills shall be prepared quarterly. The quarterly accounts shall be summarized, balanced, and paid yearly.

XI. The provisions of the Postal Union agreements respecting the conveyance of postal parcels shall be wholly applicable both in questions of responsibility and generally, in all matters not covered by the present Agreement.`

XII. The present Agreement shall remain in force until terminated, after one year's notice given by either of the Contracting Parties, or until the accession of the Straits Settlements to the Postal Union agreements.

The Contracting Parties further reserve the right of introducing by common accord into the present Agreement, by means of further agreements, any modifications which they consider desirable.

In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present Agreement and have affixed thereto their seals. Done at London, the 21st day of December, 1915.

(L.S.) E. GREY.

EXCHANGE OF NOTES respecting the Accession of Japan to the Declaration of September 5, 1914, between Great Britain, France, and Russia, engaging not to conclude Peace separately during the present European War.London, October 19, 1915.*

No. 1.-Sir E. Grey and the French and Russian Ambassadors to the Japanese Ambassador.

M. L'AMBASSADEUR, Londres, le 19 octobre, 1915. Nous soussignés, dûment autorisés par nos Gouvernements respectifs, avons l'honneur d'inviter le Gouvernement Impérial japonais à signifier, par l'intermédiaire de votre Excellence, son adhésion à la Déclaration signée à Londres le 5 septembre, 1914,† entre les Gouvernements français, russe et britannique, et dont le texte est comme suit:

"The Undersigned, duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, hereby declare as follows:

"The French, Russian, and British Governments mutually engage not to conclude peace separately during the present


"The three Governments agree that when terms of peace come to be discussed no one of the Allies will demand conditions of peace without the previous agreement of each of the other Allies.

"In faith whereof the Undersigned have signed this Declaration and have affixed thereto their seals.

"Les Soussignés, dûment autorisés par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, font la déclaration suivante :

"Les Gouvernements français, russe et britannique s'engagent mutuellement à ne pas conclure de paix séparée au cours de la présente guerre.

"Les trois Gouvernements conviennent que lorsqu'il y aura lieu de discuter les termes de la paix aucune des Puissances alliées ne pourra poser des conditions de paix sans accord préalable avec chacun des autres Alliés.

"En foi de quoi les Soussignés ont signé la présente Déclaration et y ont apposé leurs cachets.

Treaty Series No. 9 (1915).”
+ Vol. CVIII, page 265.

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No. 2.-The Japanese Ambassador to Sir E. Grey and the French and Russian Ambassadors.


Japanese Embassy, Londen,
October 19, 1915.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day's date, in which, in the name and with the authority of your respective Governments, you invite the Imperial Japanese Government to signify their adherence to the Declaration between the French, Russian, and British Governments, signed at London on the 5th September, 1914, the text of which reads as follows:

"The Undersigned, duly au thorized thereto by their respective Governments, hereby declare as follows:

"The French, Russian, and British Governments mutually engage not to conclude peace separately during the present


"The three Governments agree that when terms of peace come to be discussed no one of the Allies will demand conditions of peace without the

"Les Soussignés, dûment autorisés par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, font la déclaration suivante :

"Les Gouvernements français, russe et britannique s'engagent mutuellement à ne pas conclure de paix séparée au cours de la présente guerre.

"Les trois Gouvernements conviennent que lorsqu'il y aura lieu de discuter les termes de la paix aucune des Puissances alliées ne pourra poser

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