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(8.) From the pillar "G.P. 1" on the left bank of the Pentjiangan river the boundary line follows successively

(a.) A line running due west to the pillar "G.P. 1" on the right bank.

(b.) The first hill-spur south of the Lombai stream as far as its junction with the main watershed between the tributaries of the Pentjiangan debouching north of 4° 20' north latitude and the tributaries that debouch south of that latitude.

(c.) The last-named watershed as far as the Seselatan hill. (d.) The watershed, or series of watersheds, dividing the northern tributaries of the Sedalir that debouch above 4° 20′ north latitude from those that debouch below that parallel.

(e.) The most western spur of this watershed, or series of watersheds, intersected by parallel 4° 20′ north latitude.

(f.) The parallel 4° 20' north latitude, crossing the Sedalir river till it meets the most eastern spur of the watershed, or series of watersheds, between the southern tributaries of the Sedalir that debouch above parallel 4° 20′ north latitude and those that debouch below that parallel, in conformity with Article II of the Treaty.

(g.) The last-named watershed, or series of watersheds (and, if necessary, the watershed between the Sedalir and the Sesajap rivers), until they meet the main watershed described in Article III of the Treaty.

[Note. There is thus included in the Netherland territory the country that is drained by the Pentjiangan below 4 20 north latitude, by the Sedalir below that parallel, by the tributaries of both of these rivers debouching below 4° 20 north latitude, and by the Sesajap river; and in the territory of British North Borneo any country that is drained by the Pentjiangan north of 4° 20' north latitude, by the Sedalir north of that parallel, and by the tributaries of both of these rivers debouching north of 4° 20' north latitude.]

To the above we have all agreed and appended our signatures at Tawao, British North Borneo, this 17th day of February.




In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present Agreement, and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at London, the 28th day of September, 1915.

(L.S.) E. GREY.


ACCESSION of Russia to the Convention of November 9, 1914, between Great Britain and France relating to Prizes captured during the present European War.-London, March 5, 1915.*

(1.)—The Russian Ambassador to Sir E. Grey.

Ambassade Impériale de Russie, Londres, le 5 mars, 1915.

M. LE SECRÉTAIRE D'ÉTAT, EN adhérant, au nom de mon Gouvernement, à la Convention conclue entre la Grande-Bretagne et la France, le 9 novembre, 1914,† je crois devoir appeler l'attention de votre Excellence que, d'après la législation russe en vigueur, la condamnation des cargaisons ennemies à bord de navires de commerce alliés entrés dans un port russe n'appartient pas à la juridiction des prises, mais doit être prononcée par les autorités administratives de l'Empire. C'est en ce sens que doit être, en conséquence, interprété en Russie l'article 2, alinéa 2, de la Convention précitée.

En priant votre Excellence de prendre acte de la présente note au nom du Gouvernement britannique, j'ai l'honneur, &c. BENCKENDORFF. .

Son Excellence le Très Honorable

Sir Edward Grey, Bart,, K.G., M.P., &c.


LE soussigné, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Russie, dûment autorisé à cet effet, déclare par la présente adhérer, au nom de son Gouvernement, à la Convention conclue entre la Grande-Bretagne et la France, le 9 novembre, 1914.

En foi de quoi le soussigné a revêtu la présente déclaration de sa signature.

Londres, le 5 mars, 1915.


(2.)-Sir E. Grey to the Russian Ambassador.

YOUR EXCELLENCY, Foreign Office, March 12, 1915. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's note of the 5th instant, conveying the formal accession of Russia to the Convention relating to prizes captured during the present war, which was concluded between Great Britain and France on the 9th November, 1914.

"Treaty Series No. 4 (1915)."

+ Vol. CVIII, page 361.

Due note has been taken of this communication, a certified copy of which will, in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention, be forwarded by His Majesty's Government to the Government of the French Republic.

His Excellency the Count Benckendorff, &c.

I have, &c.


AGREEMENT between Great Britain and Russia for the Reciprocal Waiver of Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin relating to Exports.-Petrograd, July 3 (16). 1915.*

(1.)-The Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs to Sir G. Buchanan. M. L'AMBASSADEUR, Pétrograde, le 3 (16) juillet, 1915. J'AI l'honneur de porter à la connaissance de votre Excellence que je suis autorisé par le Gouvernement Impérial de Russie à donner au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique l'assurance que les autorités consulaires russes résidant dans le RoyaumeUni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande et dans les territoires britanniques au delà des mers seront invitées, depuis le 19 juillet (1er août), année courante, à délivrer, à viser et à légaliser sans frais, ni taxes consulaires et à titre de réciprocité, les certificats d'origine se rapportant aux produits britanniques exportés en Russie.

En échange de cette assurance, je serais reconnaissant à votre Excellence de vouloir bien me faire tenir une déclaration analogue, constatant que les autorités consulaires de Sa Majesté britannique résidant en Russie seront invitées, depuis la même date, à délivrer, à viser et à légaliser sans frais, ni taxes consulaires et à titre de réciprocité, les certificats d'origine se rapportant aux produits russes, exportés dans le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande et dans les territories britanniques au delà des mers.

Veuillez agréer, &c.


(2.)—Sir G. Buchanan to the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs,


Ambassade d'Angleterre, Pétrograde le 3 (16) juillet, 1915.


PAR une note en date du 3 (16) du mois courant, votre Excellence a bien voulu m'informer qu'elle a été autorisée par Gouvernement Impérial de Russie à donner au Gouvernement

[blocks in formation]

de Sa Majesté britannique l'assurance que les autorités consulaires russes résidant dans le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande et dans les territoires britanniques au delà des mers seront invitées, depuis le 19 juillet (1er août), année courante, à délivrer, à viser et à légaliser sans frais, ni taxes consulaires et à titre de réciprocité, les certificats d'origine se rapportant aux produits britanniques exportés en Russie.

En prenant acte de cette déclaration, j'ai l'honneur de porter à la connaissance de votre Excellence que je suis autorisé par le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique à donner au Gouverne ment Impérial de Russie l'assurance que les autorités consulaires de Sa Majesté britannique résidant en Russie seront invitées, depuis la même date. à délivrer, à viser et à légaliser sans frais, ni taxes consulaires et à titre de réciprocité, les certificats d'origine se rapportant aux produits russes exportés dans le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande et dans les territoires britanniques au delà des mers.

Veuillez agréer, &c.


ACCESSION of the Federated Malay States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang to the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and Siam of March 4, 1911.Bangkok, September 30, 1915.*

(1.) His Majesty's Minister at Bangkok to the Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs.


Bangkok, September 27, 1915. I HAVE the honour, under instructions from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to inform your Royal Highness that the Rulers of the Federated Malay States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang have expressed their desire to accede to the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and Siam of the 4th March, 1911, under and in accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement signed at Bangkok on the 20th November, 1912.‡

The Article in question provides that such notice of accession may be given with the consent of the Contracting Parties, and I am accordingly to suggest to the Royal Siamese Government that, should they see no objection, their consent to this notice of accession on behalf of the above-mentioned Federated Malay + Vol. CIV, page 197.

Treaty Series No. 13 (1915).”

Vol. CV, page 281.

States might be expressed in a note acknowledging the receipt of my present communication.

I avail, &c.


(2.)--The Siamese Minister for Foreign Affairs to His Majesty's Minister at Bangkok.


Bangkok, September 30, 1915. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th instant, by which, acting under instructions from His Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, you were good enough to communicate to me, for the information of my Government, the desire of the Rulers of the Federated Malay States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang to accede to the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and Siam of the 4th March, 1911, under and in accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement signed at Bangkok on the 20th November, 1912.

In reply, I have the honour to inform your Excellency that His Majesty's Government have taken due note of your communication, and desire me to say that they have no objection in giving their consent to the notice of accession on behalf of the Federated Malay States therein mentioned.

I avail, &c.


POSTAL CONVENTION between the Post Office Departments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America.—London, June 4, and Washington, June 21, 1915.

By virtue of authority vested in them, and in the exercise of the option granted by section 2 of Article XXI of the Universal Postal Convention of Rome, the Right Honourable Herbert Louis Samuel, Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Albert Sidney Burleson, Postmaster-General of the United States of America, have mutually agreed that the limit of weight applicable to reading-matter in raised characters for the blind which now circulates in Postal Union mails as printed matter, shall be fixed at 3 kilog. or 6 lb.; that the prepaid rate applicable to such matter mailed in the United Kingdom addressed for delivery in the United States shall be . for each 2 oz. or fraction thereof up to 18 oz.. and 5d. for each package exceeding 18 oz. in weight, and to

* Vol. XCIX, page 267,

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