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days; and, if not for my fifter, yet for me, it was a lucky circumstance indeed, which thus at last, in an unexpected moment, fnatched me out of their cruel hands, and placed me beyond the reach of their infolent power.

47. After my Indian master had difpofed of me in the manner related above, and the moment of fober reflection had arrived, perceiving that the man who bought me had taken the advantage of him in an unguarded hour, his refentment began to kindle, and his indignation rofe fo high, that he threatened to kill me if he fhould meet me alone; or if he could not revenge himself thus, that he would fet fire to the fort..

48. I was therefore fecreted in an upper chamber, and the fort carefully guarded, until his wrath had time to cool. My service in the family, to which I was advanced, was perfect freedom, in comparison with what it had been among the barbarous Indians..

49. My new mafter and miftrefs were both as kind and generous towards me as I could reasonably expect. I feldom afked a favour of either of them, but it was readily granted. In confequence of which I had it in my power, many inftances, to adminifter aid and refreshment to the poor prifoners of my own nation, who were brought into St. John's during my abode in the family of the abovementioned benevolent and hofpitable Saccapee.


50. Yet even in this family, fuch trials awaited me as I had little reafon to expect; but stood in need of a large ftock of prudence, to enable me to encounter them. In this I was greatly affifted by the governor, and Col. Schuy ler, who was then a prifoner:

51.. I was moreover under unspeakable obligations to the governor on another account. I had received intelligence from my daughter Mary, the purport of which was, that there was a profpect of her being fhortly married to a young Indian of the tribe of St. François, with which tribe fhe had continued from the beginning of her captivity. These were heavy tidings, and added greatly to the poignancy of my other afflictions..

52. However, not long after I had heard this melan. choly news, an opportunity prefented of acquainting that humane and generous gentleman, the commander in chief,


and my illuftrious benefactor, with this affair alfo, who, in compaflion for my fufferings, and to mitigate my forrows, iffued his orders in good time, and had my daughter taken away from the Indians, and conveyed to the fame nunnery where her filter was then lodged, with his exprefs injunc tion, that they should both of them together be well looked after, and carefully educated, as his adopted children.

53. In this fchool of fuperftition and bigotry, they continued while the war in thofe days between France and Great-Britain lafted. At the conclufion of which war, the governor went home to France, took my oldest daughter along with him, and married her there to a French gentleman, whofe name is Cron Lewis.

54. He was at Bofton with the fleet under Count de Estaing, (1778) and one of his clerks. My other daughter ftill continuing in the nunnery, a confiderable time had elapfed after my return from captivity, when I made a journey to Canada, refolving to use my best endeavours not to

return without her.

55. I arrived just in time to prevent her being fent to France. She was to have gone in the next veffel that failed for that place. And I found it extremely difficult to prevail with her to quit the nunnery and go home with me.

56. Yea, the abfolutely refused; and all the perfuafions and arguments I could ufe with her were to no effect, until after I had been to the governor, and obtained a letter from him to the fuperintendant of the nuns, in which he threatened, if my daughter fhould not be delivered immediately into my hands, or could not be prevailed with to fubmit to my parental authority, that he would fend a band of foldiers to aflift me in bringing her away.

57. But fo extremely bigotted was fhe to the customs and religion of the place, that after all, the left it with the greatest reluctance, and the most bitter lamentations, which The continued as we paffed the streets, and wholly refused to be comforted. My good friend, Major Small, whom we met with on the way, tried all he could to confole her; and was fo very kind and obliging as to bear us company, and carry my daughter behind him on horfeback.

58. But I have run on a little before my ftory; for I have not yet informed you of the means and manner of my


own redemption; to the accomplishing of which, the recovery of my daughter juft mentioned, and the ranfoming of fome of my other children, feveral gentlemen of note contributed not a little; to whofe goodness, therefore, I am greatly indebted, and fincerely hope I fhall never be fo ungrateful as to forget it.

59. Col. Schuyler, in particular, was fo very kind and generous as to advance 2700 livres to procure a ranfom for myself and three of my children. He accompanied and conducted us from Montreal to Albany, and entertained us in the most friendly and hofpitable manner a confidera. ble time, at his own houfe, and I believe entirely at his own expenfe.

JAN. 20, 1775..


IR RISE with astonishment to fee these papers brought to your table at fo late a period of this business; papers, to tell us what? Why, what all the world knew before; that the Americans, irritated by repeated injuries, and ftripped of their inborn rights and deareft privileges, have refifted, and entered into affociations for the prefervation of their common liberties..

2. Had the early fituation of the people of Bofton been attended to, things would not have come to this. But the infant complaints, of Bofton were literally treated like the capricious fqualls of a child, who, it was faid, did not know whether it was aggrieved or not.

3. But full well I knew, at that time, that this child, if not redressed, would foon affume the courage and voice of a man. Full well I knew, that the fons of ancestors, born under the fame free conftitution, and once breathing the fame liberal air as Englishmen, would refift upon the fame principles, and on the fame occafions.

What has government done? They have fent an armed force, confifting of feventeen thousand men, to dra

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goon the Boftonians into what is called their duty; and, fo far from once turning their eyes to the policy and deftructive confequence of this fcheme, are conftantly fending out more troops. And we are told, in the language of menace, that, if feventeen thousand men won't do, fifty thousand fhall.

5. It is true, my lords, with this force they may ravage the country; wafte and deftroy as they march; but, in the progrefs of fifteen hundred miles, can they occupy the places they have paffed? Will not a country, which can produce three millions of people, wronged and infulted as they are, ftart up like hydras in every corner, and gather fresh ftrength from fresh oppofition?

6. Nay, what dependence can you have upon the foldiery, the unhappy engines of your wrath? They are Englifhmen, who muft feel for the privileges of Englishmen. Do you think that thefe men can turn their arms against their brethren? Surely no. A victory must be to them a defeat; and carnage, a facrifice.

7. But it is not merely three millions of people, the produce of America, we have to contend with in this unnatural struggle; many more are on their fide, difperfed over the face of this wide empire. Every whig in this country and in Ireland is with them.

8. Who, then, let me demand, has given, and continues. to give, this ftrange and unconftitutional advice? I do not mean to level at one man, or any particular fet of men ; but thus much I will venture to declare, that, if his Majesty continues to hear fuch counsellors, he will not only be badly advised, but undone.

9. He may continue indeed to wear his crown; but it will not be worth his wearing. Robbed of fo principal a jewel as America, it will lofe its luftre, and no longer beam that effulgence which fhould irradiate the brow of majefty.

10. In this alarming crifis, I come with this paper in my hand to offer you the best of my experience and advice which is, that a humble petition be prefented to his Mas jefty, befeeching him, that, in order to open the way towards a happy fettlement of the dangerous troubles in America, it na arcicufly please him, that immediate or


ders be given to general Gage for removing his Majesty's forces from the town of Boston.


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And this, my lords, upon the moft mature and deliberate grounds, is the best advice I can give you, at this juncture. Such conduct will convince America that you mean to try her caufe in the fpirit of freedom and inquiry, and not in letters of blood.

12. There is no time to be loft. Every hour is big with danger. Perhaps, while I am now fpeaking, the decifive blow is ftruck, which may involve millions in the confequence. And, believe me, the very firft drop of blood which is fhed, will caufe a wound which may never be healed.


THIS animal is produced in Africa, and the hotteft parts of Afia. It is found in the greatest numbers in the fcorched and defolate regions of the torrid zone, and in all the interior parts of the vaft continent of Africa.

2. In thefe defert regions, from whence mankind are driven by the rigorous heat of the climate, this animal reigns. fole mafter. Its difpofition feems to partake of the ardor of its native foil. Enflamed by the influence of a burning fun, its rage is most tremendous, and its courage undaunted.

3. Happily, indeed, the fpecies is not numerous, and is faid to be greatly diminished for, if we may credit the testimony of those who have traverfed thofe vaft defetts, the number of lions is not nearly fo great as formerly.

4. From numberlefs accounts, we are affured, that, powerful and terrible as this animal is, its anger is noble, its courage magnanimous, and its temper fufceptible of grateful impreffions. It has often been' feen to defpife weak and contemptible enemies, and even to pardon their infults when it was in its power to punish them.

5. It has been known to fpare the life of an animal that was thrown to be devoured by it; to live in habits of perfect cordiality with it; to fhare its fubfiftence, and even to give it a preference where its portion of food was fcanty.

6. The

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