Inter Hamadryadas coluit solertius hortos, VERTUMNUS AND POMONA. HE fair Pomona flourish'd TH in his reign; 5 Of all the Virgins of the sylvan train, None taught the trees a nobler race to bear, Or more improv'd the vegetable care. To her the shady grove, the flow'ry field, The streams and fountains, no delights could yield; 'Twas all her joy the ripening fruits to tend, And fee the boughs with happy burthens bend. The hook she bore instead of Cynthia's spear, To lop the growth of the luxuriant year, 10 And teach th' obedient branches where to spring. Now the cleft rind inserted graffs receives, And yields an offspring more than nature gives; Nec patitur sentire sitim: bibulaeque recurvas 15 Radicis fibras labentibus irrigat undis. Hic amor, hoc studium: Veneris quoque nulla cupido. 20 Vim tamen agrestûm metuens, pomaria claudit 30 : 20 25 : Now fliding streams the thirsty plants renew, Is § 30 35 |