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can be commenced quickly should be submitted immediately, so that the actual erection of houses, even if few in number at first, may be begun.

It is of the utmost importance to get ahead as quickly as possible while the summer weather lasts, and the Ministry will in every way they can support the local authorities in their efforts to avoid delay.

Further particulars will be given in a booklet entitled "Housing -The Powers and Duties of Local Authorities," to be published by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Reconstruction, and to be obtained of H.M. Stationery Office or through booksellers, price 2d.

Ministry of Health,

7th August, 1919.



The Minister of Health has decided that the fees payable to architects and quantity surveyors in private practice for professional work may be charged in the accounts of State-aided housing schemes and rank for financial assistance shall be according to the scales set out below. These scales have been framed on the assumption that properly qualified members of the respective professions will be employed.

No charge to capital account will be allowed in respect of the preparation of schemes which are not approved by the Ministry of Health.

Special arrangements may be required in exceptional circumstances, but for ordinary cases the following scales of fees and arrangements shall apply:


A.-Preparation of Lay-out Plans.

For the preparation of a plan or scheme from existing maps, showing roads, builders' plots and buildings in block, including:(1) Conferences with local authorities and their officials;

(2) Surveying, levelling, and preparation of contour plan; (3) Lay-out plan (where necessary) to 1/2500 scale;

(4) Detailed lay-out plan or plans to 1/500 scale;


£1 per house.

but exclusive of the preparation of detailed plans of buildings:
For the first 25 houses
For the next 75 houses
For the remainder


IOS. per house.
7s. 6d. per house.

In cases where the number of houses has not been determined, the fee shall be based on an average of 10 houses per acre.

Where a fully contoured plan of the site is provided by the local authority, a deduction shall be made in respect thereof, from the fees above stated, of £1 per acre.

B.-Roads and Sewers.

For preparing working drawings, specifications and quantities for roads and sewers in accordance with the lay-out plans prepared under Section A, advising on the same and on the preparation of contract, furnishing to the contractor one copy of the drawings, specifications and quantities, general supervision, issuing certificates, measuring up, passing and certifying the accounts;

[blocks in formation]

£2 per house.
£1 per house.

15s. per house.

C.-Cottages and Flats.

For taking instructions, preparing sketch design, making approximate estimate of cost, preparing drawings and specifications, obtaining tenders, advising on tenders and on preparation of contract, selecting and instructing consultants, furnishing to the Contractor one copy of the drawings and specifications, and such other details. as are necessary for the proper carrying out of the works, general supervision, issuing certificates for payment, and passing and certifying accounts:

5 per cent. upon the first 12 cottages or flats.

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This scale covers the ordinary variations in type of house and such modifications as are made to avoid monotony in appearance.

Save in exceptional circumstances, it is not desirable that any one architect or firm of architects should be entrusted with more than 250 houses in any one scheme, but the fees payable in respect of each 250 houses shall be calculated as above, whether or no several architects be employed thereon.


For the preparation of bills of quantities:-

2 per cent. upon the first 12 cottages or flats.
I per cent. upon the next 60 cottages or flats.
3 per cent. upon the next 178 cottages or flats.
per cent. upon the remainder.

This scale covers the ordinary variations in type of house, and such modifications as are made to avoid monotony of design.

For measuring variations on the contract and adjusting the final accounts, the remuneration shall be at the rate of 1 per cent. on additions, and I per cent. on omissions brought into account.

The above scale is exclusive of all disbursements in respect of printing, lithography, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

The above scales of fees are intended to include all necessary duties of an architect and surveyor incidental to the carrying out of the work, including such duties as are involved in complying with the requirements of the Ministry of Health.

The conditions of engagement of architects and surveyors shall be those which are customary in the respective professions; for example, generally, such as the conditions prescribed by the Royal Institute of British Architects in the case of the engagement of architects.

Ministry of Health,

Whitehall, S.W.1,
September, 1919.



Extended powers in regard to the compulsory acquisition of land. for housing have been conferred by the Housing, Town Planning, etc., Act, 1919.

(1) Section 12 of the Act authorises a local authority to acquire houses, together with the lands occupied with such houses. (2) Section 10 gives them power to enter on land compulsorily acquired at any time after notice to treat has been served, after giving fourteen days' notice to the owner occupier.


(3) Section 11 (1) withdraws the special procedure previously required in connection with the compulsory acquisition of land situate in London or in a borough or urban district, where objection is raised to the acquisition.

(4) Section 11 (2) prescribes that the Ministry shall not confirm an order, even if it is unopposed, if they are of opinion that the land is unsuited for the purpose for which it is proposed to be acquired.

(5) Section 11 (3) gives the Ministry power to confirm without a public inquiry any order, even if opposed, which is submitted after the date of the passing of the Act (31st July, 1919) and within two years from that date.


Compulsory Purchase Orders.

In order to expedite progress with housing schemes, the Ministry of Health have decided to amend the Form of Compulsory Purchase Order, 1911, so as to shorten the procedure which local authorities have hitherto been required to adopt under that Order in submitting proposals for the compulsory acquisition of land for housing. The changes which have been made are as follows:

Former Procedure.

(1) Advertisement.

The first of the two advertisements prescribed by the Order must be published not later than the tenth day after the making of the compulsory purchase order.

Procedure now to be adopted.

(1) The first of the two advertisements prescribed by the Order must be published not later than the seventh day after the making of the compulsory purchase order.

(2) Deposit of Plan.

The plan must be deposited not later than the tenth day from the making of the order and must be kept deposited not less than one month from the date of the publication of the second and last advertisement.

(3) Service of Notice.

Notice of the order must be served on the owners, lessees and occupiers not later than the tenth day after the making of the order.

(4) Objections.

Objections must be presented within one month from the date of the publication of the second and last advertisement.

(2) The plan must be deposited not later than the seventh day from the making of the order and must be kept deposited not less than fourteen days from the date of the publication of the first advertisement.

Notice of the order must be served on the owners, lessees and occupiers not later than the seventh day after the making of the order.

Objections must be presented. within fourteen days from the date of the publication of the first advertisement.


The Acquisition of Land Act, which has now received the Royal Assent, provides that any question of disputed compensation in respect of land compulsorily acquired for public purposes, shall be determined by an official arbitrator. The Act prescribes the method of appointment of arbitrators, the basis on which the arbitrator is to proceed in assessing compensation and the procedure to be adopted.

Section 12 provides that the Act shall come into operation on the Ist of September, 1919, but shall not apply to the determination of any question where the appointment of an arbitrator has been completed before that date.


1. Making of the Order.-An order should be prepared in the Form prescribed in the Regulations and, on the authority of the Council or the Housing Committee, the order should be sealed with the Council's seal.

2. Service of Notice.-Notice of the order must be served on the owners, lessees and occupiers, as described in the Regulations, not later than the seventh day after the making of the order. The notice must include a copy of the order, to which must be appended a notice that any objections must be made to the Ministry of Health within fourteen days from the date of the first advertisement, and a statement of the period, time and place during and at which the deposited plan · may be inspected.

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