Ev'n now, observant of the parting Ray, Thro' Fortune's Cloud One truly Great can fee, Nor fears to tell, that MORTIMER is He. Sept. 25. A. POPE. HESIOD HESIOD: OR, THE Rife of WOMAN. ( WHAT antient HAT antient Times (thofe Times we Have left on long Record of Woman's Rife, What Morals teach it, and what Fables hide, What Author wrote it, how that Author dy'd, All these I fing. In Greece they fram'd the Tale In days of yore, (no matter where or when, 'Twas e're the low Creation swarm'd with Men) That one Prometheus, sprung of heav'nly Birth, (Our Author's Song can witness) liv'd on Earth. He carv'd the Turf to mold a manly Frame, And stole from Jove his animating Flame. 20 : The : |