ON Several Occafions. Written by Dr.THOMAS PARNELL, Late Arch-Deacon of Clogher : Published by Mr. POPE. Dignum laude Virum Musa vetat mori. Hor. R LONDON: Printed for B. LINTOT, at the Cross-Keys, between TO THE Right Honourable, ROBERT, Earl of OXFORD AND Earl MORTIMER. S UCH were the Notes, thy once-lov'd Poet fung, 'Till Death untimely stop'd his tuneful Tongue. Oh just beheld, and lost! admir'd, and mourn'd! With softest Manners, gentlest Arts, adorn'd! Blest in each Science, blest in ev'ry Strain! Dear to the Muse, to HARLEY dear- in vain! For him, thou oft hast bid the World attend, Fond to forget the Statesman in the Friend; For Swift and him, despis'd the Farce of State, The fober Follies of the Wife and Great; Dextrous, the craving, fawning Crowd to quit, And pleas'd to 'fcape from Flattery to Wit. Absent or dead, still let a Friend be dear, (A Sigh the Absent claims, the Dead a Tear) Recall those Nights that clos'd thy toilsom Days, Still hear thy Parnell in his living Lays : Who careless, now, of Int'rest, Fame, or Fate, Perhaps forgets that Oxford e'er was Great; Or deeming meanest what we greatest call, Beholds thee glorious only in thy Fall. And And fure if ought below the Seats Divine Can touch Immortals, 'tis a Soul like thine: A Soul fupreme, in each hard Instance try'd, Above all Pain, all Anger, and all Pride, The Rage of Pow'r, the Blast of publick Breath, The Luft of Lucre, and the Dread of Death. In vain to Desarts thy Retreat is made; The Muse attends thee to the filent Shade: 'Tis hers, the brave Man's latest Steps to trace, Re-judge his Acts, and dignify Disgrace. When Int'reft calls off all her sneaking Train, When all th' Oblig'd defert, and all the Vain; She waits, or to the Scaffold, or the Cell, When the last ling'ring Friend has bid farewel. Ev'n now she shades thy Evening Walk with Bays, (No Hireling she, no Prostitute to Praise) : |