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f Detrabere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora

Cederet, introrfum turpis; num Laelius, et qui

Duxit ab oppreffa meritum Carthagine nomen,

Ingenio offenfi? aut laefo doluere Metello,

Famofifque Lupo cooperto verfibus? atqui

Primores populi arripuit populumque tributim;


VER. 110 Lights of the Church, or Guardians of the Laws ?] Bucaufe juft Satire is an useful fupplement to the fanctions of Law and Religion; and has, therefore, a claim to the protection of those who prefide in the administration either of church or ftate.

VER. III. Could Boileau Could Dryden] I believe neither of them would have been suffered to do this, had they not been egregious flatterers of the feveral Courts to which they belonged.

Ibid. Could penfinn'd Boileau Could Laureate Dryden] It was Herace's purpose to compliment the former times, and therefore he gives the virtuous examples of Scipio and Lælius; it was Mr. Pope's, to fatirize the prefent, and therefore he gives the vicious examples of Louis, Charles, and James. Either way the instances are equally pertinent; but in the latter they have rather greater force. Only the line,

Uni aequus virtuti atque ejus amicis,

lofes fomething of its fpirit in the imitation; for the amici, referred to, were Scipio and Lælius.

VER. 116. Unplac'd, unpenfion'd, no man's heir, or flave?] Mr. Pope, it is well known, made his fortune by his Homers. Lord


Dash the proud Gamester in his gilded Car ;
Bare the mean Heart that lurks beneath a Star;
Can there be wanting, to defend Her cause,
Lights of the Church, or Guardians of the Laws?
Could penfion'd Boileau lash in honest strain 111
Flatt'rers and Bigots ev'n in Louis' reign?
Could Laureate Dryden Pimp and Fry'r engage,
Yet neither Charles nor James be in a rage?
And I not strip the gilding off a Knave,
Unplac'd, unpenfion'd, no man's heir, or flave?
I will, or perish in the gen'rous cause:


Hear this, and tremble! you, who'fcape the Laws,


Treasurer Oxford affected to difcourage that defign; for fo great a Genius (he faid) ought not to be confined to Tranflation. He always used Mr. Pope civilly; and would often exprefs his concern that his religion rendered him incapable of a place. At the fame time, he never spoke one word of a penfion. For this offer he was folely indebted to the Whig-Ministers. In the beginning of George I. lord Hallifax, of his own motion, sent för Mr. Pope, and told him, it had often given him concern that fo great a Poet had never been diftinguished; that he was glad it was now in his power to serve him; and, if he cared to accept it, he should have a penfion not clogged with any engagements. Mr. Pope thanked him, and defired time to confider of it. After three months (having heard nothing further from that Lord) he wrote him a letter to repeat his thanks; in which he took occafion to mention the affair of the penfion with much indifference. So the thing dropt till Mr. Craggs came into the Ministry. The affair of the penfion was then refumed. And this minister, in a very frank and friendly manner, told Mr. Pope, that three hundred pounds a year was then at his fervice: that



* Quin ubi se a vulgo en scena it fecreta remôrant

Virtus Scipiadae et mitis fapientia Laeli,

Nugari cum illo, et difcinéti ludere, donec

Decoqueretur olus, foliti.

Quidquid fum ego, quamvis

Infra Lucili cenfum, ingeniumque; tamen me

i Cum magnis vixisse invita fatebitur ufque

Invidia; et fragili quaerens illidere dentem,

Offendet folido:


he had the management of the fecret-service money, and could pay him fuch a penfion, without its being known, or ever coming to account. But now Mr. Pope declined the offer without hesitation: only, in return for fo friendly a propofal, he told the Secretary, that if at any time he wanted money he would draw upon him for 100 or 2001. which liberty, notwithstanding, he never took. Mr. Craggs more than once pressed him on this head; and urged the conveniency of a Chariot; which Mr. Pope was fenfible enough of: But the precariousness of that fupply made him very prudently decline the thoughts of an equipage, which it was much better never to set up, than not properly to fupport.

Yes, while I live, no rich or noble knave

Shall walk the World, in credit, to his grave. 120
The World befide may murmur, or commend.
Know, all the distant din that world can keep,
Rolls o'er my Grotto, and but fooths my sleep.
There, my retreat the best Companions grace, 125
Chiefs out of war, and Statesmen out of place.
There ST. JOHN mingles with my friendly bowl
The Feast of Reason and the Flow of foul:
And HE, whose lightning pierc'd th' Iberian Lines,
Now forms my Quincunx, and now ranks myVines,
Or tames the Genius of the stubborn plain, 131
Almost as quickly as he conquer'd Spain.

Envy muft own, I live among the Great,
No Pimp of pleasure, and no Spy of state,


VER. 129. And HE, whofe lightning, etc.] Charles Mordaunt Earl of Peterborow, who in the year 1705 took Barcelona, and in the winter following with only 280 horfe and 900 foot enterprized and accomplished the Conqueft of Valentia.


VER. 133. Envy must own, &c.] Horace makes the point of honour to confift fimply in his living familiarly with the Great,

Cum magnis vixiffe invita fatebitur ufque


Our poet, more nobly, in his living with them on the footing of an honeft man.-He prided himself in this fuperiority, as ap

nifi quid tu, docte Trebati,


T. 'Equidem nihil hinc diffingere poffum. Sed tamen ut monitus caveas, ne forte negotî Incutiat tibi quid fanctarum infcitia legum:

« Si mala condiderit in quem quis carmina,

jus eft


H. Efto, fiquis" mala. fed bona fi quis


pears from the following words, in a letter to Dr. Swift. "To "have pleased great men, according to Horace, is a praise;

but not to have flattered them, and yet not have displeased "them, is a greater." Let. VII. Jan. 12, 1723.

VER. 146. A man was hang'd &c.] Si mala condiderit —A great French Lawyer explains this matter very truly. "L'Ari

ftocratie eft le Gouvernement qui profcrit le plus les "Ouvrages fatiriques. Les Magiftrats y font de petits fouve"rains, qui ne font pas affez grands pour meprifer les injures. "Si dans la Monarchie quelque trait va contre le Monarque, "il eft fi haut que le trait n'arrive point jufqu'à lui; un Seigneur Ariftocratique en eft percé de part en part. Auffi les


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