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The Two laft VOLUMES of the Accom
plish'd Conveyancer will speedily be Pub-
lifh'd, and are as follows, vix.


great Variety of Precedents of Special
Grants, Affignments, Mortgages, and
all Sorts of Securities, &c. under the Heads
following; (viz.) Special Gifts, Grants, Com-
mon Leafe and Release, Affignments of Bonds,
Statutes, Judgments, &c. And alfo of Leafes
for Years and for Lives, Affignments to attend
the Fee, Mortgages of Perfonal Eftatés; and
alfo of Leafes of Lands for Years, Life and
in Fee, Affignments of fuch Mortgages, Col-
lateral Securities, Defeazances, Declarations,
Appointments, Renunciations, Difclaimers,
Surrenders, Releases of Equity of Redemp
tion, &c.

tains Precedents of all Sorts, of large and fpe-
cial Conveyances, Affurances, Settlements,
Ufes, Wills, &c. under the Heads of, Special
Leafe and Release, and Confirmation, Feoff-
ments, Bargain and Sale of Lands, Indentures
to lead Ufes of Fines and of Recoveries fepa-
rate, and alfo of Fines and Recoveries toge-
ther, Articles of Marriage, Marriage-Settle-
ments by Leafe and Releafe, and also by Fine
and Recovery, &c. Jointures, Covenants to
ftand feized to Ufes; many other large and
Special Settlements, Ufes, Wills, &c.



The Nature and Kinds of Deeds
and Instruments used in Conveyancing;

[blocks in formation]

An Abridgment of the LAW relating to all
Sorts of Conveyances and Deeds in general,
with every Thing belonging to them;
proved by many Law-Cafes and Refolu
tions thereupon,


All Manner of fmaller Sorts of Precedents
ufed in Conveyancing, under the Heads of,
Bargain and Sale, Gifts, Grants, Articles,
Special Conditions, Covenants, Exchanges,
Deeds of Partition, Partnerships, Special Re
leafes, Letters of Attorney, Licences, Bills of
Sale, Charterparties of Affreightment, Leafes,
Settlements of Leafes; and also of Perfonal
Eftates, Annuities, Monies in Funds, &c. in-
ftead of Jointures of Lands, &c.

By Giles Jacob, Gent.


In the SA Vor:

Printed by . Nutt, Affignee of Edward Sayer Efq; for
1. Lintott at the Crofs-Keys in Fleet Street. 1714.

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S Conveyancing hath always been esteemed one of the most noble Bran ches of the Law, our Eftates and Livelyhoods being thereby fecured to us and our Pofterity in the fureft Manner3 to publish a compleat Work of the beft Methods, Precedents and Inftructions in the whole Course of that Bufinefs, is an Undertaking worthy a Genius of fuch a Performance US de guibalanc,

This Confideration (with the good Reception my Court-Keeper has met with) heightned my Ambition to be concerned in so useful and beneficial a Tract; wherein I have endeavoured to fet all Obfcurities in a clear Light, and have made use of fuch Methods and Inftruments to accomplish the fame as will render it a Directory to all, even in the most difficult Matters, fo as to draw any Deed or Conveyance in the most effectual Manner.

A 3




You'll See these Volumes are not filled up with obfolete and antiquated Precedents, and any, whether good or bad, to add to their Bulk, as too commonly Books of this Nature are: But every Thing here you will find con formable to the modern Practice, and fo well improved and clearly demonftrated, as to make them entirely useful.

This first Volume you may observe contains au Abridgment of the Law relating to Condeyancing, and all Deeds in general, with every Thing incident to them, which I have briefly and regularly collected from all the Banks of any Signification extant on that Head, and which may Jerve as a fufficient Inftruction concerning the Legality of Deeds And alfo all Manuer of the Smaller Sorts of Precedents, concluding with Settlements of PerfonalEstates, Annuities, Monies in Fines, &c. But nei ther these Rrecedents, nor thofe contained in my two baft Volumes of this Work, are fuch as you meet with in the Works of ather Perfons, or even in my own of this "Nature, which I have already written, unless it he Some few abfolutely neceffary to make the fame contain the utmost Variety a Work of this Nature will admit of! 21 of panellate di

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