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CHAP. IV. SECT. XVII. A particular Description of the
Island of Otaheite; its Produce and
Inhabitants; their Dress, Habitation,
Food, Domestic Life and Amuse-
Of the Division of Time at Otaheite;
Numeration, Computation of Dis-
tance, Language, Diseases, Dispo-
sal of the Dead, Religion, War, Wea-
pons, and Government; with some
general Observations for the Use of
future Navigators,
XX. Description of the several Islands in the
Neighbourhood of Otaheite, with va-
rious Incidents; a Dramatic Enter-
tainment; and many Particulars rela-
tive to the Customs and Manners of
the Inhabitants,
XXI. The Passage from Oteroah to New Zea-
land; Incidents which happened in
going ashore there, and while the Ship
lay in Poverty Bay,
SECT. XXII. A Description of Poverty Bay, and the
Face of the adjacent Country. The
Range from thence to Cape Turn-
again, and back to Tolaga, with some
Account of the People and the Coun-
try, and several Incidents that hap-
pened on that Part of the Coast,
XXIII. The Range from Tolaga to Mercury
Bay, with an Account of many Inci-
dents that happened both on board
and ashore: A Description of several
Views exhibited by the Country, and
of the Hippahs, or fortified Villages
of the Inhabitants,
XXIV. The Range from Mercury Bay to the
Bay of Islands: An Expedition up
the River Thames: Some Account
of the Indians who inhabit its Banks,
and the fine Timber that grows there:
Several Interviews with the Natives
on different Parts of the Coast, and a
Skirmish with them upon an Island, 156
XXV. Range from the Bay of Islands round
North Cape to Queen Charlotte's
Island; and a Description of that
Part of the Coast,
XXVI. Transactions in Queen Charlotte's
Sound; Passage through the Streight
which divides the two Islands, and
back to Cape Turnagain: Horrid
Custom of the Inhabitants: Remark- able Melody of Birds: A Visit to a Hippah, and many other Particu- lars,
XXVII. Range from Cape Turnagain along the
eastern Coast of Poenammoo, round
Cape South, and back to the En-
trance of Cook's Streight, which
completed the Circumnavigation of
the Country; with a Description of
the Coast, and of Admiralty Bay:
The Departure from New Zealand,
and various Particulars,
XXVIII. The Run from New Zealand to Botany
Bay, on the East Coast of New Hol-
land, now called New South Wales;
various Incidents that happened there;
with some Account of the Country
and its Inhabitants,
SECT. XXIX. The Range from Botany Bay; with a
farther Account of the Country, and
its Inhabitants and Productions, 242
XXX. Dangerous Situation of the Ship in her
Course from Trinity Bay to Endea-
vour River,
XXXI. Transactions while the Ship was refit-
ting in Endeavour River: A De-
scription of the adjacent Country, its
Inhabitants and Productions,
XXXII. Departure from Endeavour River; a
particular Description of the Harbour
there, in which the Ship was refitted,
the adjacent Country, and several
Islands near the Coast; the Range
from Endeavour River to the North-
ern Extremity of the Country, and
the Dangers of that Navigation,
XXXIII. Departure from New South Wales; a
particular Description of the Coun-
try, its Products, and People: A Spe-
cimen of the Language, and some
Observations on the Currents and
XXXIV. The Passage from New South Wales to
New Guinea, with an Account of
what happened upon landing there, 362
XXXV. The Passage from New Guinea to the
Island of Semau, and the Transac-
tions there,
XXXVI, A particular Description of the Island
of Savu, its Produce, and Inhabit-
ants, with a Specimen of their Lan-
XXXVII. The Run from the Island of Savu to Ba-
tavia, and an Account of the Trans-
actions there while the Ship was re-
XXVIII. Some Account of Batavia, and the ad-
jacent Country; with the Fruits,
Flowers, and other Productions,
XXXIX. Some Account of the Inhabitants of
Batavia, and the adjacent Country,
their Manners, Customs, and Manner
of Life,
XL. The Passage from Batavia to the Cape
of Good Hope. Some Account of
Prince's Island and its Inhabitants.
Our Arrival at the Cape of Good
Hope. Some Remarks on the Run
from Java Head to that Place, and
to Saint Helena. The Return of the
Ship to England,
APPENDIX. An Abstract of the Voyage round the
World, performed by Lewis de Bougainville,
Colonel of Foot, and Commander of the Ex-
pedition, in the Frigate La Boudeuse, and
the Storeship L'Etoile, in the Years 1766-7-8,
and 9, drawn up expressly for this Work,