THE RAT Mattaheyue er one Treeltill Mori Point Kahama Тараћај в. Rowrowaparre Olearahre Appaour Omatataha PsWharracura P.Whiencu Quatrivia B Oteteaw no LANGA BAS HA Procahome Olovareite Popitah Pipiarvoe ZX ROBERT KERR, F. R. S. & F. A. S. EDIN. ILLUSTRATD BY MAPS AND CHARTS. VOL. XIII. EDINBURGH: Printed by James Ballantyne and Company, FOR WILLLIAM BACKWOOD, SOUTH BRIDGE-STREET, Grant CHAP. IV. SECT. XVII. A particular Description of the Island of Otaheite; its Produce and Inhabitants; their Dress, Habitation, • • Of the Division of Time at Otaheite; Numeration, Computation of Dis- tance, Language, Diseases, Dispo- sal of the Dead, Religion, War, Wea- pons, and Government; with some XX. Description of the several Islands in the Neighbourhood of Otaheite, with va- rious Incidents; a Dramatic Enter- tainment; and many Particulars rela- tive to the Customs and Manners of XXI. The Passage from Oteroah to New Zea- land; Incidents which happened in 73 99 |