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Kitto, or Dr. Livingstone. But there are many men who, at a long interval, are treading in their steps and are rising to a certain degree of eminence in a less extensive and distinguished circle; and wo must value anything that may mitigate their difficulties and cheer them in their labours. As we elevate the standard of academical culture, we see at once how this class of our fellow mental labourers will, in a comparatively short space of time, be benefited. A high standard in our universities will call into existence better schools. Better schools can only be supplied by better teachers; the demand for better teachers will call into action and provide remuneration for many well educated and scholarly intellects; and good schools, well-informed associates, and the prospect of remunerative employment, will bring life and energy to many a sinking heart, and by calling intellectual labourers into the field, render even manual employments more intellectual.

It is not indeed necessary to enter into details here, even if there were time; for by a wonderful arrangement of Divine Providence, any movement in the higher department of intellectual life will have its effect upon every lower sphere of mind.

The activity of man must be guided by thought; but the circumstances and genius of the human race are such, that while there must be many active hands at work, the men of deep thought are compa ratively few. And therefore it has been so ordered, that when the passions of men do not offer an impediment, the mass of mankind are found to acquiesce in, and to follow the judgment of those whose business it is to think. This strikes us at once in what relates to the inductive sciences and to natural philosophy:-The master mind makes a discovery; he communicates it to the very few who are able to follow the mathematical analysis by which he arrived at his conclusions. These conclusions confirmed by them, are handed down to

another class, still limited but more numerous, who can understand the method of investigation which has been adopted, though unable to work out the details; and so it descends, losing at each step more and more of its scientific character, until it becomes an acknowledged truth, applied to the practical purposes of life without any reference whatever to the science which gave it birth. The same descent of thought may be traced in the moral world, though it be not so rapid or direct. For in what relates to metaphysics and moral philosophy, those who imagine that they have ability to understand the most complicated questions are more numerous and self-satisfied. Still, when once a great idea becomes embodied as a general principle, the descent from the higher mind to the lower, though gradual, is still sure. And we may therefore entertain the hope that the public mind may, through the more extended influences of the university, be brought to see that knowledge is to be valued, not in proportion as it may prove available as the handmaid to mechanical inventions, or as enabling us to compass other material ends, but as itself constitutes its own great reward. This will remove from us a great national defect, and conduce to the formation of that temperament, in which the Germans are so much our superiors (unwilling as I am to admit it), which leads to hard, persevering, unrequited mental labour, for the love of knowledge and for the love of truth for their own sakes.

But the influence of a high standard of academical culture not only descends-it ascends: it extends to the higher departments of human knowledge. If the academical standard be high, a demand, as we have seen, for the highest order of intellect to fill our professional chairs will follow,-our professions now extending to all the various departments of science. By the residence in the university of men of literature and science, the university will

become a seat of learning as well as a place of instruction. And we have only to refer to the German universities to see the advantage of this to the cause of literature. I am not instituting a comparison between the German universities and our own; we have each our advantages and disadvantages, and like all things human, stand in need of improvement. The German universities, however, possess this great advantage at the present time, that they form a common centre for these men of learning, for whom they provide employment, remuneration, and distinction, and by means of whom they extend their influence far beyond their fatherland. To them we are indebted for our classical manuals, editions, historians, grammars, and even for our exegetical divinity. It is not that we do not possess scholars capable of composing works equal to these, but we do not afford them academical employment and remuneration. Our learned men have to seek employment in secular affairs or in ecclesiastical offices; and literature, though still cultivated by them for its own sake, ceases to be the one professional object which it must be made by those who would excel in it. It is not to depreciate the labours of German scholars-to whom I am much indebted; nor is it in the mere spirit of John Bullism-though I am a John Bull to the backbone, that I assert that British scholars would be better adapted to supply mental food for the intellectual stomachs of Britons, to produce a literature more in accordance with our own institutions, our intellectual character, our domestic life, our moral qualities. Raise, then, the standard of intellectual culture, and let us have a philosophy and a literature, independent, native, and congenial.

Then, again, with respect to science: here a common centre is greatly wanted, such as a well organised university can alone supply. It is a misfortune that in the present day scientific men

are obliged to pursue their scientific studies too much in independence of one another, without sufficient opportunities of conference and comparison, and without the stimulus, incitement, and encou ragement which result from mutual counsel and intercourse. In that great, important, and enlightened manufacturing town in which I have the happiness to reside, there has lately been an exhibition of our chief articles of manufacture-(and we have among us nearly a hundred different trades). Now, it was only on Tuesday last that a working man observed to me, that these exhibitions while on the one hand they offer a stimulus to invention, on the other save a great waste of thought, for a man on visiting such an exhibition, very often finds, to his surprise, some invention, some improvement in machinery completed, for the fabrication of which he has for months been devoting his spare moments of thought. He sees that thought in this direction is no longer required, and directs his energies into another channel. An exhibition of their mental treasures by scientific men would not only save time, but would lead to what is admirably accomplished in detail, but not as a whole-to method and order, principle and system, developement and arrange. ment.

How much has been effected in this respect by the British Association, all who have paid any attention to the proceedings of that valuable and learned body must be aware: and how much more will be effected if we raise our academical standard, and make our universities the homes of literature and science, it is not difficult to predict. Another reason why science itself will be benefited by its residence in the university, is this-that there it will find theology recognised as one of the sciences. Religion is not merely a sentiment; Christianity is not merely a purification of what we have in common with the Mahometan and Hindoo. It is also a

science, and requires scientific treatment. If there be meat for babes, there is also strong meat for men. We cannot but think that the charge, only very partially correct, which is sometimes brought against science, that its tendencies are to scepticism and infidelity, is to be traced to a very great extent to the fact, that, of late years, theology has been excluded from the range of sciences, and been represented as something with which scientific men have no concern. Let it not be supposed that we desire to make science theological, that we are to damage both theology and science. Each science must pursue its course independently, with perfect freedom from all control, looking simply to its own end. We do not desire the professors of astronomy or geology, or chemistry, to theologise; they are sure to get into difficulties if they do. We do not require the professor of divinity to make the Bible a book of natural philosophy; but we do desire to induce scientific men, as Bacon says, to study the book of God's word as well as the book of His works. It was because theology was regarded as a science, and as such made an object of investigation and resuch, that the reproach to which we have referred as brought against science in the modern times, was never even hinted against the fathers of Brielee in past ages. They were as much distinguished by their respect for truth revealed as for truth discovered.

Anding to the cases of Columbus, Copernicus, Ban, and Newton, the Rev. Doctor proceededThese examples are sufficient to show that if scientir men of eminence have been sceptics or infidels, it was not their scientific pursuits that made them 8. Anything which shall induce a man when reading the stars, at the same time to study his Bible, and as he digs into nature to seek for scientific truth, to search the Scriptures for religious truth, will be an advantage to science, and an eternal

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