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The most important looking edifice is the Mechanics' Institute, 355 feet long and 60 feet wide; the principal hall holds 6000 persons. Baltimore is largely engaged in the export of grain and flour. It is the natural outlet for a large region of country which is principally under cultivation. Flour mills are numerous, and in one of them we saw a very systematic and economic arrangement for grinding and preparing the flour. There are also several large manufactories of agricultural implements. The proprietor of one of these (not the largest) showed us through his works. The extent of his trade may be estimated by his annual business-returns, one item of which consisted of 5,000 ploughs, besides a corresponding extent of other implements, tools, and machinery, from the thrashing machine to the churn and wheelbarrow. Timber for these purposes is cheap, and may be had at 1s. per cubic foot. The ploughs and other implements are not constructed of iron as in this country, but are mostly made of wood, and the several parts are wrought into the required shape by machinery. A large tree would be sawn into all the various parts necessary for the construc tion of ploughs. These parts are carried through the operations of planing, grooving, morticing, and shamfering of the edges. Each of these several parts being uniform in shape and character, can be laid aside, warehoused, and afterwards brought together, fitted up, painted, and sent away in execution of large orders.


This city is not only the seat of government, but the great centre of political existence in the United States. Our visit occurred just on the expiration of the official term of President Pearce, and before the inauguration of Mr. Buchanan, at a time when the legislators, the planters, merchants, and other active spirits of the country were present, attended in many

instances by the female branches of their families. The opportunity was thus afforded for enjoying the most acceptable range of intercourse, and for forming an estimate of the social, civil, and political aspect of this metropolis of the States. Previous to the year 1790, Congress had been accustomed to assemble at Philadelphia. At the suggestion of General Washington, a territory was purposely created of one hundred square miles in extent, and was ceded to the nation from the domains of Maryland and Virginia, as the future seat of government. The design of the city was executed under the direction of Washington himself: the streets appear unnecessarily wide-they radiate from two central points, and take their names from the various states of the Union. The "Capitol" or Houses of Parliament, is an immense mass of building, composed of white marble, standing on an eminence about one hundred feet above the level of the River Potomac, and, when the enlargement now in progress has been completed, the entire edifice will cover four acres of ground, and will appear by far the most magnificent public building in the United States. In the centre is the Rotunda, of ninety-six feet diameter, and in the panels which surround the basement storey, there are four bas-relievos of historical subjects of great interest to that country, such as Penn's Treaty with the Indians; the Landing of the Pilgrims, &c. &c. There are several other public buildings of large dimensions, which are noble specimens of architecture, such as the Treasury, the Patent Office, the Post Office, and the "White House" of the Presi dent. The public monuments of General Washington and of Jefferson, are interesting objects; and the Observatory also, which is in charge of Lieutenant Maury, the well-known author of a work of great merit on the "Currents of the Ocean." The Smithsonian Institution is a modern building, very capacious, ornamented with towers in the Romanesque

style of architecture. This institution owes its existence to an English gentleman, who, having led a life of retired and studious habits, left a large sum of money to be expended at Washington, for the founding under his own name of an "Establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." The professors and those who have charge of it, are making rapid progress in carrying out this enlightened design, and the world at large has al ready derived a beneficial influence by the diffusion of publications containing scientific knowledge, which have been annually distributed amongst the various literary institutions of every country. Copies of these publications are regularly received at two of the public libraries of Manchester. One of the subjects of leading interest with the executive council has been the collection of portraits of Indian Chiefs and others of celebrity of that race who are now fast disappearing from the country. They have a gallery of about a hundred portraits. Many of the characters appear strongly marked by nature, and bear the indications of a rude, thoughtful kind of intelligence, but miserably defaced by the decoration, as they conceived, of tatooing. The architecture of the Patent Office is after the celebrated Pantheon. The object of the building is to afford the necessary accomodation for patented inventions. Model representations are exhibited in great numbers there are some specimens of natural history &c., but amongst the most curious and interesting portion of the articles we saw exhibited, was the original manuscript declaration of Independence, with all the signatures attached, and the printing press at which Franklin was employed at the time of his first

residence in London

The associations of Washington are suggestive of another, a widely different and more important study, than that of the outward display of city architecture. Taking a comprehensive survey of the successful

issue, coupled with the brief career of the United States, it appears almost necessary that we should endeavour to comprehend the nature of that political organisation which not only founded, but has afterwards sustained, an extent of national and individual prosperity hitherto unexampled. The recognition of the "Sovereignty of the People" seems to have formed the basis of all American institutions. It would appear to have been the policy of the founders to establish an electoral power of the widest range, and in that way to uphold the self-respect as well as the authority of the citizens, by placing in their hands the selection and determination of fitness of every candidate for official appointment, whether in the township, the city, the county, the state, the federal legislature, the judges who administer the laws, or the President of the Union. The frequency of electoral appeals appears to have a sustaining effect upon the independent character of electors. They insist upon being considered “citizers," and not "subjects," of the State; and so jealous are they of their position that they often carry out their pride of independence into the common concerns of life, to an extent that borders prudeness, or an absolute disregard of that consideration which is due to others.

Each state is an independent republic, having a local character in its functions, and a representative character in returning its senators to the Legislature. Congress consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of two members from each state, chosen as before stated by the legislatures of the several states, for the term of six years, one third of whom go out biennially. The senators must be 30 years of age, nine years citizens of the states, and inhabiting the state for which they are returned. The regular number is 62; and the Vice-President of the United States is President of the Senate. The House of Representatives is com

posed of members from the several states, elected by the people for the term of two years. The representatives are apportioned among the different states, according to population. The present number is 234, besides eight delegates returned by Oregon and other recent annexations, who are allowed to speak, but not to vote.

The annual salary of the President is...


That of the Vice-President and seven others of the Executive
Department who form the Cabinet, each
The compensation allowed to members during attendance in
Congress is (per day)...............


.......£1 138. 4d

And for every 20 miles of travelling, in going to and returning from the seat of government..

The revenue for the year 1856, derived from customs and the sale of public lands, was ......

The expenditure in the army department, 12, 688 soldiers, was In the navy department the number of the men is not given, but the cost is

£1 138. 44

.£14,753.000 £3,38,


The legislature allows of no pensions: if any war like emergency should arise they contract with gener als and other officers for a given period of service, and at a fixed sum by way of payment, let that sum be more or less; and when the service is ended, the parties so engaging, again retire into private life, or resume some profession or pursuit, as other citizens do.

Our introductory letters brought us into a wide range of intercourse with the leading officials, and with many members of the two Houses of Congress.

The senators appeared older men and more deliberative than those of the lower house. An inquiry was at that time pending in which the parties, who were members of the lower house, were supposed to be implicated in corrupt practices; and as the report was daily looked for, I attended the sittings in expectation of seeing the immediate effect upon the parties concerned. In this expectation I was disappointed, as the report was not brought in until after I had left Washington. There was much in what was passing that was interesting to a stranger,

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