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4. When Cuttill talking with T. D., Chester forbade him to have any conference or receive any thing at his hands, whereto he answered he would talk with him, neither would he refuse any thing at the hands of so good a friend.

Certain speeches made by Thos. D. aboard of the ffly-bott in the hearing of one John Saracold and others:

1stly. On coming on board the fly-boat he declared he was sent as a prisoner, and as one suspected of being a traitor to the General, of which he would purge himself in England afore their betters, who did accuse him, if law would serve him, as he knew it would, and to their great shame.

2ndly. He used great talk of what a great aid he was to our General in London in forwarding the out-voyage, both with his money and travel unto some of the best in England, the which had not so safely been brought to pass if he had not with his friends used great diligence.

3rdly. He had certain speeches of the great credit which our General received in Ireland of the Earl of Essex through the said T. D.'s means: the full effect of all this talk I do not altogether remember.

4thly. There was certain talk one day after dinner concerning such as should be in any respect enemies or traitors either to the General or the voyage, unto the which it was my fortune to answer, that our General might do well to deal with them as Magellanes did, which was to hang them up to be a sample to the rest; to the which Mr. Doughty answered, very soft, The General's authority is now such as Magellanes was, for, saith he, I know his authority so well as he himself does; and, for hanging, it is for dogs and not for men. This and such like talk he used on board the flyboat in my hearing.

By me, JOHN Saracold.

5thly. Francis Fletcher.-His talk to Captain Chester was, that whereas Mr. Chester's authority seemed to be taken away by the men, that if he would be ruled by him he would give him his authority again, and put the sword in his hands, to rule as he thought good; and that if Mr. Chester would be ruled, he would make the company to be ready one to cut another's throats.

6thly. The said Doughty said he knew certain secrets of our General, which, saith he, I will never utter, although he should use me very hardly; and yet, said he, the uttering of them would touch him much.

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Report of Articles abord the ffly-bott uttered by Thomas Dowtye as followeth :

1. ffirst the sayd Thomas Dowtye beinge in fflye-bott, called the Swan, did affirme that he was the first man that brought our Generall in credit with the Earle of Essex. Wittnes-John Sorocott, Gregory Cary, ffrancis ffletcher.

2. That the sayd T. D. did knowe that the Generall could not cast him off, ffrom being equale with him, ffor that he the sayd Thomas Dowtye was a Gentleman, and had bene his equale both at home and abrode in Iarland, and now at the sea, especially for that the sayd Douttye had bene the speciall help of our sayd Generall to performent. Wittnes-John Saracold, Gregory Cary, ffrancis ffletcher. 3. That our Generall did knowe and was wittness that my Lord High Treasurer of England sent for the sayd T. D. two or three times to be his Secretarye, and he reffused it to com to him. Wittnes-ffrancis ffletcher, Emanuel Wattkyns. Emanuel doth not remember that he sayd the Generall was wittnes.

4. That he and our Generall concluded in Iarland this viage to the valewe of 1,000 marcks one Thomas Dowtye's part. Witnes-John Chester, John Saracold, Gregory Cary, ffrancis ffletcher.

5. That the sayd Thomas Dowtye did promyse to Henry Spindelay, the gunner uppon the ffly-botte, that he wold when he came in England lend him 407., and such promises he made to dyvers others, and affirmed that he wold make one of them cut another's throte. Witnes-John Chester, Gregory Cary, ff. ffletcher, E. Wattkyns.

6. That when our Generall had opened the viage to some of the Privye Counsayle, wherein he sayd T. D. was the ffirst man that brought our Generall acquaynted, the promise was broken betwene them, that is, he wold not suffer the sayd Thos. Dowtye to venture so much. WittnesJohn Chester, Gregory Carey, John Saracold, Emanuell Wattkyns, ffrancis ffletcher.

7. That the sayd T. D. dyd know suche secretts of our Generall as he wold be loth and perhapps ashamed iff he should open them. Wittnes all the sayd persons.

8. That the Generall was ashamed that he had delt so with the sayd Thomas Dowtye. Wittnes all the sayd persons.

9. That the sayd T. D. was not to be charged with the least paringe of a nayle, and that the Captayne knewe it well but that he desembled to please a sort of cogginge and lyinge knaves which are about him. Wittnes all the sayd persons.

10. That whosoever dyd speke agaynst him heare, he wold in their mouthes when the sayd Thomas Dowghtye came to England. Wittnes all the sayd persons.

11. That the sayd T. D. had comendations from the Captayne by the Master, Mr. Gregorye.

That the Captayne was glad that he was in helth, and that the sayd T. D. should not be long there: but that our

sayd Generall would have him agayne into his Companye at the next harborough, where sayth the said T. D. tho' Mr. Gregory with all my enemyes ffeare least I should come to as great authorytie as I was in, and then I will plage them, which I will do, lett them loke ffor it. Witnes all the sayd persons.

12. That the sayd T. D. brought our Generall to the Quene's pay. Wittnes-ffrancis ffletcher.

13. That our sayd Generall ffled into Iarland, ffor that he durst not abyde in England, and that he did know it very well for his dealinges in Iarland. Wittnes-ffrancis ffletcher.

14. That our Generall sent for the sayd T. D. to com to him to Mr. Hawkyns his house to charge him with his promyse mad in Iarland of 1,000 marcks which he promised. Wittnes-ffrancis ffletcher.

Appended to these Articles, on a separate leaf, are twenty-nine names, different from those who have witnessed them, but no notice taken of what they are. Were they the jury, which Thomas Drake mentions as being forty, who adjudged him to be deserving of death?

Theis words ffollowinge Thomas Doughtye spake to me in Plymothe in a Captayne's garden: as also aboard the Pellican, and other places :

ffirst. Thomas Doughtye persuaded me of James Sydye what a necessarye man he was ffor the Viage which the sayd Thomas Doughtye and our Captayne had in hand, and that they could not mysse James Sydye,-Swearinge that this vyage had never gon fforwards but for the sayd Thomas Doughtye: and the sayd T. Doughtye sayd that he was the first, and prefferred our Captayne to the

Earle of Essex; and that the sayd T. D. did helpe our Captayne to the Quene's paye in Iarland: when our Captayne was glad to com into Iarland, ffor ffeare of my Lord Admirall and the rest of the Counsayle, because of his Indyes viages: and when the Earle of Essex was dede that then the sayd T. Doughty prefferred our Captayne to his master, Master Hatton, and that he the sayd T. D. and our Captayne confferred about this viage in Iarland to do it of themselves: so that T. D. should have ventured 1,000 pounds ffor his part. And that afterwards our Captayne cam to London, and sought him the sayd T. D. at the Temple, and challendged him ffor his promise as touchinge this viage. And then the sayd T. D. consideringe with himself that this viage was more meate ffor a Prynce then a subject, contenentlye went to Mr. Secretary Wallsingham and to Mr. Hatton, and lyke a true subject brake the matter to them, and they brake it to the Quene's Majestye, who had greate goode lykinge of it, and caused our Captayne to be sent ffor, and comanded this viage to goe fforward, and joyned the sayd T. D. and our Captayne together, and gave them as large a Commission as ever went out of England, and that the whole adventure had passed under the hand and seale of the sayd T. D., which was no small matter; and that the Quene and the Counsayle had layd a greate charge uppon him, both that he delte so well with them in Iarland, and discharged his dutye so honestlye in his service under the Earle of Essex; and that our Captayne was not to do anythinge without the assent of the sayd T. D. Swearinge with greate oths, that he the sayd T. D. was to do a great many men good, and that he the sayd T. D. wold make choise of twelve that should carye the bell awaye, swearinge that I shold be one, and that he the sayd T. D. wold make me the richest man of all my kyn, iff I wold be ruled by him, and that the sayd T. D. wold not give his adventure for 1,100 pounds.

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