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benevolence towards the seamen of the fleet, when distress and sickness had oppressed them after the defeat of the enemy-all of which will be exhibited in the following memoir of the life, character, and actions of Lord Charles Howard of Effingham, the Lord High Admiral, in a series of letters written by himself, and for the first time made public, from autographs in the State Paper Office and British Museum.

In the anxiety of ascertaining what the Spaniards were about, the Lord High Admiral and Drake proceeded towards the coast of Spain, which the Queen deemed to be of dangerous consequence to the coasts of the kingdom; but the Admiral satisfied her it was right, and Drake enclosed his opinion in justification of it.


To mayntayne my opinion that I have thought it meeter to goe for the coast of Spayne, or at least more neerer then wee are now, are these reasons followinge, writen aboarde her Majestie's good ship the Revenge, this forth of July, 1588.

The first that, hearinge of some parte of the Spanish fleete uppon our coasts, and that in severall fleetes, the one of 11 sayle, the other of six sayle, and the last of 18, all theise beinge seene the 20th and 21th of June, since which time, wee beinge uppon the coaste of ffraunce, could have noe intelligence of theire beinge theire, or passinge through our channell, neither hearinge uppon our owne coast of theire arrival in any place: And speakinge with a barke which

came lately out of Irelande, who can advertise nothinge of theire beinge in those partes, I am utterly of opinion that they are returned, consideringe what wynds they have had since that time: otherwise they could have beene here without our knowledge.

I say further, that if they bee returned our stayinge he re in this place shall but spende our victuall, whereby our whole action is in perill, noe service beinge done.

ffor the lengthninge of our victuall, by settinge a straighter order for our company, I finde them much discontented, if we stay heere; whereas if wee proceede, they all promise to live with as little portion as we shall appoint unto them. Our beinge uppon the coast of Spayne will yeeld us true intelligence of all their purposes.

The takinge of some of their army shall much daunte them, and put a greate feare amongst them.

My opinion is altogather that wee shall fight with them much better, cheaper, uppon their owne coast than heere, ffor that I thinke this one of the unmeetest places to stay for them.

To conclude, I verilye beleeve that if we undertake noe present service, but detract time some few dayes, wee shall hardly bee able to performe any matter of Importaunce. FRA: DRAKE.*

About the same time Drake, in writing to Lord Burleigh, says, "I assure your good Lordship, and protest it before God, that I find my Lord Admiral so well affected for all honourable services in this action, as it doth assure all his followers of good success, and hope of victorie." In another letter to the Lord Treasurer, he says, "the Spaniards were approaching; and that, though their strength outMS., State Paper Office.

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went report, yet the chearfulness and courage which the Lord Admiral expressed, gave all who had the honour to serve under him, assurance of victory."*

Passing by for the present what concerns the invincible Armada, and pursuing the career of Drake, in the year following (1589) we find him appointed by the Queen to the command of an expedition to Portugal, to place Don Antonio on the throne of that kingdom, usurped by Philip of Spain. It was a joint expedition of six ships of war, manned by 1500 seamen, of which Drake was admiral, and 70 or 80 sail of transports and others engaged to convey 11,000 soldiers, over whom Sir John Norris was general. Norris and Drake wrote from Plymouth very indignant letters to Lord Burleigh, complaining grievously of want of money and victuals. Drake tells the Lord High Treasurer that "he never wrote to him with so discontented a minde as he does now."

In the beginning of May they arrived in the Groyne, burnt and destroyed the shipping, and took possession of the lower town; but being obliged to spring a mine to get into the upper town, it failed, and a second being sprung, brought down the tower and slew from 250 to 300 of the assailants, officers and men. The Spaniards advanced to the skirts of the town and intrenched about 10,000 men, who were attacked by 7,000 English, who,

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according to Captain Fenner, slew from 1,200 to 1,300 Spaniards; three English captains and a number of their men were also killed.

The following letter states very briefly what they had accomplished at the Groyne :

1589, MAY 8TH.

I HAVE nether matter, or leasure, to write long. We saw Spayne the 23d of Aprell; we landed at Groyne the 24th: we toocke the lower towne of Groyne the 25th, with 4 great shipes, dyvers bar &c. and 150 peses of ordenance. The 6th day of May we gave the enemy a great overthrowgh, wherin were slayne nere a thowsand Spanyards. We have donne the Kyng of Spayne many pretty servyses here at this place, and yeat I beleve he will not thanck us. I desyre of God that the want of meat and powder be not repented; fyve thowsand pound in vittuall before our comyng out of Yngland, to that we had, and tow thowsand pound in powder, hapely would a yelded Her Majestie and contry mych qwyettnes. The King of Spayne slepeth not, nor wanteth no will to dow us hurt. God grant we may prevent hym; humbly takyng my leave I besech God to blesse us all, and geve us grace to live in his ffeare. From the groyne, this 8th May, 1587.

Your Honor's, faythfully,


It was the 19th of May before the expedition reached Peniche, where the troops were disembarked and marched for Lisbon, while Drake proceeded to Cascaes, at the mouth of the Tagus. It was undoubtedly a great mistake to lose time at * MS., State Paper Office.

the Groyne, and suffer the Spaniards to reinforce Lisbon; but a greater to march without having a single gun, or even a swivel to blow down the gates of the capital, which they were desirous of doing. They, therefore, were compelled to retreat after destroying the suburbs, and bringing away whatever was valuable and transportable; having a long march to perform through an enemy's country, down to Cascaes, where, immediately on their arrival, they were embarked for their return homewards. The fleet on their passage was dispersed in a storm. The loss of lives, mostly in the army, was very great; of 11,000 men, little more than 6,000 remained alive to reach England. Each soldier had five shillings to receive and his arms, which Hakluyt says was believed to be more than their due. Camden is of opinion that England, notwithstanding the disappointment, was a gainer by this expedition, as from that time she had no apprehensions of Spanish incursions, but rather grew more warm and animated against that country.


By the following letter it would appear that Drake, like many others, thought it to have been a mistake to land at the Groyne, instead of proceeding at once to Lisbon; the consequence of which was, that the powder and ammunition of the troops were expended at the Groyne and on the march before they got to the capital, and the delay * Hakluyt-Camden.

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