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Prodigal, discarded, history of, II. ccclxii
Protestants in France, fourteen murdered
by Trestalier, II. iii. Meeting at Edin
burgh for their relief, x

Pugilistic combat between Duke de Bel-
luno and Lieutenant Throughton, II.


Rajah of Nepaul, war with the British, I.

146. Treaty with the Governor-Gene-
ral of India, 149
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, his character as an
artist, II. ccccxlvi
Richelieu, Duc de, II. cclx. Went to
Russia and served under Suwarrow, ib.
Came to England and returned to Rus-
sia, ib. Appointed by Catherine gover
nor of Odessa, ib. Returns to his na-
tive country, and is created a peer of
France, ib. Appointed president of the
council of ministers, ib. Appointed a
member of the French Academy, cclxii
Riot in the metropolis, I. 77. At Notting
ham, 76. At the Isle of Ely, II. xli. At
Frome, lix. At Myrthyr, lxxxiv. Among
the Chinese sailors, xciv

Rochambeau, Count de, II. cccxl. Sets
out for Rhode Island with the squadron
of Chevalier de Ternay, ib. Small mis-
understanding between and General
Washington, cccxliv. Suggested a plan
to the state of Rhode Island, cccxlvi.
Answer of to an Indian chief, cccxlvii.
Proposes to march to Hudson and unite
with General Washington, cccl. Re-
ceives dispatches from France, ib. In
terview with, and General Washington,
cccli. Sends dispatches to the Count
de Grasse, cccliii. Embarked for Provi-
dence to await the recruits and money
from France, ib. Incident with, and
an American captain of militia, ccclx.
Addresses presented to by numerous.
towns and assemblies, ccclxi. Parting
of with General Washington, ib.
Rochefoucauld, Duc de la, II. cclxxii.

Took this title in 1814, his speeches in
1789, cclxxiii. Fled to America on the
10th of August, 1792, cclxxiv. Re-
turned in 1799, ib. Established a ca-
lico factory, cclxxv. His publications,
history of, ib

Roscoe and Co., meeting of their credi-
tors, II. xvi


Schoolmasters, by whom appointed, II.
ccxxvi. Examinations of, ib. Power of
the Presbytery over, ib. Inadequacy of
the emoluments, ccxxvii
Schools, parochial, II. ccxxiv. Burgh

schools, ccxxxiii. Schools, Sunday, ob-
jections against, ccxxxviii
Sculpture, progress of, in England till the
commencement of the 19th century, II.
ccccxlviii. The most eminent artists,
ccccxlix. Present state of, cccclix
Sheridan, Mr, funeral of, II. lxv
Sicily, ecclesiastical regulations in, II.

Scots, their character, II. ccxviii. Their
national music, ccxix. Their former
superstitions, ccxx

Sheridan, Mr, his death and character, I.


Shipwreck, Adamant, from Malta, I. iv.
Seahorse, II. xiv. Ister, xxviii. Brig
Philip, lx. Medusa French frigate, on
the coast of Africa, lxxviii
Slaves, Christian, in Algiers, delivered to
Allies, and 400 dollars paid into their
hands, I. 86

Smith, Sir Sidney, president of the Knights
Liberators of the White Slaves in Af-

rica, I. vi. Erected a monument to the
memory of Captain Wright, II. xxxiii
Spafields, public meeting at, II. xcix.
Meeting for the relief of the poor in,


Spanish America, narrative of the dissen-
sions in, 128. These dominions go-
verned by European deputies of the
worst character, 129. Instances of their
gross abuse, 130. Restrictions on their
trade, ib. Viceroy of Mexico seized by
a conspiracy and sent to Cadiz, 132.
Hostilities between Spain and the Trans-
atlantic provinces, 133. Plan of agree-
ment laid before the Cortes by the Ame
rican members rejected, 133. Marquis
del Toro defeated, 134. Dreadful earth-
quake in 1812 on Holy Thursday, 134.
Treachery of an officer, 135. Capitula-
tion between Miranda and Monteverde,
136. Miranda and others thrown into
dungeons, 136. Monteverde defeated
by Bolivar, 137. Agents employed by
Monteverde to raise the slaves against

their masters in the Venezuelan pro-
vinces, dreadful ravages committed by
them, 137. Spanish government land a
force, but disgusted with their chiefs,
deserted, began to act together in gue
rillas against the royalists, 138. Bolivar
joined by Gregor Macgregor, 139. Ob-
servations with regard to the future
success of the independants, 149
Spenser, Earl of, elegant silver vase, pre-
sented by his Lordship's tenants, II. v
States, Venetian, ecclesiastical report of,
II. cxix

Swiss and Scots extremely similar, II.



Tax, property, petitions against, lost by a
majority of 238 to 201, I. 29
Thames, river, navigation of, interrupted
by the masses of ice, II. xiii
Teachers, private, their character, II.

Ternay, Chevalier de, appointed to com-
mand the squadron destined for Ame-
rica, II. cccxl. Sets sail May 2, 1780,
cccxli. Descries a squadron of six ships
making towards the convoy, ib. Ob
serves eleven large ships, cccxlii. En-
ters the harbour of Rhode Island, ib.
Dies by sickness, cccl

Treaty with Great Britain and the Dey of
Algiers, II. clxxiv. Between Britain
and the Rajah of Nepaul, clxxix
Trial of Nicholas Greener for assaults
upon William Henderson, I. ix. Of
John Penny and others for the murder
of William Ingram, xxxi. Trials of Sir
Robert Wilson, Mr Bruce, Capt. Hut-
chinson, imprisonment for three months,
xxxv. Of Robert Smith and Charles
Furney, who are both executed, xciv
Troops, subsidized, number of, in the pay
of Great Britain, II. xvii

Tuscany, ecclesiastical regulations of, II.

Twirholm Kirk, in Dumfries-shire, melan-
choly occurrence at, II. xxxiii


Ullapool, distressing accident at, II. xiv


Universities, Scottish, their number, and
the plan of education pursued in each,
II. ccxlv


Vansittart, Mr, his exposition of the ac-
tual state of the revenue, I. 21. At-
tacked by Mr Tierney and defended by
Lord Castlereagh, 23. His statement of
the military and foreign expenditure, 30
Vaublanc, Comte de, when born,II. cclxiii.
Condemned to death, and that sentence
revoked, cclxiv. Proscribed in 1797,
and recalled, cclxv. Repaired to Ghent
in 1813, and was created minister of
the interior, cclxvi. Works which he
has published, ib.

Vitrolles, Baron de, II. cclxxxviii. His
birth, ib. Daring project of, ib. Inter-
view of with the Emperor of Russia,
cclxxxix. Arrested at Toulouse, but
liberated by the results of the battle of
Waterloo. ccxc


Wales, New South, difference between
the governor and the head of the judi-
cial department, II. vi
Washington, General, his character, II.


Waterloo, anniversary of the battle of, II.
liii. Number of strangers who have vi-
sited the field of, lviii. Liberality of the
fund for in the East Indies, Ixxxiv
Watson shot a Mr Platt, II. cii
Wedding, Royal, II. xxxiv
Wellington, Duke, plot to blow up the
hotel of, in Paris, II. lix
Wilkinson, Mrs, shocking history of, II.

West, Mr, his excellence as an historical
painter, II. ccccliv

Western, Mr, extract from speech of, on
the state of agriculture, II. xxii
Wilberforce, Mr, his speech concerning
the registry of slaves, answered by Mr
Palmer, I. 148

Wilkie, Mr, an eminent artist, II. cccclix
Wilson, Sir Robert, with two other gentle-
men, arrested, charged with having as-
sisted Lavalette in his escape, II. viii.


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