Distance between the premises of licensed persons and those of brewers No other trades allowed on the premises Premises to be surrounded by a wall or fence Regulation as to windows in distilleries Ladders, lights, and assistance to officer on duty Distillation interest in a licensed distillery, or in any premises or concerns used for rectifying or compounding spirits, such license so granted for sale of fermented or spirituous liquors by retail shall thereupon become and be absolutely void, and the party or parties continuing to sell spirituous liquors by retail after having become the owner or part owner of or after obtaining an interest or share in a licensed distillery, or in any premises or concerns used for the rectifying or compounding of spirits, may be prosecuted and convicted as a person selling fermented or spirituous liquors by retail without a license. 26. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons who shall have obtained such license as aforesaid or for any any other person whatsoever to practise, follow or use the trade or business of a brewer of ale, porter, beer, or maker of cordials, in the manufacture of which spirits are used, within the premises on which there is a still for the distillation of spirits, nor on any part thereof, nor on any other place or premises within five hundred yards of the said premises on which there is a still for the distillation of spirits, under a penalty of one hundred pounds: Provided that the Collector of Revenue may, if he think fit, grant permission in writing to any person as aforesaid to carry on the trade or business as aforesaid at a less distance from the premises on which there is a still for the distillation of spirits than five hundred yards upon satisfactory proof being given to him that the carrying on such trade or business at a less distance will not be conducive to any violation of the provisions of this or any Acts relating to the revenue. 27. No other business or work, except that of a distiller or that of coopering or repairing casks for the removal of spirits, shall be carried on within the premises of a distiller under a penalty of twenty pounds, except by the permission in writing of the Collector of Revenue, upon the certificate of the Chief Inspector of Distilleries or other officer acting on his behalf: Provided always that it shall be lawful for the distiller to employ workmen for the necessary repairs or alterations of his premises, and to have and keep a forge for the working of the iron required in such repairs or alterations. 28. No license to distil or to rectify and compound spirits shall be granted or renewed, unless it be certified by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries or other person authorised under this Act that the premises within which the business of distillation is to be carried on are properly and sufficiently fenced, walled or otherwise secured to his satisfaction. 29. Every licensed distiller shall cause windows or convenient apertures to be made in every licensed distillery for the admission of sufficient light into every part thereof, and no license shall be granted or renewed until it be certified by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries or other officer that sufficient light has been admitted into the building, and every such licensed distiller shall cause lamps or lights to the satisfaction of the officer on duty to be lighted and kept burning at all hours between sunset and sunrise during such times as the distillery shall be in operation, and any distiller who shall neglect to keep such lamps or lights burning as aforesaid shall be liable to a penalty of ten pounds. 30. Every_licensed distiller shall, on the demand of the Chief Inspector of Distilleries, provide strong, safe and sufficient ladders, Distillation which shall be so placed as to enable the officer on duty to ascend to and examine and descend into any vessel or utensil used in such distiller's premises, and if such ladders are not provided, or if any such ladder shall not be fixed or placed at or in any part of such vessel or utensil which such officer shall require, or if sufficient light be not furnished in addition to the lighting of the distillery herein before mentioned, and sufficient assistance shall not be supplied by such licensed distiller or his servants to such officer in performing every part of his duty, as well by day as by night, every such distiller in whose distillery any such neglect or offence shall take place shall be liable, for every such neglect or offence, to a penalty of one hundred pounds. 31. No rubbish shall be deposited upon the premises of any distillery, and all materials required for the distillery shall be deposited in a building appropriated for the reception of the same as hereinbefore provided, except coal and fuel, and all coal or fuel shall be so placed as not to obstruct the view of the premises, and all rubbish and any materials, including coal or fuel, which may in any way obstruct the view of the officers or conceal from view any part of the process going on in the distillery shall be removed by and at the expense of the distiller by order of any Inspector of Distilleries, and be placed beyond the premises of the distillery, and if any distiller shall neglect to conform to the provisions of this clause or fail forthwith to remove any such rubbish or materials, including coal or fuel as aforesaid, when required so to do by any Inspector of Distilleries, he shall be liable to a penalty of twenty pounds for every such offence. Inspector 32. Upon the premises of every distillery there shall be an office office for the fit and proper for the safe custody of the Government books, accounts and instruments, and convenient for the accommodation of the officer on duty, and upon obtaining his license the distiller shall deliver the key and give over possession of the said office to the Chief Inspector of Distilleries, and the said distiller shall thereby relinquish all right to the occupancy of the said office so long as he shall hold a license or there shall remain in the certified and registered store of the premises for which the license is granted any spirits upon which the duty has not been paid, and any distiller failing to comply with the provisions of this clause shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred pounds, and every distiller licensed as aforesaid for any distillery not being situated in a town or city or within one mile thereof shall provide (if required so to do by the Collector of Revenue or Chief Inspector of Distilleries) fit and proper lodgings or rooms for the residence of the officer or officers who may from time to time be placed in charge of such distillery at some convenient situation to be approved of by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries, and at reasonable cost not exceeding fifty pounds per annum: And if any person so licensed shall refuse or neglect to provide such lodgings as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Collector of Revenue to suspend, revoke or annul the license so granted under the provisions of this Act. certified 33. Before any such license for the distillation of spirits be granted Spirit store to be or renewed it shall be certified by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries or other person appointed under this Act that there is erected upon the premises for which a license is sought to be obtained a cellar or store room, in which spirits when distilled shall be deposited; that it Spirit cellar or registered Distillation is a solid building of stone or brick, ceiled in the inside with mortar made of lime and sand; that each and every window is secured with iron bars not less than one and a-half inch square or one and a-half inch in diameter, and the whole opening secured with strong, close wire netting securely fixed to the satisfaction of the person granting the certificate; that there is but one door or entrance to the said store; that the said door is of solid construction; that it is provided with the means of being secured by three locks, of which two shall be furnished and the keys thereof kept by an officer appointed under this Act, and one lock furnished and the key kept by the distiller; that the vats destined for the storing of spirits with such cellar or store room are elevated at least two feet from the ground; that they are so placed that the whole exterior surface and the bottom of each are open to inspection; and that the said cellar or store room is in every respect in good repair and sufficiently secure for the purposes of this Act. 34. A particular description of the certified cellar or store room for store room to be the reception of spirits when distilled shall be made and registered by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries in the form set forth in the sixth Schedule to this Act or in words to the like effect, and kept by him with the other records of his office, and all spirits found in any place on the premises, except in the said cellar or store room so registered, or in the vessels or utensils and in the manner hereinafter provided, shall be forfeited, and may be seized by any Inspector of Distilleries, and the distiller on proof of spirits being found in any other place or part of the premises shall be liable to a penalty of forty shillings for every gallon of spirits so found. Store for materials to be certified Store for materials to be registered 35. Before any such license for the distillation of spirits be granted or renewed (should it be deemed necessary by the Collector of Revenue) it shall be certified by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries or other person appointed under this Act, that there is erected upon the premises for which a license is sought to be obtained, a store or stores for the reception of sugar, treacle, molasses, malt, grain, or other material whatsoever, which may be intended to be used in the process of distillation, that such store or stores is or are properly and securely fixed to the satisfaction of the person granting the certificate, that there is but one door or entrance to such store, that the door is of solid construction, and that it is provided with the means of being secured by three locks, of which two shall be supplied and the keys kept by an officer appointed under this Act, and one lock furnished and the key kept by the distiller. 36. A particular description of the said certified store for the reception of sugar, treacle, molasses, malt, grain or other material which may be used in the process of distillation shall be made and registered by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries in the form set forth in the sixth Schedule to this Act annexed or in words to the like effect, and kept by him with the other records of his office, and all sugar, treacle, molasses, malt, grain, or other material capable of fermentation, or which may be used as aforesaid, found in any part of the premises except in the certified store so registered shall be forfeited, and may be seized by any Inspector of Distilleries, and the distiller on proof of any such material being found in any other part of the premises except in the manner Distillation hereinafter provided shall be liable to a penalty of forty shillings for every hundredweight of material so found. 37. The said certified and registered store for the reception of Regulation of material to be used in the process of distillation may be opened for the material store purpose of admitting such material between the hours of eight in the morning and four in the afternoon only, and all such material previously to such admission into the said store shall be weighed by the distiller or his servants in the presence and to the satisfaction of an Inspector of Distilleries who shall take an account thereof, and the said store shall be opened for the delivery of such material for the purpose of mashing between the hours only of six in the morning and three in the afternoon, and immediately after such delivery such material shall be weighed by the distiller or his servants, in the presence and to the satisfaction of an Inspector of Distilleries, who shall take an account thereof, and the material so weighed shall within one hour thereafter be conveyed into the underback or mash tun of the distillery, and any such distiller offending herein, or failing, or refusing to provide the necessary assistance for weighing such material shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty pounds. 38. No license to distil spirits except as hereinbefore provided shall be granted or renewed unless it be certified by the Chief Inspector of Distilleries, or other officer appointed by the Governor, that the several vessels hereinafter enumerated and described are erected on the premises for which a license is sought to be obtained, and that the provisions hereinafter expressed with regard to their arrangement have been complied with, and every person applying for such license shall erect and keep the several vessels hereinafter enumerated, and in the manner and for the purposes hereinafter to be described, that is to say -one vessel to be called a wash charger, one other vessel to be called a low wines receiver, one other vessel to be called a low wine charger, one other vessel to be called a feints charger, two other vessels to be called feints receivers, and one other vessel to be called a spirits receiver; provided always that it shall be lawful for a distiller to have one intermediate still charger in connexion with each charger. Provisions of Act with before license renewed to be complied 39. Every such wash charger as aforesaid shall be a close-covered Description of vessel the capacity or content of which shall not be less than that of wash charger; the largest fermenting wash back, and every such wash charger shall be connected with the wash still by one close metal pipe having a cock or cocks thereon, one end of which pipe shall be fixed into the bottom of such wash charger, and the other end thereof shall be fixed into such still, and to such wash charger there shall be one other close metal pipe having a cock thereon, one end of which pipe shall be fixed into the pipe or trough communicating with the fermenting wash backs, and the other end of such pipe shall be fixed into such wash charger, and such wash charger shall not have any communication with any other vessel or utensil whatever; and every such low wines receiver as aforesaid low wines reshall be a close-covered vessel with a pump or pipe fixed thereto for the conveyance of low wines from such receiver into the low wines and feints charger, and there shall be one close metal pipe externally visible for its whole length attached to and leading directly from the safe at the end of the worm of the wash still, and fixed to every such low wines receiver, so that all low wines running into such pipe from such ceiver; feints receiver; low wines and feints charger ; spirit receiver Distillation safe shall immediately be discharged therefrom into such low wines receiver, which receiver shall be of sufficient capacity as to contain the entire running and produce of low wines from the largest wash back and shall not have any communication with any vessel or utensil whatsoever except as aforesaid; and every such feints receiver as aforesaid shall be a close-covered vessel with a pump or pipe fixed therein for the conveyance of feints from such receiver into the low wines and feints charger, and there shall be one close metal pipe externally visible for the whole length attached to and leading directly from the safe at the end of the worm of the low wines or spirit still, and fixed into every such feints receiver, so that all feints running into such pipe from such safe shall immediately be discharged therefrom into such feints receiver, which receiver shall not have any communication with any vessel or utensil whatsoever except as aforesaid; and every such low wines and feints charger as aforesaid shall be a close-covered vessel connected with the low wines or spirit still by a close metal pipe having a cock or cocks thereon, one end of which pipe shall be fixed into the bottom of such charger, and the other end shall be fixed into such still, and each such charger shall have communication with the low wines and feints receivers respectively by means of close metal pipes, one end whereof respectively shall be fixed to each such charger, and the other end whereof shall be attached to the pump or pumps, pipe or pipes, to be fixed as aforesaid to the low wines receiver and feints receiver respectively, and such charger shall not have any communication with any other vessel or utensil whatsoever except as aforesaid; and every such spirit receiver as aforesaid shall be a close-covered vessel with a pump or pipe fixed thereto for the conveyance of spirits from such receiver into the spirit vats in the certified and registered store for the reception of spirits, and there shall be one close metal pipe externally visible for the whole length, attached to and leading directly from the safe at the end of the worm of the spirit still and fixed into such spirit receiver in such manner as that all spirits running therein from such safe shall run directly and be discharged therefrom into such spirit receiver without resting in the said pipe; and every intermediate still charger (if such vessel be used) shall be a close-covered vessel, and shall be so constructed as to have no hole or opening therein, nor any communication with any other vessel or utensil whatever except one fixed entrance pipe, with a cock thereon, leading from any such wash charger or low wines and feints charger, and one fixed discharge pipe, with a cock thereon, leading from such still charger to any such still; and that each and every such charger and receiver shall be erected and kept in a convenient and public situation in the still-house, or to the approbation of the Chief Inspector of Distilleries, and exposed to open view and easy of access and inspection on all parts thereof, and that each such charger and receiver respectively shall have a sufficient cover thereon, with a rectangular dipping hole cut in such cover not more nor less than an inch square, and in which dipping hole there shall be placed a dipping rod, to be provided by the distiller; and if any charger or receiver shall be made use of in any distillery which shall not be erected, kept, and constructed, in manner herein directed, or which shall have any hole therein except a trap-door in the cover thereof, properly secured by the officer, and a dipping hole as aforesaid; or if any pipe or cock as aforesaid shall be made use of which shall not be |