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Loan Acts

Time of coming into operation of


Governor to raise one hundred thou

sand pounds for public works

To be a charge on general revenue

Issue of debentures,

redeemable in

Sinking fund

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An Act for Raising the sum of One Hundred Thousand
Pounds by Loan for the Construction of certain
Public Works.
[Reserved 15th July, 1873.


[Royal Assent proclaimed, 15th January, 1874.

HEREAS it is expedient to raise on loan One Hundred Thousand Pounds, to be expended on the Public Works enumerated in the Schedule A to this Act annexed in the amounts mentioned respectively: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof :


1. This Act shall come into operation from and after the publication thereof in the Government Gazette.'

2. It shall be lawful for the Governor of Western Australia to raise for the construction of the works mentioned in Schedule A upon debentures to be issued on behalf of the Government of that Colony, any sum or sums of money not exceeding in the whole One Hundred Thousand Pounds, and the amount so borrowed shall be charged on the general assets and annual revenue of the Colony, and shall constitute a charge thereon to rank immediately after a charge imposed thereon by 'The Public Works Loan Act, 1872.'

3. The moneys so borrowed shall be raised by the issue of debentures for amounts not less than one hundred pounds, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, and such debentures shall be paid off at par at the expiration of twenty-eight years from the date of the issue by a sinking fund equal to two per centum on the amount of the debentures so issued.

4. To each debenture shall be attached coupons for the payment of interest half-yearly, and such interest shall be paid at the place and by the person hereinafter mentioned on presentation of the coupon Debentures to be showing such interest to be due.

signed by Governor and

Colonial Secretary

Principal and

in Western

Australia or at

places outside

limits of

5. All debentures shall be signed by the Governor and Colonial Secretary of the Colony.

6. The principal moneys secured by each and every debenture interest payable issued under this Act, and the interest accruing thereon, shall be payable at the Treasury in Western Australia, or at such place and by such person or persons outside the limits of Western Australia as the Western Austra- Governor of this Colony may name in that behalf by notice to be inserted in the 'Government Gazette,' as the holder of any such debenture may at any time that such principal or any such interest becomes due elect.

lia as Governor

may name at

option of holder of debenture

Loan Acts

propriate sum to

7. The Governor of Western Australia shall appropriate half-yearly Governor to apout of the general revenue of the Colony such sum as shall be sufficient to pay the said interest and sinking fund.

pay interest

8. All sums paid to the account of the sinking fund and all Sinking fund to interest or produce therefrom shall be invested in the names of be invested in trustees in the purchase of Imperial, Indian, or Colonial Government securities.

names of


9. The debentures with the coupons thereto respectively attached Form of shall be in the form set forth in Schedule B to this Act annexed.


10. This Act may be cited and referred to as 'The Public Works Short title Loan Act, 1873.'


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Authorised by an Act of the Legislature, entitled 'The Public Works Loan Act 1873,' by which the principal and interest are charged upon the general assets and annual revenue of the Colony.

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day of

Twenty-eight years from and after the

187, the

Government of Western Australia promise to pay the holder of this debenture
hundred pounds, value received. They further undertake to pay the
interest thereon half-yearly throughout the whole period at the rate of
pounds sterling per centum per annum. Both principal and interest are by 'The
Public Works Loan Act, 1873,' constituted a charge upon the public revenue and
assets of the Colony of Western Australia, ranking immediately after a primary
charge of thirty-five thousand pounds imposed thereon by The Public Works
Loan Act, 1872,' and are payable at the Treasury, Perth, in the Colony of Western
Australia, or at
as the holder of this debenture may at the time that
such principal or at any time that any such interest becomes due elect.

Colonial Secretary.

Construction of Railways

Short title





No. 21

An Act to authorise the Construction of a Railway from
Geraldton to Northampton out of moneys authorised
to be raised by 'The Public Works Loan Act, 1873.'
[Assented to 22nd November, 1873.


HEREAS it is expedient to construct and maintain a railway from Geraldton to Northampton: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Geraldton and Northampton Railway Act, 1878.'

2. It shall be lawful to construct and maintain a railway from Geraldton to Northampton, with all necessary, proper and usual works and conveniences in connection therewith, in the line and upon the lands described in the Schedule to this Act.

3. It shall be lawful for the Governor to enter into a contract with any person or persons for the construction of the said line of railway, and of all necessary and proper and usual works and conveniences in connection therewith, and for the providing of engines and rolling stock to be used upon the said railway; and to meet the cost of the said railway, the said works and conveniences, and the said engines and rolling stock, there shall and may be issued and applied from time to time such sum or sums of money as may be available for that purpose.

4. And be it further enacted that if after the making of any such contract any dispute or difference shall arise between the Governor and the contractor, which by such contract is to be left to arbitration, the same shall be settled in manner following, that is to say:-The Governor shall nominate and appoint one arbitrator and the contractor shall appoint another, and the two arbitrators shall then take such dispute or difference into their consideration, and deliver their award therein within three months after the first of them shall have been appointed, but the Governor and the said contractor may by consent in writing enlarge the term for making the award; and if the said two arbitrators cannot agree upon the award to be made, they shall at any time within the time limited for making the award appoint an umpire, and such umpire shall make his award within the time limited as aforesaid or any enlargement thereof as aforesaid, and the award of such arbitrators or of such umpire (as the case may be) shall be final and conclusive between the parties.



Construction of Railways



Commencing on Government land at a point about 60 links east of the Water Police Boathouse, and opposite the Police Station at Geraldton; thence running parallel to the main street and by a reverse curve following the centre of the said street generally up to opposite the Anglican Church; passing from there into Crown land between the Main Road and the beach line of Champion Bay, crossing the Northampton Road at the 2-mile peg; thence northerly, crossing the Chapman River about 9 chains east of the Chapman Road Bridge, crossing the boundary of Geraldton town site at the 4-mile peg, over Darby's Gully at 7 miles 34 chains to Drummond's Creek, at 9 miles 65 chains; at 10 miles 5 chains it crosses the N.E. angle of Location No. 4, a branch of the Buller River at 10 miles 45 chains, through the south-east corner of Location No. 412; following the east bank of the Buller River, at 13 miles 25.90 chains it crosses the east boundary S.E. angle of Location No. 332; at 13 miles 43 chains the south boundary of Location No. 322; at 13 miles 56 chains the south boundary of Location No. 323; and at 13 miles 74 chains opposite to the N.W. angle of Location No. 328, it crosses the Main Road to Oakajee Mine, at 16 miles 14.80 chains, and at 17 miles 20 chains leaves the Main Road 3 chains to the west; at 18 miles 1 chain touches the east boundary of Location No. 523, crossing Taylor's Gully at 19 miles 41 chains, leaving Sewell's Well 3 chains east of 21 miles 9 chains, and running to 2 chains east of the junction with the Main Road and Koobijawanna Road through a Government reserve to 23 miles 11 chains, which is 13 chains east of the junction of the Old Road and the road to Maguire's Mine. At 24 miles 50 chains it enters a Government reserve, leaving the northern boundary at 25 miles 50 chains; then in a northerly direction runs along the western boundary of Locations Nos. 52, 51, 50, and 49, 27 miles 50 chains being 2 chains from the north-west angle of Location No. 48, it crosses the boundary of Tillage Lease No. 6718, following the east bank of the Bowes River, crossing the same at 28 miles 77 chains, running to opposite the S.W. angle of Location 641, and through the north-west angle at 29 miles 41 chains; then through the north-west angle of Location No. 656, on to the north-west angle of Location No. 46, crossing from the eastern boundary to the north-western boundary of Location No. 647, touching the north-east angle of Location No. 250, and entering at 33 miles 58 chains the south-east angle of No. 48A Reserve, within the town site of Northampton, and having a width throughout of two chains.

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