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aforesaid under this act, nor to any fee or gratuity incident to the execution of his office, or for a accounts, either in his majesty's treasury, the office of the court or receipt of the exchequer.

5 & 6 WILL. 4, c. 20.

An Act to consolidate certain Offices in the Collect Stamps and Taxes, and to amend the Laws relati

WHEREAS under and by virtue of an act passed parliament, intituled "An Act to amend the Law and Assessed Taxes, and to consolidate the Boards the several duties, matters, and things theretofor management of the commissioners of stamps and for the affairs of taxes respectively were placed unde ment of one consolidated board of commissioners, sioners of Stamps and Taxes;' and whereas it is expe general of stamp duties in England should bec receiver-general of land and assessed taxes, and th offices should be consolidated into one office, a be regulated in the manner hereinafter mentic enacted by the king's most excellent majesty, by a consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and co

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p duties and all monies from time to nd tax, or payable for the sale and and duties of assessed taxes, and all all other duties and sums of money reafter, under the care or manageand taxes, and which shall be colat Britain, shall from time to time be ributors of stamps and receiving iners of the said duties and monies ers thereof to the said last mentioned ver-general of stamps and taxes, at er such rules and regulations as the xes shall from time to time direct or s, notes, or other orders or securities

ll from time to time be received by count of any of the duties, rates, and

for granting

in Great Britain, for t and ninety-eight," up office or employment rewards, fees, profits. pends, or yearly payn the said act passed i George the Third dir sand seven hundred collected, and paid a passed for that purpo tioned had been from and were then in forc eight hundred and th collected, and paid u March one thousand e July one thousand e have arisen whether t continued by the said reign, and might lawf fifth day of July one t it is expedient that s spective sums of mo petual: now we, you commons of the unite ment assembled, do enacted; and be it e with the advice and d

and ninety-eight," upon any person or persons in office or employment of profit, or any salaries, gra rewards, fees, profits, perquisites, advantages, pe pends, or yearly payments in the said act mentione the said act passed in the said thirty-eighth year George the Third directed, after the twenty-fifth da sand seven hundred and ninety-nine, to be ascer collected, and paid according to the directions of passed for that purpose, and which sums of money tioned had been from time to time continued by div and were then in force, until the twenty-fifth day of eight hundred and thirty-four, should be continue collected, and paid unto his majesty from the sa March one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four July one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five have arisen whether the said respective sums of n continued by the said act passed in the fourth year o reign, and might lawfully be assessed, collected, or fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and th it is expedient that such doubts should be remov spective sums of money and duties should be co petual: now we, your majesty's most dutiful a commons of the united kingdom of Great Britain ment assembled, do most humbly beseech your m enacted; and be it enacted by the king's most exc with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual a

n Act for continuing to His Majesty mal Estates, Offices, and Pensions in Duties on Sugar imported, for the t hundred and twenty-five," for the ing, paying, and accounting for the tend and be construed to extend to eby granted and continued, except is act, and that the several powers which relate or refer to any day or er the year commencing the twenty

hundred and twenty-five shall exlike days and times within or during from the twenty-fifth day of March -five, and from the same day in every the said recited act is directed with ht hundred and twenty-five, and as the said recited act contained were t act.

ther enacted, that no assessments commissioners, assessor or assessors respect of the several duties of one 1, payable to his majesty under the pensions, stipends, salaries, wages, whatsoever granted and continued le out of the public revenue of the in Great Britain by any officer or inuities, pensions, stipends, salaries,

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An Act for carry the Exchequer, Supplies; and the Reduction o Land Tax.

5. And wherea the land tax, wh under the provisio paid by the receiv England, and suc purpose, have bee tion of the contr sums of money fr of the provisions as aforesaid have capital stock, and the surplus there

4. And be it further enacted, that all the lected under the authority of this act shall be majesty's exchequer, and carried to and mac fund of Great Britain and Ireland.

7 WILL. IV. & 1 VICT

An Act for carrying to the Consolidated Fun the Exchequer, and usually applied as a P Supplies; and for cancelling Stock transferr the Reduction of the National Debt on Ac Land Tax.

5. And whereas the monies arising from the land tax, where the consideration for th under the provisions of the said recited acts, h paid by the receivers-general or other receive England, and such monies, or so much there purpose, have been applied in the purchase of tion of the contracts of sale and redemption sums of money from time to time advanced fo of the provisions of the said recited acts: And as aforesaid have proved more than sufficie capital stock, and for the replacing the monie the surplus thereof is now in the said Bank of I

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