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before, I defereving accounts, till we meet in etternitie. I must intreate you'l teache your girls the same patience, for really I can never express myself what I am. But in pitty, beleeve none lives that more loves you and yours, then your poore sister,


Keat trusts me with her duty, and with reason, for sure I am, none wod take more car it should not mischary; therfore receive it whol, intire, and sound, for so she gave it me, as lykewyse her love to all her brothers and sisters.

VOL. 11.


June 24, 77.


I received by sister Gray an aunswer to those complaints I whispered in your eare. Your kynd concern for myn in the neglect of frinds was balsom to my wound; and, indeed, I am too covetous, if I esteem not my self ritch inouf by your favours, though all other frinds forgott me quite; but to doe them iustis, I lately fynd it is not so. My necce Cottington has made me full amends, by a long, and dearly kynd letter. My nephew Aston 2 or 3, but of him I never was guilty of a ielous thought. All of Bellamore may doe what they will, for tis impossible to mistrust kyndnis ther.

Dear Brother, give my thancks the advantage of yr presenting them to worthy Mr Fitter, for his promiss concerning my dear Mrs Fowler, who will have but too much need of his assistance. I esteem her tryall by kyndnis

more dangerous to shake her resolution, then tortures would bee; too hot sunshine, dus you know more harme to young groing plants, than hard frosts; but I hope grace will overshadow her.

What doe you meane wher you seeme to thinck my confidence in you was shaken? Tis the darkest ridle I ever hard. I understand nothing of itt; and I hugg my ignorance, and shuld hate any such bould thought, as durst be so iniurious both to you and mee. Tis more then time to thanck you for all your civilities to Sr Gray, wch she tells me, wear both many and great, both att Bellamore and St Tomas, wher you pleasd to visit her. I can retourne nothing, because I cannot be more than I was Your affectionat sister,

W. T.

* St Thomas Priory, near Stafford, a venerable old mansion, was the seat of Walter Fowler, Esq., who married Constantia, youngest daughter of the first Lord Aston.

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These for Mrs Cottenton.*


PRESUMING I heer incloss a large love letter, each word a figure, to expresse how much itt is, I take the advantage to ad my sifer, as a compendius way to summ up my owne; for when you have read all a kynd mother can say, I wod be understoode a greater lover still of

* Eliza Thimelby, one of the daughters of Sir John Thimelby, brother to the Abbess, was married to a gentleman of the name of Cottington, probably the nephew and heir of Francis Lord Cottington, of Hanworth, in Middlesex, so created by Charles I. 1631. He was made Chancellor of the Exchequer, and then Lord Treasurer. In 1649, he was sent ambassador by Charles II. then in exile, with Sir Edward Hyde, into Spain, where he died without issue, at Valladolid, in 1653, and his title became extinct.-(BOLTON's Extinct Peerage, p. 73).—He was also with Lord Digby in Spain, in 1617.

you. These words seeme proud and high; but we ought not to blush in the confession of truth, and that will answer for me, none lives that more loves you, then

Dear neece,

Your affectionate ante,


Lett all the knott of our dear frinds receive my love. I wod fayne know how sweet Gat dus. If you wod please to comaund either my brother or hers to give me notis, I am sure thay wod obaye,

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